Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2, 2010: Votez-Vous, Already!

Hope Nameless Cynic won't mind my posting this extra call in addition to his impassioned and well-written plea -- but the more, the merrier on such an occasion, right? So here goes:

Well, today's the day. I know all y'all on this site will be casting a ballot, and I'm equally certain everyone I know is going to do the same. But if there's any "damn liberal" out there desultorily reading this blog and planning to practice the fine art of not bothering -- you, that's right, you! Winston Smith in Apartment 22B! Buck up, comrade! Just think of what our boys are going through every day on the Malabar Front! -- if you even dream of not voting, you had better wake up and apologize. From what I've been able to gather, AMONG REGISTERED VOTERS, DEMOCRATS LEAD; AMONG LIKELY VOTERS, THEY DON'T.

Ay, there's the rub -- so move your mind and spirit in the direction of the damn-well-gonna voters. If you don't, may some mean English teacher from your grade-school days return in your dreams and compel you to write, "Speaker Boehner," "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell" and "B. Hussein Obama is a Kenyan Moozlum Socialist" on the nearest blackboard five hundred times or until you say Uncle, whichever comes first.

"Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner"
"Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner" "Speaker Boehner"

Now write! I mean it, dammit!

I thought Rachel Maddow's show Monday offered an excellent and mature analysis of the mid-term prospects. Rather than blaming the Dems for not doing enough, she chose to highlight the things they HAD done – plenty of it and pretty good stuff, at that. The list is one that any soon-to-be-outgoing congresspeople can be proud to have moved along. Yes, some of it has been only partial, or frustratingly incremental in its implementation. But that's the way these things often go -- people extend you almost unlimited credit for jabbering and posturing. When you actually do something, half -- or more than half -- of them get madder than a wet hornet and call you a commie pinko. RM reminded us that LBJ took quite a hit in Congressional Dem numbers enacting the Great Society (he gave himself six months to get it on the books, before everyone started to turn against him) and that that's just the nature of political capital -- you've got to use it sometime, and when you do, you're going to get into trouble. It would have been cowardice to hide under the Oval Office desk and do nothing, to plead the necessity of delay, etc.

Hey, if we don't do well today as a party, so be it – if you look at it from the Maddovian and properly historicized perspective, a partial loss may best be construed as something like "noblesse oblige." No good deed goes unpunished, but woe unto you if you hide your talents and your heads in the sand.

Again, please vote and encourage like-minded friends and colleagues to do the same -- don't make the "enthusiasm gap" an unfortunate reality for progressive causes in 2010. Do your part, and whatever happens, you will be able to say you did what you could.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to stroll down to my local church and vote, just as I've done for years. Somehow, they never seem to question the fact that a large extinct reptile is standing in line waiting to cast his ballot, so I'm hoping my luck will hold again this time around. Or maybe a horde of infuriated teabaggers will stomp on my tail, throw rocks at me and drive me from the polling station in fear for my socialist khaki hide…. We shall see.


  1. No problem at all. The more people yelling about this, more more likely somebody will listen...

    You know, I think that could be called the Teabagger Theory of Political Activism.

  2. Alright, Dino, you had me at "Speaker Boehner." ;)

  3. That "Speaker Boehner" refrain left me speechless and sick to my ... stomach. Anyone have a barf bag?

    I just returned from the polling place. It was thronged with sign carrying teabaggers ... hundreds of them. (Need another barf bag).

    Tonight, my local congresswoman (Suzanne Kosmas) is having a party (victory I hope) and I was invited to attend. Don't know if I will go yet.

    (I need another barf bag.)

  4. Here, Octo (passing an organic and fashionably festooned with fall ornaments barf bag). It is reusable, but after you're done with it, remember to recycle. (grin)

  5. Recycle? Or Reusable?

    In any case, it is time for my favorite bedtime story ... Lord of the Flies.

  6. I don't suppose you want to reuse it (too many times), Octo, despite its loveliness. So recycle when you're done.

    Bedtime story? It's a wee early, isn't it?

    BTW, the condo is beautiful. And the view -- wow!

  7. Elizabeth, I added a sunset view (photographed with my long telephoto lens from my balcony).

  8. "Speaker Boehner"...I couldn't even read it through, much less write it. And I thought scare day was over.

  9. Thanks all,

    Well, I cast my simple-minded-lizard ballot for Governor Moonbeam Redux(Jerry Brown), Barbara Boxer, and other stalwart Dems. And a Jurassic-sized NO on Proposition 23, which has been pegged by progressives as an attempt by Texas Big Oil to undo the Governator's global warming initiative. At my Republican-heavy location, things were rather sleepy. Nobody poked me with sharp sticks or threw rocks, so that's good. There were just a couple of old folks with canes pondering their ballots. Very different from 2008, as I recall -- I remember it being packed then with young people (many of them Latino/a) probably excited about voting for Barack. I don't know, maybe it was the hour since I voted mid-day this time.

  10. Dino, thank you for reminding me that losing a battle doesn't mean the war is over. This election is but a battle and we will live to fight another day.


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