Thursday, May 5, 2011

Come to New Mexico, Eric Bolling

So, the "special" students at Fox Business think torture is funny? Monica Crowley and Eric Bolling seem to think that it's just fine.

So here's a challenge for you, Bolling. Come on down to Albuquerque. You'll sign a release, and I'll waterboard you. And before I'm done, you will admit that you like to be ass-raped by Palestinians wearing tutus. On camera.

I guarantee it, you unamerican goat-fucker.

If you're a puss, I'll even have a doctor from the ER standing by. Come on down, son; I'll show you a real good time.

In fact, there are a lot of people out there claiming that torturing prisoners is just fine: hell, we got bin Laden because of our "enhanced interrogation techniques"! All of these people have suspiciously tiny penises (except for Ann Coulter - that reamed-out drag queen is hung like a horse).

Let's be clear here. It didn't happen. Over at Firedoglake, blogger emptywheel lays out the timeline. And the Rude Pundit (who, in the same post, explains other reasons it didn't happen that way) puts it best.
No scenario exists here that would justify the calculated mistreatment of people who were mistaken for terrorists.

What exists is the pathetic willingness of so, so many in this nation to cast aside our morality and laws for the expedience (no matter how long it took) of vengeance. Frankly, if the only way to get to bin Laden was waterboarding, the Rude Pundit would have rather bin Laden had stayed free. Because the Rude Pundit is more goddamned patriotic than any of these fuckers who put their animal instincts over the truly ethical principles that are supposed to guide us.

And you know who would back him up? Benjamin Franklin, man. In a mucho-quoted sentence, Franklin said, "That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved; never, that I know of, controverted." Except, of course, the false patriots of the right.
Aside from being morally repugnant to everyone but the completely unsalvageable pervert and sociopath, torture doesn't work. The person being tortured will tell you whatever he thinks you want to hear, true or false, just to get it to stop. You don't get "actionable intelligence" from torture: you get whatever the person being tortured thinks you want to hear.

John McCain broke under torture, and taped a confession calling himself an "air pirate" and "black criminal."

And in 1998, Qin Yanhong, a Chinese villager, confessed to the rape and murder of a woman he'd never met. Because he was tortured.

If you happen to be a Christian, remember that Christ was supposed to have been tortured before being crucified. How do you think He would feel about it? I mean, I thought all the fundamentalists watched Passion of the Christ because it brought them closer to Jesus. Not to masturbate.


  1. Wow! I share your anger.

    The American flight crews captured by the Japanese after the Doolittle raid on Tokyo were tortured. Three were shot and one of the survivors went insane from the stress of repeated waterboarding.

    It was considered an atrocity and of course a violation of international accords and we hanged some of the perpetrators as war criminals. My how we've changed.

  2. Watching Fox is a form of torture.... Reading USA TODAY IS TORTURE....

    to advocate it.... is beyond bad taste.

  3. Justifiable anger, indeed. And I have a personal stake in this matter: My oldest daughter being career military and having been deployed to Iraq three times, she could have been easily victimized by our lax moral and legal standards.

    I remind myself who dredged up this moral outrage yet again: The former officials of the last administration who are still trying to justify themselves and their war crimes and spin their atrocities with the American public. When we need closure, the reactionary rabble stirs the political pot every time. Damn them!

  4. I am so glad I am not the only one who feels this way. Torture is NEVER the answer. Doing something like Abu Graib (why don't I learn how to spell that word?) is never acceptable and I don't care what THEY have done to US. WE are supposed to be better.. remember that so-called Christian nation that was created in 1776?

    Killing bin Laden should have been treated like the killing of a cockroach, stepped on & thrown out with the trash, but killed quickly and then move on.

    Thank you for the information, I will take a look at the time line!

  5. It's just the idiots' way of refusing to grant "O'Bummer" the least nanoparticle of credit for the elimination of bin Laden. If Obama stepped up to a podium and announced solemnly that he was now making available free of charge to all Americans a strawberry-cheescake-flavored elixir of invulnerability and immortality, the very same people would insist that Bush 43 deserved ALL the credit. And they'd complain about there being only one flavor, too. I happen to think Mr. Obama is a gracious enough man not to care a great deal what they say. Winning in 2012 will be satisfaction enough.

  6. Torture may have slowed hunt for bin Laden. If we can no longer indict Bush and Cheney for war crimes, can we at least try them or stupidity!


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