Saturday, October 8, 2011

Amerika Über Alles

Mitt Romney is hard to figure out, partly because his most salient feature is the love of ingratiating himself dishonestly with any group he thinks is worth ingratiating himself to. So I have to wonder if he really thinks the United States is the nation chosen of God to lead the world as he told cadets at the Citadel yesterday or whether he just assumes that people embarking upon a military career are dreaming of imperial glory. I have no way of knowing whether these cadets have Napoleonic dreams or are attracted to arms because of some sense of personal weakness and humiliation, but I'd hesitate to bet that many really think that US history isn't filled with mistakes at home and abroad or that we aren't a better, more moral nation than once we were. Of course I don't mean to say we shouldn't strive to be a good influence in the world, but being a good influence doesn't mean command, doesn't mean control, doesn't mean we're the infallible and mighty hand of some invented Lord as Romney would be implying if there were any implications beyond opportunism in anything he has ever said in public.

But as I say, you never know what Romney thinks, particularly if your assessment is derived from listening to the man. You certainly can know that he's willing to put some strange interpretations on events to bolster his imperial and messianic aspirations whether or not he believes them. President Obama's "apology tour" for instance; Mitt would like to make the psychorabble feel important and loved by associating honesty with apology and apology with weakness and weakness with Jonah-like abdication of a divine mission. Of course Obama never went on an apology tour, but what black man has ever not been in danger from Godly Americans when someone accuses him of winking at a white girl. Where there's smoke, there's fire, we say, forgetting that where there's smoke there may be a smokescreen and there may be arson.

That Obama portrayed American history in a poor light by admitting that we have sometimes been guilty of arrogance and have sometimes made mistakes is a big fish to swallow, to invert the metaphor and it clashes with Romney's carefully crafted humble demeanor. There's nothing humble about him and there's something disturbing about the belief in divinely ordained male control of family life his religion seems to demand, at least to an outsider like me.

"An eloquently justified surrender of world leadership is still surrender"

said the man who is more frightening for his benign smile. To me there is no one more dangerous than a man who can call upon a sufficiently established god to justify world domination and I don't think I need to offer examples. No one more dangerous unless, of course, we add the photogenic charm and the forked tongue. What Mitt really is saying is that America is chosen to be the priest and caretaker of the planet and what he is implying is that by being its ordained leader, he's God's agent on Earth. Where and when have we heard this before? Certainly not from the founders of our Republic who took up arms against God's own chosen King.

I've often been told that Obama "went over there and apologized to them" by Fox News victims totally ignorant of where there is or who said what. It's a lie of course and a big one but it isn't going away even if Romney never says another word about it or is magically transported to another world for him to rule, as apparently he thinks he will be. Lies, like cancer cells, are all but immortal. Truth and decency and the hope for a world not run by pompous and powerful thugs in expensive suits and plastic hair are as fragile as a dream.


  1. Capt. Fogg,

    Mittens apparently believes whatever you want him to believe, at least in his public life. As I keep saying, I'm convinced he wants to be president for the same reason salmon swim upstream towards the end of their days. Blind instinct, in his case blind semi-aristocratic instinct.

    With a very Democratic House and Senate, Romney would probably be an acceptable president -- he would just go with the demo-flow to maintain his popularity. With a Teahoo-dominated House and possibly a starchy old GOP Senate, I'm sure he would be a deplorable president.

  2. I think from this side of the Atlantic that Romney is a certainty to get the GOP nomination. He will scare the right wing bourgeouisie less than the wild-eyed moonbats who are his opponents. Obama will get back in because the same moonbats can't arrive at a consensus of policy any more than the teabaggers can arrive at a consensus over a candidate. O wins the white middle ground on top of his solid constituency of black and hispanic voters and white liberals. End result? Grim, but slightly less grim than Romney.

  3. A chameleon is not the only critter that can change colors. So does a fish, an Octopus, and Mittens.

  4. Nice skewering Captain. Enjoyed the reference to the British idea that God's anoints His chosen King. Comments like these remind me of two hundred year old manifests engraved in marble at Westminster Abbey. The world will be happier and better off under U.S. domination.

    This century must be an American century. In an American century, America has the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world...God did not create this country to be a nation of followers. America is not destined to be one of several equally balanced global powers. America must lead the world, or someone else will.

    I'm sure Romney is willing to say anything to please various groups. But I think he more or less believes this stuff. After all the last revelation of Christ took place in the New World, right? His greater purpose is to cast aspersions on Obama's leadership. But I wouldn't count on his being a sane or safe president. Hopefully the church will build a sacred sepulcher in the Mormon Tabernacle for Romney upon his death where his words can be immortalized.

  5. I do truly hope you're right Tony. A grim future is better than no future.

  6. "What we have to fight for is the necessary security for the existence and increase of our race and people, the subsistence of its children and the maintenance of our racial stock unmixed, the freedom and independence of the Fatherland; so that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 8

    Your headline, like your post, is right on. What Romney told those cadets isn't just jingoistic nonsense, history proves it's very dangerous nonsense.

  7. Funny how people spend so much passion protecting their God against disbelief and so little keeping him from being hijacked by every charlatain, terrorist or politician who needs a bit of a boost.

    I expect some will be upset at your dragging Hitler into this, but I think Hitler is a lesson to us more important to learn than anything in the Bible.

  8. Romney is apparently the most recent of quite a number of Republican presidential aspirants to speak at the Citadel. I wonder if that might have anything to do with the fact that the Citadel was founded to protect white people from slave rebellions.

  9. Capt. Fogg, I reject the notion Hitler an Nazism should arbitrarily be considered out of bounds for discussions. If we don't learn the lessons of history we get to repeat them. If we make them off limits for discussion, along comes a generation more ignorant of important history than most — the last thing we need.

    Try contemplating what the world would be like if every person on the planet would, for even one month, practice the golden rule without fail. No crime, war, insults, humiliation; no poverty, homelessness or hunger. Not that it's taken to heart and practiced enough, but potentially the golden rule is a lesson more powerful even than knowing about Hitler.


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