Sunday, March 27, 2011

Earth Hour - another Sunday sermon

By Capt. Fogg

"The amount of power that's saved during that time is not really what it's about,"
I would imagine so, since it's quite an insignificant amount.
"What it is meant to be about is showing what can happen when people come together."
Is the explanation of the hour-long turning off of lights on monuments and many countries around the world given by Earth Hour co-founder and executive director Andy Ridley. In other words it's a feel-good gesture that lets people who prefer making gestures to making a difference, like the countless other "awareness raising" parties of all sorts.

Mass delusion, witch hunts, lynch mobs and riots, of course are other examples of what can happen when people come together. I think we need much more and much different solutions.

Might I suggest that working together toward a purpose is what we need and that such things require objectivity, education and a lot of money. Since most of the rapid increase in power consumption around the world is both the cause and effect of raising the standard of living of the suffering poor, it all sounds a bit smug for the haves of the world to be having a parade of Liberal virtue by perhaps not driving the Hummer for an hour or turning off some lights and partying in the dark. It's the kind of smugness that one sees in those swooning over some imaginary romantic and bucolic world where everyone farms with manure and mules and the bugs, crows and fungus don't eat two thirds of the crops. A world where people somehow find something "seasonal and local" and "organic" and not "processed" even in in the desert and tundra and the mountains instead of the often fatal malnutrition and disease our ancestors suffered until Clarence Birdseye, mechanical refrigeration and the steam locomotive saved us from goiters, pellagra, scurvy, hunger and a diet of boiled turnips every winter.

In the real world, billions would starve in short order without the technology that scares us so much, but maybe that wouldn't count because they'd be in Africa and places like that where we wouldn't have to smell it or catch Cholera and we'd have like soooo much fun raising awareness about it by having gala parties where the servants would pass around empty Hors d'Ĺ“uvre trays for an hour.

It's not that I'm against making some sacrifices or investing in public transportation or supplementing fossil fuel burning with wind and geothermal and hydroelectric power -- or even the newer, smaller, cheaper and safer nuclear plants now on the drawing boards -- quite the opposite. I'm all for heavy investment in research and development -- and paying for it with public revenue because private investment for such long range goals just doesn't happen on it's own. For an example, look at how much of today's digital world is the direct result of the tax and spend space program of the 50's and 60's.

No, what irks me is the neo-Luddite loathing for technology: the very technology we need to save us from Malthusian doom. It's usually the product of some scientific outcast publishing a alarmist book and convincing a lot of simpering young and uneducated celebrities that nature isn't a Hobbesean nightmare, that everything we improve our lives with from electric light to refrigeration to cell phones is going to bring that nature crashing down -- killing the bees with mysterious "cell phone rays" for instance and filling the world with unspecified "toxins" and radioactive vapours.

It's people like Bill Maher telling us our food is killing us even as we live longer and longer -- that we wouldn't have disease to cure if only we didn't eat corn products. It's celebrity scientists like Woody Harrelson telling us telling us not to cook our food. It's charlatans with their magnetic bracelets "tuned to natural frequencies" and pieces of magic duct tape that suck the "toxins" from our feet. It's the ancient and universal practice of blaming everything, every disease, disaster and disorder on witches, made new again.

This kind of "awareness" doesn't need raising, what needs raising is technology: understanding of it, awareness of it, investment in it -- the skill and will in developing and applying it. Please consider our hirsute relatives with thumbs on their feet and remember that it's the ability to produce and utilize energy that stands between us and squalor, privation and the nasty, brutish, disease filled, parasite ridden and short lives we used to share with the animals.


  1. I get so annoyed when I see these supposedly informational "theater". The people who have already purchased their Prias and replaced all their home lighting with CF bulbs will be the ones participating in the hour lights-out silliness.

    Meanwhile businesses will be running their furnaces/AC full blast with the doors open and the clueless will be driving cross town to save .03 a gallon on gas.

    Electric utilities just got a 13% rate increase approval in our neck of the woods, in the mean time.

  2. Very interesting post. I share your lack of enthusiasm for Earth hour and similar hollow exercises in "getting involved."

    Technology is keenly important in solving problems and meeting needs of life today. It will be increasingly important in the future. Let me put in a plug for a personal favorite: hydrogen fuel technology.

    If people really want to demonstrate for something that could make a quantum difference, they should do it urging the government to undertake a Manhatten Project-type program to make hydrogen fuel technology available and affordable for the mass market just as soon as possible. Therein lies a zero-pollution solution along with freedom from ever more costly imported oil. And with that, freedom from an endless succession of wars in the Mideast and elsewhere to protect our access to extractive, carbon-based resources.

  3. I've got nothing against hybrid cars, but a better solution is making this a country where it isn't necessary to use a car all day long. It used to be that way, we had electric street cars and interurban electric rail when I was a kid and we might have to give up on everyone living in suburbs and commuting as well.

    Hydrogen may well be the final solution - for vehicles at least, but there's a lot of work that needs to be done and at this point, the most likely source for that hydrogen is coal. Solar electricity can produce hydrogen easily though, and its byproduct is oxygen, which is nice if you like to breathe. It can solve the problem of these things not working at night by storing up energy in the form of hydrogen during the day.

    By why would private industry put money into something like that? They wouldn't when they have a license to print money and get paid by the government to do that, nor do they pay much taxes on it.

  4. R the S: “The people who have already purchased their Prias and replaced all their home lighting with CF bulbs will be the ones participating in the hour lights-out silliness.

    Welcome back. I hope your recuperation is going well. Just one minor bugaboo. Its not called a Prias or a Priapus but a Prius. When gas hits $5 per gallon, you awl gonna be jealous as hell, and our Captain will wish he had some canvas on top of that Blue Moon of his. Of course, my priapus, if you recall, is a very special edition.

  5. It's a lot like my teenage daughter who will rail at the rest of the family to darken the house for Earth Hour but for the other 364 days and 23 hours leaves every light burning throughout the house. Lots of optics out there, too few real solutions...

  6. "quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat."

    Which means God thinks you're crazy if you drive a Prius, right? Argue with Euripides if you don't believe me and if you rip up dees pants you pays for 'em, as the tailor said to the customer.

    My car gets about 30mpg, and I drive it about 5k/yr which means I won't live long enough to see any savings, but it does do 190 and saves on psychiatric bills. If really pressed hard, I have an old Triumph bike that gets about 80.

    The boat is good therapy as well, but one doesn't talk about costs when one owns a boat. If you have to ask and all that. . . .

  7. Captain: "The boat is good therapy as well, but ..."

    Just keep leaving behind those octo-motels. No buts ...

  8. I have a Boxster that gets good mileage and I put about 3k on it a year. But it goes like stink. No substitute for that kind of fun. But prefer fast sailboats... sorry!

  9. Sports car therapy. Cheaper than analysis and more effective.

    I love sailing, but I'm getting old and so is my crew. From where I am, it just takes too long to go anywhere under sail and on inland waters you wind up motoring anyway. About 95% of the boats around here are power for that reason. And of course the First Mate gets mighty seasick in sailboats.

    If we ever do move to the Caribbean, I'd consider a catamaran.

  10. Cats are wonderful. Fast and smooth and spacious. Bon voyage, Capt.


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