Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just keep saying it. "Words have consequences"

Good freaking god, right wing! What the hell is the matter with you? Can't a guy take a break? I mean, don't you know that Fallout: New Vegas is out there? And it's not going to play itself! Can't you just chill the hell out for a while?'

But no. It's Glenn Beck, it's Sarah Palin, it's all the rest of you ignorant fucks. You go spewing your violent rhetoric when you don't think it means anything, and then try your damnedest to back away from it when your chickens come home to roost, don't you? Seems to me like the only person who would, you know, "retreat," instead of "reload"... well, hell, if you can't live up to the stupid philosophy you've been spouting for the last three or four years, then I guess you're kind of a pussy, aren't you?

I mean, come on!!

It's sad when you've got to let your congressbitches Durbin and Alexander make excuses for you because you're too scared to face the demon you raised.

And you know, it's even sadder when people have been pointing out that the crazies are coming out of the woodwork on this very issue, over this specific graphic, for almost a year, and you still can't figure out that maybe you're part of the problem.

OK, let's be real. Every time you meet up with some rightard screaming about how "liberals just want to blame this on Palin," there's a couple of things to remember.

If they say "well, lefties talk mean about Republicans, too," remind them that there's a big difference between "talk" and "shoot." (The saddest part, of course, is the right wing trying to justify Sarah Palin's rhetoric by digging deep into the farthest depths of the internet to find leftists making threats, too.)

On July 27, 2008, Jim Adkisson walked into a Unitarian church, killed two people and wounded two others, because he "wanted to kill... every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book,” but knew he couldn't get to them.

On April 4, 2009, Richard Poplawski shot and killed three police officers, because he was scared of "the Obama gun ban that's on the way." He was an avid watcher of Glenn Beck.

There are literally dozens of examples of increasing, escalating rightwing violence over that last three years. It's time for these frothing media types to get a clue, that maybe their spittle-flecked rants are only making things worse.

As usual, Keith Olbermann said it best. And if you haven't seen this yet, you need to.

And, you know what? If you just have to get your violence on, you could try Fallout, where you get to kill people virtually for a while, instead of out here in meatspace. Give it a shot (so to speak). Nobody gets hurt, except for a couple of pixels. Try it.


  1. Unfortunately I believe those to whom this address is so eloquently directed will instead hear: "... blah blah blah, repudiate, blah blah, repudiate..."

    The purveyors of these vitriolic broadcasts are already using this event to escalate, even more divisively, their message of hate. They will offer instead a solution that this tragedy would likely not have happened had more of us been walking around armed like cowboy vigilantes. Lock and Load, Citizens.

  2. Jeebus, the shooting claimed innocent lives, the shooter is in custody, but the fright-wing keeps shooting off their mouths (in a way I wish they would … literally shoot off their mouths … then leave us in peace).

    I agree. On the surface, defensive posturing from the fright-wing makes no sense. It is downright insulting, but there is logic to it … besides an obvious ploy to deflect criticism and turn defense into offense (so typical of their style).

    I’ve shared this in other forums so let me share it here. Here is my hypothesis: Lets assume for argument sake that Beck and Limbaugh get placement fees in the same way advertisers pay for advertising space. Suppose their clients are corporatists and plutocrats who pay them to spread their message and advance their interests. Suppose the goal of said sponsorship is to distract the public, obfuscate truth, demoralize the opposition, and act as spokespersons on behalf of their clients.

    I recall reading some time ago that Limbaugh had some kind of connection or relationship with the Walton family (of Walmart fame) and the Kochroach family.

    If you accept this hypothesis, then nasty, offensive statements by right wing pundits have a certain ... shall we say ... internal logic. If you think in terms of advertising, PR placements or 'Psy-Ops,' then you understand who Beck and Limbaugh work for and what you are up against.

  3. Octopus - I think your line of thinking is probably closest to the truth; it's all about money and who has it all. And the power plays - screw the cost to human life and liberty.


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