Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupational Hazard

I first heard of it a few days ago from a blogger noted for outrageous claims, but I have been late to pick up on the ploy, even though it has been used against liberals and liberal causes for some time. Similarly overbearing "conservative" commentators once assured me that of course Bill and Hillary Clinton were obvious anti-Semites and if you're old enough to read this you'll remember that Barack Obama was of the same racist, intolerant and bigoted stripe and perhaps even a Hitler Sympathizer and Muslim terrorist.

Of course there's always an anecdote, a selected collection of irrelevant or even fabricated 'facts' to prove the point -- and of course and strangely, those making the claim aren't often Jews. I've learned to discount these attacks, of course, you should pardon the metaphor, for many reasons including the observation that the accusations most often come from iron fisted defenders of a faith only they call Christian and who have only suddenly and temporarily stopped accusing Jews and other infidels of persecuting them. ( Sorry Muslims, you'll have to wait your turn for forgiveness.)

So for now, this week only and especially for you, I'm offering 99.99% off (what a deal) on the notion that the Occupy Wall Street people are really there to express their anti-Semitic notions about bankers and brokers and not their antiestablishmentarian anger at those who accepted massive and expensive rescue only to continue their shoddy practices to the detriment of the public and national survival.

That's a sentiment strangely similar to the Tea Party disdain for government bailouts, and the strange bed-fellowship implied here is difficult to sweep under the rug for those who need to look like the only ones discontent with the status quo on Wall Street. So how do you make the Tea Party look good and other people with the same idea look bad? You find something or someone atypical or irrelevant and promote it or him as the prototype.

The Jewish Journal today reminds us of the infamous "protocols of the Elders of Zion" that was used by Czarist supporters to identify the feared and hated Jews with socialism, a practice not unknown to this day and a book that was printed by "Christian" organizations around the world until recently -- if indeed they've stopped. I certainly remember the promotion of Abbie Hoffman to leadership of the many disparate and mostly respectable protesters in Grant Park during the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago. I was there and I'd never heard of him until I heard on the news that he was my leader, but of course it was enough to taint the many clergymen, Vietnam veterans and business leaders with the yellow star.

The fear of being labeled a racist of any stripe is, I think, being used quite deliberately to downplay the legitimacy of this protest. It isn't enough to play up the numbers of people who are making a mess of the city and its public and private facilities, particularly for a party trying to wear the mantle of some 18th century destructive, anti-Government protesters. It's hard to convince us that they're really secretly Mexican illegals or African Americans demonstrating their disdain for enterprise and civility, but anyone can be a Jew, or at least accused of it and so the sudden concern by the Religious right that their best friends are being offended on these holiest of holy days, by those unwashed, free loading, anti-Semitic hippies who seem to be gathering around the world calling for regulation.

And of course President Obama we already know to be a Jew hater and if he tries to impose regulations on the Jew-Dominated financial and banking interests, we have additional proof that regulation equals bigotry and not just Communism - just don't think about it too carefully and you won't notice the absurdity -- and if you do, the Tea Party will turn on you too, you bigot!


  1. Capt. Fogg,

    Yes, and you can bet a lot of the national media likes such nonsense just fine -- they have no way to process the 99%ers other than to pull the usual linguistic scam: because there's an actual substantial Nutcake Right, there must an actual, substantial Nutcake Left to balance it out and make things right in the universe. Only there is no such animal, at least in this country. The 99%ers may or may not have a coherent ideology, but they don't strike me as wild-eyed Marxists or anti-Semites or teahoos & teawads.

    It's just that the minute more than a few people get the idea into their heads that the deck is stacked against the average Jane and Joe and in favor of the average billionaire, they've got to be labeled something nasty or other, lest somebody believe they're sane and worth listening to or covering.

  2. Of course, but it's the observation that Wall Street is corrupt, lawless and holds the government in its pocket isn't compatible with the notion that non Tea Party individuals who make the same observation are Communists and haters of Capitalism, that makes me so close to bursting like an overheated boiler.

    Does this prove that this is not a contest of ideas but an actual Marxist class struggle going on here with the Tea Party being the Bolshies?

  3. Ah, but it's even weirder than that.

    First of all, the notion that regulating or protesting the actions of Wall Street is anti-Semitic is based on the notion that all the bankers and money-traders are Jewish: a notion primarily held by bigots.

    On to the bigger picture: why are all these Christian Jihadists so pro-Israel? To the extent that they, in their privileged white smugness, will point at any action that doesn't give 100% support to the government of Israel and accuse that person of anti-Semitism (even the obvious evil actions, like starving the refugees in Gaza).

    It goes back to weird fringe-Christian Rapture theology: the Nation of Israel has to exist, or Jesus can't come and destroy the earth.

    It's an ugly little secret that the fundamentals don't hide very well.

  4. (That should have been fundamentalists", shouldn't it?)

  5. I sort of like "fundamentals" โ€“ it has a Miltonic ring to it.

  6. Yes, but isn't Geithner really Jewish? I mean he was raised in Israel and hates Christians. You can look it up at "Jew Watch" if you don't believe me.

    But even if all the Jews aren't going to be in Israel for the end times this December and Jesus misses a few, The Aryan Nation will do the mopping up in Jesus' favorite country -- the one he selected for that special revelation found only in a hat and that can only be read with special glasses. America can do it, even if Jesus can't.


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