Saturday, February 18, 2012

Virginia, the Rape Me State

Sic Semper Tyrannus is the motto of the State of Virginia, but as with any matters involving Republicans, a government is not a tyranny if it subjugates individual liberty to the prejudices and perverted morals of the Religious Right. I read over at The Impolitic that Virginia passed a law last week forcing any woman seeking a legal abortion to have an ultrasound examination. For those who don't know, this means that for a pregnancy in the first trimester, she must, by law, have a probe inserted into her vagina and maneuvered around by a technician until an ultrasound image satisfactory to the state is produced. As Libby points out, without that state mandate, this meets a general description of rape.

It doesn't take much to imagine the feelings, for example, of a 14 year old rape victim being violated a second time by the accursed state that murdered Lincoln and had no reservations about taking children from their mothers and selling them -- or raping those mothers for that matter. It's a state that talks a lot about Jesus and distrusts those who don't. It's a state wherein people tend to like Rick Santorum and others who have a lot to say about what consenting adults can do with what and with which and to whom -- and talk about Jesus and small government a lot.

Keep in mind, this is not an examination done for a medical reason. It's not done to protect the public from a disease or to protect the woman to whom it's being done. It's not something that one can opt out of. It's an act of intimidation and a deliberate act of humiliation. It was passed because of the religious objections of men who were elected to represent everyone, but instead represent preachers and priests -- and in a state that has just decided that a single cell has civil rights but a breathing female of child bearing age has not, can't we be excused for wondering whether these "conservatives" will either ban contraception soon or require some other humiliating procedure before allowing it?

Can't I be excused for seeing this insane drive to bring back the horrors of medieval Europe in high-tech form to a nation that was formed by repugnance for it as anything at all but Conservative?

Where is the outrage from actual conservatives? You know, those people who insist on a government too weak to do anything but leave us alone. I guess when those sentiments put them in a light that makes them seem too much like Liberals who designed a government that must leave us alone and respects the sanctity of our persons, our bodies, our homes and our rights, they scurry like roaches when the lights are switched on. They scurry because they're the same roaches who supported the horror of slavery, the obscenity of racism and are still at war with the rights of women and a government that protects them.

Conservatives, and this liberal, often decry the trend, falsely identified as Liberal, toward seeking safety by making the public helpless and dependent on authority, but it's in conservative strongholds like the secessionist states that we see just how much that obscene ecclesiastical tyranny has made the weakest and most vulnerable totally dependent upon the state in the most personal way. Small government my ass, it's the old Confederacy out of it's coffin like a putrefying zombie, its pockets filled with church money, corporate money, the money of tyrants staggering toward Washington to eat your freedom.


  1. Conservatives are deluded or lying hypocrites. They <3 <3 <3 Big Government when that Government is murdering brown people or invading American's bedrooms or demanding Women submit themselves to Witch Finding Tribunals.

  2. Those would be the same conservatives complaining bitterly about how Obamacare is forcing people to buy something (health insurance) for the first time in history. And heaven knows, being forced to buy health insurance, for those who can afford to, is so much more onerous than being forced to buy an unwanted and unnecessary vaginal ultrasound procedure would be for a woman. That's especially so if the woman's doctor has told her that carrying her pregnancy to term could end her ability to have another child later, or could threaten her life.

    Next up, witch trials and dunkings.

  3. I get a headache just trying to determine the rationale of a group who say they want smaller, less intrusive government yet turn right around and undermine the rights of women - equal citizens under the law - who, while making a personal and painful descision, must be further subjected to humiliation and degradation.
    These legislators are not decent rational human beings. They are fucking monsters and they need their masks ripped off to expose their true natures to the light of day where no doubt it will melt away into the steaming pile of green pus that constitutes their essence.

  4. Admitting theological speculation into the law reminds me a bit of Cotton Mather admitting "spectral evidence" into his witch trials. Yep, it's the same conservatives trying to conserve the medieval dominance of men in dresses carrying red hot pokers and mumbling prayers.

    I'm betting that this piece of sh- I mean legislation will eventually be stomped on by the courts and that's why the supreme piece of Santorum would like to abolish them ( all in the name of smaller government)

    But as someone pointed out on Bill Maher's show the other night, there are really three Republican parties and only one of them has any professed interest in smaller government. The worms behind this thing want government/ecclesiastical control over anything they can dress up as a moral issue.

    But I welcome this since it's an understatement to say that 99% of Americans don't think birth control is the tool of Satan and this kind of anachronistic street theater is going to cost them a lot of votes.


    there are a hell of a lot of people who would love to have health insurance -- desperately need to have health insurance but can't get it and aren't too pleased with the "if you're not rich enough, not healthy enough, then fuck you" attitude and not only have we long been "forced" to buy retirement insurance and medical insurance since long ago, but we've been forced to buy at least half a dozen wars in my lifetime. We're forced to buy schools and roads and cops and fire trucks and all the other trappings of civilization and the rising rage I feel over being "forced" to listen to half-wits whose eyes can't be seen without a colonoscopy is getting hard to contain.

    God damn the Republican Party and all that slither in her cesspool


  5. Today's Virginia is not the Virginia of Jefferson and the classical liberals who understood the meaning of limited government .

    Today's conservatives are prone to putting thier head where the sun don't shine and then proclaiming they see light.

  6. Yes, I saw this abomination -- there's no other way to look at it than punishment for asserting the right to control one's own body. The Republican Party is a bundle of monstrous contradictions: they rail at "big government" (in their lexicon, government that actually helps somebody once in a while in exchange for all the money they collect) yet there's apparently no lack of lawmakers within the ranks who would just as well propagate bills mandating the forcible penetration of women who don't agree with their point of view.


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