Thursday, November 24, 2011

Intelligent life discovered on Earth



  1. When he/she learns to cross the road the chicken better start worrying.

  2. Why did the cephalopod cross the road? To get to the shopping mall of course. Today, I need to buy 4 pairs of sneakers.

  3. Humans and other critters ought to be mighty thankful that large carnivorous dinosaurs don't cotton to "Black Friday" crush-shopping.... Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried to keep me from getting my small but functional forepaws on some electronic gadget I'd been wanting for months?

    The story that has my snout swirling today is the one about the person in LA (I think it was LA) who supposedly used pepper spray to keep others away from the goodies.

  4. Impressive proof and what an adorable octopus!

    Octo,did you find nice shoes?

    Dino,in addition to the crazed customer who used pepper spray, in my state there was also an officer of the law who pepper sprayed the air in the vicinity of a group of early shoppers to prevent their getting too rowdy. As I don't own a gas mask nor body armor, I decided not to attend any Black Friday sales.


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