Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tea and Cantaloupe

It's a perfect example of how government always interferes with the sacred market forces that keep us free, happy and doctrinally pure. That OBAHma has gone after the free and holy food producers, using that Communist agency the FDA to keep infected cantaloupes off the market -- a market that would, sayeth the Rand, regulate itself after enough people die, by scaring the survivors into staying away from fruit and eating the sanctioned BurgerfriesCoke meal like real Americans. Can you imagine? (Would you like to supersize your fries?)

I mean what greater freedom can we have than freedom from the knowledge of good and bad food and if OBAHma can tell us what to eat, he can tell us anything, that tyrant. And where does the money wasted on things like the FDA and FEMA and the FAA come from? TAXES, that's right, those fruits of our own unassisted labor of which we owe no portion to anyone much less those Commie bastards in Washington who want to give MY MONEY away to those undeserving leeches who won't work for less than minimum wage and have the effrontery to vote for Democrats.

No sir, I don't want those government schools brainwashing my kids with math and science and economics and twisted history. People are poor because they are lazy and because God put them here as an example to us, the elect and we don't need those America-hating Godless, OBAHma loving liberals telling us otherwise. No sir, my house isn't going to blow down or get washed away or burned by a brushfire and if yours does, it's not my fault or responsibility. If the roads and bridges wash out, you can fix them yourself, you lazy, tax loving bums. I mean I worked hard for everything I got and I don't owe you shit.

God Bless America.


  1. My neighbor across the watering hole Baggasaurus Tex entirely agrees! He thinks those who would pay taxes just to have civilization and safe cantaloupe deserve neither.

  2. Tea and cantaloupe ... and now oil and gas pipelines! Rand Paul is singlehandedly blocking new safety rules that even the industry supports. There's a 'KABOOM' coming to a neighborhood near you. How exciting!

  3. FPL has been running TV ads that say it will cost valuable American jobs if we enforce clean air legislation. I mean anything we need will cost jobs right? Jobs, jobs, jobs, it's all about jobs because we screwed youout of yours and now we want to hold you hostage with the false promase of giving you another one - non-union and below minimum wage and without benefits or bathroom breaks, but hey - it's about JOBS!

    And of course all those jobs the tax break for the wealthy were supposed to create will be kicking in any time now - right after the Rapture.

  4. I do love dark satire and this is a fine piece. Alas, it's all too accurate. Apparently, there is a lack of knowledge as to the reasons behind the development of regulatory agencies. The good old days when there was no government regulation weren't really so good for the average worker. Then there was the wholesale disregard for the environment as if our natural resources were infinite, until some scientists asserted that we were heading towards destroying clean air and water and the government stepped in with the EPA. It always boils down to sheer ignorance, a total lack of historical facts and perspective. The greedy make government regulations into the boogeyman and the ignorant believe and are afraid.

  5. The ignorant and the stupid. There is power and money to be had in exploiting their frustration and their jealousy and their anger and their thirst for revenge, but it's an old, old story and I don't have to give examples.


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