But how can you dispute this somewhat idiotic idea?
Answer: You can't. You're wasting your time. The people who find this kind of argument convincing aren't swayed by logic. But personally, I enjoy it, so let's press on.
Well, then, what is the danger, exactly? What is the inevitable result of all this brightly-colored gayness? The usual list includes two or more of the usual suspects.
1. obscenityAnd really, that last one, which occasionally stands by itself, is the easiest to rebut.
2. fornication
3. adultery
4. adult incest
5. bestiality
6. pedophilia (with or without added incestuousness)
7. bigamy
8. the complete destruction of marriage as we know it
Just ask "how?" How will marriage becoming more available, to more people, destroy the entire concept of marriage? You'd be amazed how many people can't actually answer that.

Obscenity: You don't see this one too often. "Freedom of speech" and all that. So fuck it. Let's move on.
Fornication and Adultery: Now, this is a slightly tricky area, and a vaguely sexist one, at that. Fornication is mentioned less frequently these days, but you might run across it. Sex, when not between two people married to each other, is "fornication" if the both partners are single. It's "adultery" if either partner is married.
(Really, it all goes back to the fact that, until fairly recently, women were property. The legal definition just tells you which property crime has occurred.)
But really, both of these are idiotic examples. Fornication isn't a crime, but the results of it can be. Spreading an incurable disease or not taking financial responsibility for the potential pregnancy? That's where the blame should be pointed.
And adultery is a civil matter. In most states, it can be cause for a divorce, but that's between the husband and wife.
So the right answer to this one is simply "You're saying that adultery doesn't go on now? And hasn't gone on since time immemorial? Are you going to claim that more men will fool around on their wives because some other men are in a committed, legally-binding relationship? Why?"
(Notice the pattern here? "How?" and "why?" are the two easiest crowbars to dismantle the argument.)

These two examples are stunningly simple to rebut. Just point out the all-important word "consensual." Children and dogs can't consent to anything. If they don't immediately concede the point, go on the attack: "So, by your logic, because heterosexuality is legal, so is rape?"
Incest and Polygamy: Now, these are the only remotely tricky ground that's out there. Because it's true: once you widen the definition of marriage, you have to explain why you don't throw it open to practitioners of either of these activities.

Incidentally, the most common polygamous "marriage" in America these days is the creepy cult-like one, with the ugly overtones of misogyny and rape. Those are bad. Of course, it's equally bad when dealing with an overbearing, controlling husband and his wife, too. So, really, that's another, longer discussion that I don't feel the need to open up.
As for incest, well, look into the health problems of purebred dogs: they're just a mobile mass of medical maladies, from hip dysplasia in German Shepherds and Labradors, to epilepsy in beagles, dachshunds and Dalmatians. It's the inevitable result of reinforcing genetic problems by breeding from too small a gene pool.
After all, as we've already shown, these people are making an openly false comparison, and really, there are only two types of people who’d use it:
1. People with limited critical faculties, who never actually think about the talking points they repeat.
2. People who know exactly the size of the lie they’re spewing, and don’t care.
In either case, when you’re faced with this level of lemon-scented bullshit, why should you feel constrained to stick with simple logic, when you can easily turn their own rhetorical style back on them? So, instead of getting completely sidetracked from the issue of gay marriage, I recommend, as I often do, the attack.
Just ask a simple question: Why do you oppose polygamy and incest? After all, the Bible is in favor of both of them.
First of all, Jesus didn't say that "Marriage is between one man and one woman." What he said was "at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female... For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." (Matthew 19:4-6)
So, first, he wasn't defining marriage, he was justifying not getting divorced. And it's really rude to take your Lord and Savior out of context like that. Especially since you don't then go on one more verse to where He explains, "you shouldn't get divorced, you shouldn't get married,l and you shouldn't have sex at all." (Matthew 19:8-12)
It was the Apostle Paul who later added, "Well, if you can't keep your pants on, you should marry somebody." (1 Corinthians 7:8-9) And he never even met Jesus, so why are you taking his word?
The Bible can't even figure out what incest is. The definition comes from three different places in the Old Testament: Leviticus 18, Leviticus 20, and scattered around Deuteronomy. They're all very specifically written for men (remember, women are property), and the three sources don't even agree.
Best example: nowhere in the Bible does it say you can't have sex with your daughter. Both chapters of Leviticus tell you that your stepdaughter and your daughter-in-law are off-limits, but it's apparently open season on your own girlspawn.

This biblical confusion about incest is emphasized with the fact that Lot, the only good man in Sodom or Gommorah, had drunken sex with both his daughters and conceived two sons: his son through his older daughter founded the Kingdom of Moab, and the one through his baby girl founded the Kingdom of Ammon. (Genesis 19:30-38)
More than that, though, Abraham, the holiest man in the Bible, is considered the father of all Christendom (and all the Jews, and Mohammed); he married his half-sister on his father's side. (Genesis 20:12) His son Isaac married his cousin Rebekah (Genesis 24:15). And both of the sons of Isaac married their cousins (Genesis 28:9, Genesis 29)
I'm not entirely clear what this says about the "Children of Abraham."
And most people already know that the Bible is full of examples of polygamy. Many, if not most, of the major prophets of God had two or more wives - Abraham and Jacob (obviously), Gideon (the guy who put all the Bibles in the hotel rooms), King David and the wisest of all men, King Solomon, are all fine examples.
And if anybody tries to claim that the Old Testament doesn't matter any more, thanks to Jesus? Well, you've just hit the jackpot.
First of all, Jesus said, over and over, that the Old Testament was still important, still valid, and, indeed, "all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:16; also see Matthew 5:18-19, Luke 16:17, and Matthew 5:17, among many other places)
On top of which, and possibly more important, if the words of the Old Testament don't matter, then why is it they're opposed to homosexuals again?
Religion is fun.
ReplyDeleteYep, well said. And you might want to add natural disasters. Because the God these godbotherers believe they're bothering is a lot like Zeus and zaps such abominable evildoers (i.e. "them there faggits," as the formal term goes) with earthquakes and lightning bolts. I think they may also be responsible for the national debt, but I'm not sure.
Seriously, no, there's no fixing that kind of stupid. Any adult who believes such rubbish is hopeless and should just refrain from voting. Their entire justification boils down to a fourth-grader's "because!"
Nameless, you do make religion fun! My personal favorite objection to gay marriage is the claim that it will undermine the institution of marriage. I've never been able to get a clear explanation as to how allowing people to commit to each other undermines marriage more than our national pastimes which include divorce, adultery, and spousal abuse.
ReplyDeleteGood job, Mr, Namelss, but a few pithy thoughts in corroboration of your work:
ReplyDeleteIncest and Polygamy: Now, these are the only remotely tricky ground that's out there. Because it's true: once you widen the definition of marriage, you have to explain why you don't throw it open to practitioners of either of these activities.
The question commits a fallacy (known by name as “Fallacy of Complex Question.” ).
The question of whether two men should marry is one question. The question of whether polygamy should be permitted is a second question.
You can argue that because two men are allowed to marry, polygamy should be allowed “on the same basis,” and I will listen.
However, you cannot logically argue that because you think polygamy should not be allowed, then neither should same sex marriages. You have to have a real reason same sex marriages should not be allowed, and “because you don’t like polygamy” is not a valid reason.
Whether the concept of gay marriage and polygamy are comparable is irrelevant. If gay marriage is wrong, then it is wrong for a reason. What is that reason? Is “because that would be like allowing polygamists to marry, your answer?” I reject that as a subject change. Tell me why gay marriage is wrong, and once you prove it, I will see if we can use the same argument to prove polygamy is wrong.
Since we have literally thousands of legal features tied to the marriage contract, homosexuals should be able to form the contract the same as heterosexuals are. Now, why shouldn’t they be allowed to form the contract? Because you think that is unfair to polygamists? Sounds like you are conceding that gays should be able to enter into the contract and you and are also suggesting we extend this right to polygamists. I will consider your plea for the rights of polygamists and get back to you.
Again, the violation of the rules of critical thinking in the argument is called “Fallacy of Complex Question.”
Next issue, the idea of claiming incest and gay marriage have any legitimate correlation is preposterous. I have heard of far more Catholic official molesting little boys than I have gay men molesting their brothers. Are we going to say that being a Catholic leader causes someone to commit incest?
December 14, 1972
ReplyDeleteMy dearest darling John:
Who in the whole world would dream of getting a real Partridge in a Pear Tree? How can I ever express my pleasure.
My love always, Agnes
December 15, 1972
Dearest John:
Today the postman brought your very sweet gift. Just imagine - two turtle doves. They are adorable.
All my love, Agnes
December 16, 1972
Dear John:
Now I must protest. I don't deserve such generosity, three French hens. They are just darling but I must insist, you've been too kind.
All my love, Agnes
December 17, 1972
Dear John:
Today the postman delivered four calling birds. Now really, they are beautiful, but don't you think enough is enough.
Affectionately, Agnes
December 19, 1972
Dear John:
When I opened the door today there were actually six geese laying on my front steps. The neighbors are complaining and I can't sleep. Please stop.
Cordially, Agnes
December 20, 1972
What's with those freaking birds? Seven swans a swimming. There's bird poop all over the house and they never stop the racket. It's not funny. So please stop.
Sincerely, Agnes
December 22, 1972
Hey Shithead:
Now there's nine pipers playing. And Christ do they play. They've never stopped chasing those maids since yesterday. The cows are upset and they're stepping all over those screeching birds. The neighbors have started a petition to evict me.
You'll get yours! Agnes
December 23, 1972
You rotten prick:
Now there's ten ladies dancing. I don't know why I call those sluts 'ladies.' They've been piping those pipers all night long. The cows have diarrhea. The Commissioner of Buildings has subpoenaed me to give cause why the building shouldn't be condemned.
December 24, 1972
What's with those eleven lords a leaping on those maids and ladies? Those pipers piped all the maids and are now committing sodomy with the cows. All twenty-three birds are dead. They've been trampled to death in the orgy.
Your sworn enemy, Agnes
December 25, 1972
Dear Sir:
This is to acknowledge your latest gift of twelve fiddlers fiddling which you have seen fit to inflict on our client, Miss Agnes McHolstein. If you should attempt to reach Miss McHolstein at the Rick Santorum Sanitarium, the attendants have been instructed to shoot you on sight. With this letter please find an attached summons.
Law Offices of Badger, Bender and Chole
ReplyDelete"Are we going to say that being a Catholic leader causes someone to commit incest?"
Well, it would be fun and I really enjoy that kind of thing, but I have a feeling you wouldn't let me get away with such a material fallacy. Great comments, by the way. Wish you'd been here for some of the arguments about the value of logic.
But the words of the Tanach, which is sort of the Old Testament only different, are only the current will-O-God when they're supporting human tradition; else that thing about no other 'elohim' before me -- and no statues or paintings or the whole covenant thing is off commandments, might shake the confidence of those inbred fundies who want to carve it on buildings I have to pay for. Good thing none of them actually takes it seriously except as a weapon against the law.
Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin, Christine McDonnell, Glenn Beck -- THAT'S why we don't encourage incest.
Wish you'd been here for some of the arguments about the value of logic.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had also. Where were they?!
"Where were they?"
ReplyDeleteHmm, must be somewhere (looking under desk) Now, where did we put those old logic posts? (Looking into file drawer and pulling out a latex rubber lookalike of George Dubya). Not here.
Now listen, everyone. We need to hold an urgent meeting of the Logic Committee! And it must be done ASAP as in yesterday! So how many of you are available for a conference call yesterday at ... say ... 11:30 AM?
"So how many of you are available for a conference call yesterday at ... say ... 11:30 AM? "
ReplyDeleteA poor sort of logic that works backwards.
ReplyDeleteWell, to be honest, this post grew from, initially, the knowledge that the two concepts were not opposed by the Bible. So I didn't even go at it from the fallacious quality of that part of the question.
This was also, in its early stages, the second half of yesterday's Santorum post. But as you can see, the whole thing got quite out of hand, I decided to subdivide to the appropriate size.