So, it's amazing the number of places I live in the country. 11 different states today alone. I got my list from here, of the first eleven people from the House of Representatives to step on their metaphorical (and Weiner's pictorial) dicks.Dear (insert Congresscritter here)
Their latest trick, by the way, is to demand your nine-digit zip code, but that's not hard to get around. Look up a map of their Congressional district on Google (I like these, but that's just me), find a business in whatever city is completely inside that district. That gives you an address and phone number, and if you don't already have the full Zip+4, look it up.

Would you please stop and think for a second, and ask yourself why the Republicans have managed to build up their power base for the last two decades? It's actually not hard to figure out: message discipline and solidarity. The Republicans work together.
Now, Anthony Weiner had his little scandal, and what did you do? You called on him to resign. Think about that for a second. What are you going to do if he's replaced by a Republican?
Please point out to me what laws Anthony Weiner broke. Or which women he had sex with? You can wave your hands around and say "Well, it was a distraction" all you want, but you know what? Now he's resigned. And it's still a distraction.
If he was going to resign in embarrassment, he would have done that anyway. If you needed to tell him how you felt, you could have closed the door and told him in private. Do you really think that standing in front of a microphone and telling the world how you felt did a damned thing? Really?
Anybody who might have been swayed by your declaration of "family values" (or whatever that was) wasn't going to vote for you anyway.
If you wanted to say nothing, you could have gone with something like this:
"This is a distraction. I have better things to talk about."If you wanted to say nothing and still get some airtime for it, you could have made a slightly stronger statement, maybe something with an edge to it.
"Weiner did something stupid. I think his voters should be allowed to decide how they feel about it."
"Weiner's penis doesn't reach into my district."Or maybe you could have made a point out of the whole situation.
"This is between him and his wife. Come back to me when Weiner commits a crime, OK?"
"I feel sorry for his wife, but I don't see what this has to do with the Republicans trying to destroy Social Security and Medicare."Or you could even have made an entire comedy act out of it.
"Have you asked Senator Vitter his opinion? You didn't? Well, when you do, follow it up by asking if he's embarrassed to say things like that."
"It's interesting that this comes up when the Congressman was trying to investigate the conflict of interest case of a Supreme Court justice. I also think it's interesting that you'd fall for this obvious distraction. Do you chase little toys on a string, too? Are you distracted by shiny objects?"
"Any chance we can get back to a subject that matters? No? OK, how about this? I'll worry about a sex scandal when the Republicans stop hiring hookers and paying off husbands."
"Are you still on Weiner's penis? Really? Why are you so interested in another man's crotch? Are you proud of the work you're doing? When you go home at the end of the day and your wife asks 'What did you do today, dear?' do you respond with 'Well, I was all over a congressman's johnson! I reached right in there, and I groped around, but I didn't really find anything new today. Nothing juicy, anyway.' What does your editor say about this fixation of yours? Is he a supporter? 'I want more penis! We need 24-hour coverage of Anthony Weiner's crotch! This is big! Really big! I want to work this story until it explodes!' Do you have any questions about something important, or can you not think of anything today except penises?"You know what this really would have taken on your part? A little courage. That's all. You could have stood up to the forces trying to tear apart our country, instead of turning around and attacking the people on your own side.
To put it more bluntly, Anthony Weiner showed the world that he has balls. What did you show?
Well, said. Cyber sex which is what Weiner committed is not illegal -- yet. As to balls, I believe the Yiddish (Hebrew?) word is 'chutzpah' and chutzpah is one of the reasons, I like him. He would spit in the eye of tiger in defense of the American people. And if he ever goes back to politics, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. I wonder what will happen when the goods on Boehner's affair come out. "No comment" is a 'yes'; "No!" means NO! Just my take.
ReplyDeleteYay for you. You just articulated my feelings about the whole bunch of hypocrites that blew this embarrassing Junior High episode into a major story. Shame Shame. And I don't mean shame on Anthony. I mean shame on the lamestream media and those Democrats (including the President) that didn't say what you did.
ReplyDeleteWow. This was a really good post. It just makes me want to take a gigantic shit and smear it all over main stream media and congress.... If I wasn't married, I would twitter proposition every single one of those repubs, change my name to Mary Rightbart, and take them all down, one-by-one. After all, it's just twitter, right? No one has to actually get laid.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Right up to the final bit. Weiner didn't have the balls NOT to resign. It was his legal and elected right to stay and represent his constituency... Even so, you're absolutely, entirely on the money!
ReplyDeleteAndrew Breitbart's lies and smears destroyed ACORN, an entirely innocent organization which existed to help poor people vote.
ReplyDeleteNow, Anthony Weiner's infantile behavior has legitimized Breitbart. How many more vital organizations like ACORN and heroic people like Shirley Sherrod is he going to be able to destroy because Weiner behaved like a scum, both before and after getting caught?
Acorn was a hundred times more important to Democrats than Weiner. That is the loss I regret, and this 45 year old infant can go to hell as far as I am concerned.
Edge - You missed my point. I didn't say Weiner shouldn't have stuck it out. I said that he showed the world he had balls.
ReplyDeleteOK, he showed some women, and only showed the world by proxy, but still...
Eagle - You're right. Because nobody can remember that a broken clock is still right twice a day.
My only complaint about any of these congress people caught with their pants down or playing footsie or whatever sophmoric sexual escapade they engage in is that if they are going to serve the people they should be getting about the people's business. This country is in a world of shit and they get big pensions and gym memberships and lots of parties and nothing of substance gets done.
ReplyDeleteI don't really care what they do in private but can't they spend just a little time doing serious work for the people footing the bill for all their perks?
Of course this kind of stuff happens on both sides of the aisle so isn't it about time for term limits and outlawing lobbists and stuff like that? Maybe they could manage to act like adults for four years if they knew four years was all they were ever going to get. And let them work for their own damned pensions!
He showed the world he had balls, as in an actual pair in his shorts? Well, gee, good for him. I'd assumed he had a pair...
ReplyDeleteAnd that's the thing. You assumed. Without evidence.
Nameless Cynic,
ReplyDeleteThanks SO MUCH for the WONDERFUL compliment. Right twice a day is a real milestone for me.
ReplyDeleteSorry. I can see where you read it that way. Apparently, I need to remain verbose - "succinct" isn't working for me.
Permit me to expand on that last line.
You're right about Breitbart. This last mess with Weiner will legitimize him in the minds of Fox viewers. Because nobody can remember that a broken clock is still right twice a day.
Nameless, love your summation of the Weiner debacle. The man did nothing illegal and the only person with a vested interest in what type of behavior he engages in for his own amusement is his wife. The Republicans seem to to be skilled at deflecting attention from real issues with the full cooperation of the Democrats who are way too concerned with image instead of dealing with substantive matters.
ReplyDeleteWell, Nameless, I'm done assuming. Show us the evidence...
ReplyDeleteEvidence? Well, assuming Breitbart isn't lying about this too, sure. (Pretty much NSFW)