Of course those who wish to destabilize and polarize what's left of the informed electorate for reasons of partisan gain are happy to make an issue of it and for them it's indeed a game with few rules and only one strategy: attack, attack, attack. Prominent amongst that breed of snakes is of course, Fox News, who can depend on a base of religious chauvinists and racist bigots who know less about the certainties they profess than their enthusiasm might indicate.

Take the recently manufactured "scandal" about the inaccuracy of Obama's reading of Isaiah 40:31 at the National Prayer Breakfast this week. Fox Followers can't really be expected to know much about the archaeological history of Isaiah, the variations between extant scrolls or that chapters 40 - 66 seem to have been written about two centuries after Isaiah himself, but apparently they have so little regard for the knowledge of America's scholarship that they also don't expect us to remember that there are other and better translations than the King James version, some of which have incorporated what has been found at Qumran and most of all: that the original certainly isn't in English. President Obama was simply quoting the very popular New International Version. Some scandal.
One can hope that these fragments scraped from the bottom of the GOP slime barrel, indicate that the barrel is empty. Sad to say, it's very easy to make a fool of one's self in America, but it's still difficult to get Americans to notice it amidst the sound and fury.
Well of course the King James version of the bible is the only "true" version, because obviously, Jesus walked around speaking "Olde English", thou thinkist.
ReplyDeleteLike verily, man.
ReplyDeleteFAUX NOOZ didn't like the fact that Obama's National Breakfast Prayer speech, or whatever the hell it was, was considered a huge success, so they had to find something, anything to undermine it.
ReplyDeleteSo they resorted to their ignorance. Hey! It's worked for them in the past.
And their followers thrive on it.
I would thrive on their desperation, but as you say, it works for them.
ReplyDeleteTo shed more light on this controversy, I researched four variations of the Lord’s Prayer to compare textual variations (please note: missing letters look like pregnant pipefish):
ReplyDeleteOlde West Dialect Cephalopoda:
Fæder úre, _ú _e eart on heofonum,
Sí _ín nama gehálgod.
Tó becume _ín rice.
Gewurde _ín willa
On eor_an swá swá on heofonum.
Olde Octopodidae:
Fater unseer,
thu pist in himile,
uuihi namun dinan,
qhueme rihhi din,
uuerde uuillo din,
so in himile sosa in erdu.
Very Olde Low Saxon Spirulida:
Fadar ûsa firiho barno,
thu bist an them hôhon himila-rîkea
geuuîhid sî thîn namo uuordo gehuuilico
cuma thîn craftag rîki
uuer_a thîn uuilleo obar thesa uuerold alla
sô sama an er_o sô thar uppa ist
an them hôhon himilo rîkea.
Really Ole Ammonoidea Gothic (note missing pipefish):
Atta unsar, _u in himinam,
weihnai namo _ein,
qimai _iudinassus _eins,
wair_ai wilja _eins,
swe in himina jah ana air_ai.
Modern translation:
dad@hvn,ur spshl.we want wot u want&urth2b like hvn.giv us food&4giv r sins lyk we 4giv uvaz.don't test us!save us!bcos we kno ur boss, ur tuf&ur cool 4eva! ok?
Faux Nooze version:
ReplyDeleteLead a snot into temptation
I note that you've omitted the Doxology, or as they say in German the Dachsologie, which is the part added by St. Bernard the Badger in the 11th century.
ReplyDeleteProtestants might protest, but of course, that's what they do.
Vater unser, der Du bist
im Himmel,
Führe uns nicht
in Schmutz und Schimmel
Unser täglich Brot
Gieb uns heute
und deinen Kot
für andere Leute.
Forgive the attempt at Lutheran German
ReplyDeleteOur Father,which art in heaven
Lead us not to filth and corruption
Give us our daily bread today
and save your crap for other people.