Sunday, July 31, 2011

Best Thing All Day: Something For America To Be Proud Of

While doing my usual blog crawl this morning, visiting my kind, smart, sassy, funny, irreverent and much loved blogging buddies, I came across this from my friend across the pond at Friko's World. Let me simply tell you I cried with gratitude.

If you're longing for a reason to be proud of America today, to feel good about our country, read this. Just do it. Thank her back.

Click on the Care Package 
Friko, dear, you could not have done a kinder or more helpful thing for us today.


  1. Let me be the first to click the "like" button.

  2. Unfortunately, the extremist Randian Teabaggers would not have approved of CARE packages. Their vision of America is Hobbesian.

  3. Thank you Nance for sharing this and thanks to Friko for her beautiful words.


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