Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New signs of the same old thing

I believe it was the Architect Frank Lloyd Wright who once griped that Florida, being the lowest part of the United States, everything loose had slid down into it, but whether he did or didn't, there are many unsavory things down here in America's bilges. Not that we're all that unique. One can turn over rocks anywhere and find the same sort of things that turn up in the Sunshine state, but here they're more likely not to bother hiding.

So I'm leaving the local car parts store yesterday, coming up empty handed in my search for a transmission shift cable bushing and right next door in the seedy strip mall containing a barbecue joint where the ancient, blackened smoker sits in the parking lot and a pawn shop in front of which a weathered 1950's pickup truck has been moldering since I moved here 9 years ago.

These times are good for the pawn shops and I happen to be a fan of History Channel's Pawn Stars featuring a shop in Las Vegas operated by some funny characters and stuffed with real treasures, so I decided to have a peek. I'd been there before. It was about 6 months after President Obama took office and the two men seated inside in front of a large screen TV where Fox News was raging away were declaring that that damned Commie in the White house had had 6 months to fix the economy and had failed miserably. Little has changed, except for the worse. Same two men, same TV, same dark, gloomy, mildewed interior filled with the seedy detritus of sad lives and one hell of a lot of guns. Same suspicious glower. All that was new was a sign saying "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." underneath which was the name Barack Hussein Obama - "from his book Audacity of Hope."

There's been a rash of newspaper comments about such things appearing in stores all over town and of course, that quote is gross misinterpretation of what the book really said.* Other stores have offended customers with entirely fictitious quotes by the First Lady. The real quote of course showed his promise of support for American citizens if such things as the internment of Japanese-American citizens should happen again.

I have to admit that the sheer firepower displayed there made me decide to vote with my feet and not shoot my mouth off and I simply left. But of course, to the devotees of the Obamahate religion, such heresy as any bit of truth I might have offered would not have been well received or credited. What's the use? No newspaper editorials debunking this disgusting garbage are effective, since newspapers are "Liberal" as we all know. The religious symbols of Obamahate are becoming as widespread as those chrome fish and other religious declarations scrawled on Mom's dump truck. It's not new, it's just a new sign in the old pawn shop.

Of course they can't find enough real criticism, even though there is plenty. That would require more in terms of intelligence and education than they possess -- nor can they simply say what they really mean, thanks to what they call "political correctness" which to me, is a cynical name for common decency: decency, at least as it relates to the cult of nativist and racist bigotry, being a Liberal affectation rather than a virtue. So they make up stories about the president. Easier than discussing the likelihood that TARP 'spending' will prove to be a net gain or whether financing a war on the prospect that a disproved scheme will generate sufficient revenue. Call him a Kenyan tribesman, a somehow Communist Muslim fanatic. Call his wife a gorilla. Safer than using the N word and revealing what you really are.

*They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."


  1. Captain, I like your shorthand, "Obama Derangement Syndrome." I've been searching for a succinct way to sum up the condition and ODS is an apt descriptor.

    As you point out, there is no dissuading the afflicted of their beliefs. I think ODS is a chronic affliction; too bad it's not terminal.

  2. When one finds a character disorder, there is often a constellation of pathological behaviors lying under the rocks. In addition to Obama Derangement Syndrome, one can also add a tendency to devalue and bully, a callous disregard for others, a lack of conscience, and a tendency to lash out in anger if you fail to mirror their prejudices and demonstrate that you are one of their tribe. It is the politics of schoolyard bullies and street gangs.

  3. Ecce ancilla Satani.

    Calling him a weak leader or too willing to compromise isn't going to make much difference when they're calling him everything from Hitler's evil twin to Zaldor, lizard lord of Mongo. One can make any claim whatever and it won't be questioned. Neither sanity nor honesty ever enters into it because they just hate him so much that any trace of human decency or human cognitive ability has long fled in panic. As I said, we all know the word they're trying to hide behind the signs and posters.

    I read elsewhere this morning that someone is demanding a DNA sample to prove he's human.

    The sickest thing is that this is allowed to pass without comment by the people whose job it is to comment, lest they offend "conservatives."

    If these disgusting bastards are what America is, I hate America. Even if they are not, I hate America for not shouting them down.

  4. ODS, but the way, was appropriated from Ann, the snake Queen from space. Any suggestion that George wasn't the best thing since Jesus was called Bush Derangement Syndrome or BDS.

  5. Look at it this way, your opposition doesn't even know what their state flag looks like!

    Oh, and of course its somebody elses fault!


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