Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's time to grow up, America

Listen to this message. And remember one thing: the birther message that Donald Trump was able to ride was only possible because Barack Obama was black.

Would it have been possible for anyone, at any time, to make an ignorant claim like this, that Obama wasn't truly an American, if he had, in fact, been white? If his father had been Barry O'Bama, an Irishman, who'd gone back to the ancestral shores of Ulster, would anyone have been able to carry this ignorant, racist message as far as Donald Trump (and his media representative, Joseph Farah) were able to flog it?

Would anyone have cared if Obama was a white man?

(OK, I'll even add a caveat - "a white man with no Russian background"? Because, yes, they're that stupid...)

If Barack Obama wasn't different from "you and me" - if he wasn't "the other" - if he didn't seem "foreign"...

GOD DAMN IT!! If he wasn't black!

If Barry O'Bama was a white man raised in Chicago, would anybody have gone to the ignorant, racist extremes that the GOP has gone in the last 4 years?

Yes, if you ever worried about the birth certificate of the duly elected president of the United States, you are a useless, inbred racist fuck. You might as well pull out your bed-sheets with the eye holes cut out.

Welcome to the 21st Century.


  1. Well now that you mention it, I've had my suspicions along these lines. I try to avoid thinking about racism too often. It ruins my day, makes my head hurt. I don't like feeling angry. When racism really gets to me, I get mean. The one gift or curse, depending on how you look at it, that I have is a wicked tongue. I make white people who espouse idiotic, racist views in my presence cry. Generally women, but sometimes a Boehner like male, although mostly the males turn red and resort to profanities and I revel in having made them lose control. I don't do this often, once every few years. I'm not proud of myself and I always later regret that I tap danced on someone's head just because it made me momentarily feel better.

    Racism is a peculiar cancer; it doesn't just invade its host; it reaches out its tentacles and attaches itself to those of us who encounter it. I've been angry all day but I've masked it behind humor. I am angry that this man who was duly elected the president of the United States has been forced to dance to an ignorant tune composed by bigots and racists to prove that he is an American. Why he or any other black person should want to claim this country is sometimes beyond me. I remind myself that my ancestors worked this land and helped build this country but I still often feel like an alien in a strange land.

    Don't worry, I promise that I will get my equilibrium back and this will pass. Fortunately, I didn't see this video earlier in the day. He's a powerful speaker. Overall, it hasn't been a bad day. I've held myself in check. I didn't make anyone cry.

  2. Nameless,

    Well, yes. I've seen a few bumper stickers that say, "I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up!" That could be our motto, to judge from the birther nonsense.


    Yes indeed -- I was just thinking about this dimension of race in my comment beneath my own post. It occurs to me that those who criticize the prez for doing what he's just done might consider the following: isn't it best understood as an interesting variation on what MLK Jr. called non-violent direct action?

    In "Letter from Birmingham Jail," King writes:

    "Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored."

    Obama: You want my long-form birth doc? Okay, here it is. Your move: I've officially turned the other cheek for a good smacking. Yes, it's somewhat humiliating to roll out my document, but now your crazy racism can no longer be so easily ignored. Let's all see just how rabid and irrational you really are. What will you come up with next? What new lunacies will you concoct to maintain your view? Maybe even you will at some point be forced to admit that you don't like what you see in the mirror I've held up to your inanity.

    The high-profile birthers think this disclosure reflects well on them. No, it casts them as Bull Connor, the erring alazon to Obama's eiron. They'll get into the American Hall of Shame on the first damn ballot.

  3. This Birther bull is obviously tinged with racism, but my concern is this: If we focus solely on the bigotry, it will serve as a distraction so we won't notice the creeping fascism.

  4. Creeping fascism and racism: both sicken and dishearten me. I'm not as patient and gracious as Sheria, bless her. My emotional self wants to tear up clumps of sod and hurl it at every image of Trump and his malignant cheerleaders I can find.

    To see Mr. Obama have to produce papers to quell the insanity caused by the insane was just too much for me. I was shaking with anger.

    I was young when the Civil Rights movement began, but I was thrilled to see ignorance, hatred, and lawlessness vanquished by brave and noble Freedom Riders and the eloquence, brilliance and immense courage of Dr. King.

    Now to see this carnival of hate besmirch those who suffered and died for equal rights is unbearable.

    I understand we can never rid this world of vile people; they will always be with us. I just wish the voices of the just and righteous were louder and more overwhelming than theirs.

  5. Well said, Nameless (and esteemed commenters).

    Of course there is racism involved, no question about it.

    And Trump is a despicable human being for stoking it and reveling in it.

    On a positive side (if one can see it as such), he has revealed a level of depravity that may not have been obvious at first (not to me). Whatever shreds of kind sympathy I may have had toward the man disappeared now.

  6. My sentiments too, Shaw.

  7. My brother (as I may or may not have mentioned) is a Bible Thumping Jesus Loving dipshit. I love him, but he talks the talk, goes to church constantly and has no respect for any "others" (He is not a racist, but he certainly is suspect of those of a different faith!)

    It took him TWO hours in the summer of 2008 to convince himself that Barack Obama was an American born in Hawaii. And he has never doubted it since.

    I hope Trump gets the nod. Or Palin. And she picks Trump as her VP. Then we will all know whether or not it is time to pack up and get out of the country.

  8. This in response to God Control, but I cannot put it there, as comments are closed. First of all it was a great article. I am, by the way, an atheist. However, I want to point out that God was not responsible for all the things you mentioned. Men were. Evil people use God to justify evil; but good people use God to justify good. We all create God in our own image; in our image we create Him.

    We always tell those we want to think like us that God is on our side. Atheists like myself usually just claim to own truth and say truth is on my side: same phenomenon, different deity.

  9. Assuming my last comment survived, I also want to apologize, as I know you did not write God Control, but I responded on your post. I hate comment expirations!


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