Monday, November 22, 2010

Glenn Beck, the mean spirit of America

I think I've come to some sort of decision this morning: this isn't a country for good men and good people don't embrace men who make millions by being ugly, lying hate mongers. This is a country where the real men, corporate men thrive on the destruction of other men, institutions and ideas and amongst the things they destroy are truth, justice and what I used to call the American Way.

Take Glenn Beck's assault on George Soros, veterans and -- oh hell, he grows rich assaulting damn near everything worthwhile including history itself. Listen to how he turns Veteran's day into an Orwellian hate session using his pantheon of bogeymen:

And in all this huge nation is there no one left to stand up to this evil other than Rachel Maddow? You, with your flags and patriotism - what about you?


  1. And I read somewhere just recently that the Rethugs have decided to go with him as their mascot for the 2012 election.

    Yep. Old "College Professor" (NOT!) Glennie will be at his blackboard ALL THE TIME 'splaining it to the Lucies of the world.

    And as it's obvious now that no one is going to "man (or woman) up" for this challenge . . .

    We've gotta move!


  2. "Done to death by slanderous tongues was the Country that here lies."*

    *Apologies to Shakespeare.

  3. The patriotic flag wavers are listening to Beck.

  4. I can't even listen to Beck, but I find Jon Stewart's dead-ringer impression of him fantastic -- he's got the hokey mannerisms, the writing up of all sorts of "theories" on a chalkboard and so forth, down to a tee. What's remarkable is that anyone could watch the original and not peg it as "entertainment" rather than in any way informative about politics or social affairs.

    Anyone remember Wally George and his early 1980's shock-tv program Hot Seat? (He was the lovely actress Rebecca De Mornay's father, by the way.) It was a California thing, and my vague memories of it remind me of a lot of "conservative" shock-jock stuff happening today. I got the sense that it was pretty much entertainment-oriented; WG was apparently a bone fide Reaganite, but I don't know how serious he was about those outrageous stunts they pulled on the show. Today's conservative commentators, I think, insistently blur the lines between serious and silly -- it's part of their stock in trade. "Eff 'em up and confuse 'em, they'll never know the difference," as I believe some wiseguy used to say.

  5. I'm with Rachel. My brother is a vet of both Iraq wars and to swallow Beck's venom would disrespectful to him and the brave men and women who served with and under him. I won't say what I really think of Beck because I try very hard not to cuss.

  6. A man that I met via eharmony recommended that I watch Glenn Beck on our third and last date. This was a few years back and I had no idea who Beck was. I watched and I was appalled. My disgust extended to the man who had recommended Beck as the voice of reason in a world gone mad. I realized that if I was going to continue the dating thing that I needed to ask two questions prior to agreeing to the first date: (1) Do you watch Glenn Beck? and (2) If the answer is yes, do you recognize that he is a trifling, no count, worthless, evil, SOB, and the spawn of Satan?

  7. It's strange, but the apparently nicest people watch Beck and are astonished when I find him wanting. And so much for e-Harmony's software!
    I object however to your kindness toward him Sheria and I think the Devil may be offended by your allegations of parenthood.

  8. The tragedy here is not Beck but that millions of people keep him in business. Beck is a symptom of what is wrong in America, the minions of our fellow morons is the disease. I can't bring myself to watch that shit.


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