Monday, August 22, 2011

Tea and Reason

Rick Santorum: the whole line-up of Tea Party candidates -- can't stand to listen to them, not allowed to drown them in a cesspit. What's a patriot to do?

We have all the 'important' Teabagger candidates now segueing smoothly from condemning the president for action to laughing at his inaction after he acted contrary to their threats and demands and tantrums. Santorum, in case you haven't heard, was quick on the draw in assuring us that President Obama was an "indecisive" man who can't take any credit for the fall of the Libyan despot, Moamar Gaddafi and his sons. Obviously, an Obama success; a mission actually accomplished, must not be allowed to interfere with the program of sabotaging our country, its economy, its prestige and anything good we ever pretended to stand for.

Of course, people who admire vermin like Santorum; Tea people who call their jive talking, hate stinking, subversive jihad a political party, aren't biologically capable of asking themselves why Obama was to be impeached just a short time ago for being too decisive by assisting NATO in helping Libyan rebels to overthrow the government -- but by having done so is "indecisive." Like other satanic saviors who come to mind, the lie's the thing. Keep saying it, shouting it repeating it, blogging it, blasting it from the Foxhole relentlessly around the clock and it becomes true. The steadfast become indecisive, the brave cowardly, and anyone who isn't an outright thief becomes a Communist.

One doesn't need to walk on water to be seen as a savior to these atavistic genetic accidents desperate for self esteem. One needs only to be a bigot, a fool a scoundrel and a bastard. (No offense intended to people whose parents never married.) Frankly any person who tolerates and supports such anti-American Tea Party idiocy is doing more than trying to make the president fail so they can put a moron and a crook in his place, they're assuring, promoting and cheering the failure of our country. Remember, the only difference between reason and treason is a T.


  1. In literary fiction classes they teach the first line and the last line are all-important. Your blog is on my website, which I use as a dashboard to tell me what's going on. This feature is why, though I created both a blogger site and a word press site, I kept my word press site. Word press lets you link to sites, but it doesn't allow you to show links with snippets in order of posting descending, which is what I needed.

    This is what I saw: "Rick Santorum: the whole line-up of Tea Party candidates -- can't stand to listen to them, not allowed to drown them in a cesspit. What's a patriot to do?"

    You cannot see that and then not read the article. And then the closing passes the test also.

  2. "...the only difference between reason and treason is a T."

    Righteous! The basterds are falling all over themselves trying to find a way of turning Mr. Obama's win into a Bushie failure. It is the reverse of what they did during the Reign of Error, Jan. 2001-Jan. 2009, when every bumbling incompetence was hailed as brilliant "strategery."

    With each accomplishment by Mr. Obama that sends them into apoplectic, nail-spitting rage, I lean back in my chair, put up my feet, and enjoy a quite delicious glass of supple and graceful, glowing with pear, lime, cream and clove, Chardonnay. Snort. Snort.

  3. See, the first sentence and the last. This would make more sense if my last comment had survived. I don't see it. Now I sound like a nut.

  4. A hat tip to Shaw for this photo and this caption:

    "Grateful Libyans hold sign thanking the "Fantastic 4," U.S. President Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and U.S. Ambassador the U.N. Susan Rice"

    Those Tea Party Republicans have the maturity of a schoolyard bully and should be treated accordingly. Just smack 'em silly.

    Your last comment drifted ashore later this evening but had to be rescued from a trio of rampaging plovers (see masthead photo).

  5. Capt. Fogg,

    Well said. I would only add that it isn't limited to the 'Baggery -- so-called mainstream GOP types are doing their damnedest to play this Libya development down lest it sound like Obama did something right. The whole insanely hypocritical bunch of them apparently wake up every morning 110% prepared to dishonor themselves until they drool and defecate in their pants just to keep Obama from getting a sliver of credit for anything. If a Republican president had been connected with the overthrow of Ghaddafi, these same shameless slobs would be jumping up and down with glee and congratulating the Great Leader on "his" victory, most likely without even mentioning the Libyan fighters who did almost all of the fighting and all of the dying. What pathetic oafs! Or is that "oaves"? I forget.

  6. The Tea Party's minions and their leaders and their Faux News devotion their grate on the one nerve I have left. If anything brings this country down, it will be their ignorant rhetoric and the vicious lies they perpetrate in the name of patriotism which none of them can spell.

  7. Kay,

    I think the goal is just that: to bring the country down so they can arise like a vulture posing as a phoenix, from the ashes.

    Yelling that Obama should have been more involved and sooner, as addle-brain McCain is doing, is as disgusting and dishonest as anything that's come out of that damned party in a long time, but the thought of the millions watching this hyperbolic hypocrisy, glued to their screens, nodding together like Viziers in some Arabian night is enough to make me long for the wrath of God.

  8. John,

    Thanks. Reminds me of a parody I read many years ago. The first and last two words of Moby Dick with the rest of the text omitted read: Call me ----- another orphan.

  9. Sadly, I think you are right and since I first saw these nasty excuses for humans, it's almost become a almost a mission for me to do what I can to bring to expose these alleged humanoids. I come from a family of working people who fought in the Revolution for our freedom and settled the great state of Ohio. If I don't take a stand I will betray their legacy. I just called this morning to see what I can do to help kill the voter suppression bill on the November ballot here in Ohio.

  10. "to see what I can do to help kill the voter suppression bill"

    Wanna borrow my AK? Seriously, I'm afraid to take a stand because I may not be able to step down from it and may just do something stupid.

  11. Don't even tempt me like that!!! I am angry enough to do something stupid. Instead, I discovered, via a blogging friend, a group called Raging Grannies (and featured them on my blog) who appear to be channeling their rage well. We don't have a "gaggle" in Ohio and I think we need one so I've written to the founders to see if anyone here is working on it. I'd just love to get a bunch of like-minded old ladies from my district to serenade our governor and our Tea Party Congress Critter. What a hoot!!!!

  12. "I'd just love to get a bunch of like-minded old ladies from my district to serenade our governor and our Tea Party Congress Critter."

    Serenade - I like that - particularly late at night and all night with bullhorns and sirens and heavy metal thunder.

    Unfortunately most Teaheads are up all night anyway. They sleep hanging upside down all day.

  13. Trust me, when I sing it's hardly a serenade -- more like chalk on a blackboard! Love the bat analogy.

    On my dad's side some were GOP but they were reasonable decent God-fearing people in the old-fashioned sense. My great-aunt Martha was a Republican committee woman for years and an absolute sweetheart. I think she and Uncle Bill are rolling in their graves at what their party has become. On my mom's side, my grandparents were immigrants from Germany who settled in Wisconsin. They loved Roosevelt and became really comfortable as a result of his programs.

    What I learned coming from a such a diverse family background is that civil discourse is essential. I wish that today's GOP understood that but things like 'reason' and 'civility' have left the building at their behest and I'd like them to make an effort to restore them. If they don't, Obama has to stop trying to play nice with the other children -- they are selfish spoiled brats who always want their way. He came up in Chicago politics and you can't tell me he doesn't know how to kick some butt. I think he needs to show them that he can and will use his office to do what's right for this country. We elected him POTUS -- not GOP whipping boy.

  14. "civil discourse is essential. "

    But that requires far more than the "base" has -- and that is knowledge and intelligence. The appeal is to the basest motivations: self-pity, xenophobia, racism and intolerance. Civil discourse is the enemy. They don't want an informed electorate because an informed electorate wouldn't vote for them. They need people to scream about taxes going up when they're not, about confiscatory gun policies when it's moving the other way - they need to maintain a false reality. No sanity or smarts allowed in the club.

    The whipping boy analogy is sadly true. It upsets more people than we realize simply because he's showed that he doesn't 'know his place as a black man.'

    That's why Beck tries to portray him as a racist and still insists he's trying to start a race war, because Obama is a mirror for racists. The whip is the traditional treatment for blacks who act 'sassy' or 'uppity' and won't step off the sidewalk for white folks to pass like they did in the good old days. Today it's more rhetorical than leather, but that's what it is.

  15. I hear you and agree with you totally.

    If anyone is a racist, it's Beck. I get a kick when he dresses up as Thomas Paine. It shows how ignorant he is. Anyone who has studied the Founding Fathers and read "The Age of Reason" knows that Paine was an rabid atheist -- and that's not a bad thing. Certainly it's no worse than being an intolerant Christian which is contrary to Christ's teaching.


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