Tuesday, April 19, 2011

“So Shall I Be Saved from Mine Enemies”: Barack Obama’s Diabolical Trap for the Republicans Exposed!

They don’t call him Bush’s Brain for nothing. Karl Rove is quoted in a recent HuffPo article  as saying on some FOX program the following about Donald Trump’s penchant for firing up the birtherites:
This is a mistake. It will marginalize him and he's falling into Barack Obama's trap. Barack Obama wants Republicans to fall into this trap because he knows it discredits us with the vast majority of the American people when they do.
I'm trying to stop laughing long enough to comment. Okay, I think I can do this now. I suppose we might credit Mr. Rove with the good sense to be meaning only that it boosts President Obama’s re-election chances when prospective GOP candidates talk like the arrantest chuckleheads. Got it. But what is this “trap” language? What’s the underlying notion here? That by being born in the US but having two furren-sounding names and non-pinkish skin and not posting an online streaming video of his own birth to the accompaniment of Hawaiian ukulele music, the president has been self-consciously setting a snare all his life for the GOP? Yes, I see it clearly now: that man is diabolically clever! You never know what he might be up to….

But really, this is a "trap" that has been set by the brazen bigotry of a certain element within the GOP. The baser angels of their nature are always plumbing for new lows, and it's nobody's fault but their own. And mark you now, by Jesu, anyone who panders to the worst of them while knowing the aloha kai omega of the matter is “an ass, and a fool, and a prating coxcomb,” as the fervent Captain Fluellen of Shakespeare’s Henry plays would warrant.


  1. "aloha kai omega"

    I have an Omega Seamaster, but Aloha to you too!

  2. How a humble sundew evolved into a fearsome flytrap:

    The rains came, and our humble sundew, starved on marsh muck, knew the end had come when, one day, the goddess Dionaea arose from Mount Anthill and declared: “Qu’ils mangent des mouches.”

    Thus, our humble sundew turned into a necrotizing flytrap and, in due course, landed a bit part in a movie on carnivorous plants and then a starring role on BuzzBuzzNBC. But the flies fled for their lives and sought protection of the Fox who turned them into pundits: The Beetle-Beck Fly, The Hannity Fly, the pupa-bearing Palin fly, and the parasitic Rove Borer.

    “Beware the trap. The Trap! The TRAP! Obummer!” They cried.

    Henceforth, our humble sundew turned fearless and fearsome flytrap became forever known as The Flies Demise.

  3. not posting an online streaming video of his own birth to the accompaniment of Hawaiian ukulele music I've been saying all along, even if they had video footage of Ms. Obama giving birth of little Barack on top of Kilauea, while it's erupting of course, next to a temporary lab with certified technicians to check both woman and child's DNA, to certify the match, to make sure no funny business such as a quick changing of babies occurred, and a plethora of certified, good ole US Geologists were on board to certify that the obsidian and basaltic lava flows and other rock debris coming out of Kilauea were only indigenous to Hawaii, and you were able to produce the birthers with that same video that same DNA, those same lab techs, the same camera crew, the same geologists to prove that indeed Obama was born in Hawaii, they would just make you explain DNA testing, Geology, Kilauea, eruptions, indigenous rock formations etc, and then call you a marxist, communist, fascist, terrorist for all of your crazy voodoo science...

  4. And like all fools, the Rovians blame the victims of their own stupid conspiracy theories.

    I wonder when Trump will give his report on the "investigators" that he sent to Hawaii to uncover the real circumstances of Mr. Obama's birth.

    I'm thinking of the famous Geraldo fiasco where he opened Al Capone's vault; and with cameras filming the momentous soundbite, found absolutely nothing to report.

  5. Actually Herr Aldo found and old whiskey bottle, proof positive that Capone was a liberal.

    I really and truly hate opening this same old can of worms, but we are a society traditionally based on unexamined credos and have an immensely powerful system of rejecting inconvenient evidence. They still demand "proof" of evolution, the age of the planet and Obama's citizenship and are willing to go to the mattresses if you ask them for the same, so why bother wasting time with hope or reason?

  6. Dino:

    "I'm trying to stop laughing long enough to comment."

    I wish I could still laugh at all. Honesty, sanity -- plain old situational awareness -- these are the traps of Rove; jaws agape to grab poor, immaculate souls from the sticky embrace of the Mother Party and drag them down to accursed reality where you can't keep blaming Liberals for your loserhood.

    Eat not of the fruit of sanity.

  7. It occurs to me that this 'trap' business is just another variant of a favorite Rove propaganda strategy: Projection. Definition: Turn the tables on your opponent by deflecting attention away from your own misdeeds by accusing your opponent of doing what you are doing. Projection creates the false impression at the subconscious level that your opponent is the guilty one, not you.

    So the GOP exploits this birther meme at every opportunity, and when the Democrats try to puncture the delusion as the product of lunatics, the Republicans counter attack by accusing the Dems of setting a trap.

    Hard for me to find humor in this (although I do try). In psych terms, projection is a defense mechanism used only by the most pathologically disturbed persons, and to see it used extensively (and subliminally) in politics is frankly chilling.


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