Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'll be happy to read your palm, too.

I make no claims to psychic powers (or, to be honest, to the existence of psychic powers), but I'm willing to make some predictions. The GOP candidates are going to keep kicking each other in the crotch up until the convention. Ron Paul might or might not stay in, but the three front runners? They're all in it for the long haul.

Mitt Romney will be the eventual candidate, but first he has to overcome two handicaps: the fact that the Religious Right Wing distrusts Mormons, and more importantly, that he comes across as a privileged huckster, a rich kid trying to sell used cars. He's used to being surrounded by two types of people: shameless sycophants willing to laugh at anything he says, and other billionaires. He has no idea how to connect with ordinary people, because he only sees them at a distance: he's Dan Ackroyd in the beginning of Trading Places.

Santorum swept the South, but doesn't realize that he has less than no chance of attracting a majority of Americans. He's turned off about 80-90% of women by indicating that he doesn't care if they're going to die in childbirth, they're taking that kid to term. And then, just because he opens his mouth and random stuff falls out, he decided to lose another 16 percent of the electorate by telling Puerto Ricans that they needed to speak English.

OK, Frothy, is it a good idea to make fun of somebody's cultural heritage? Here's a hint - I live in New Mexico - want to guess what state you just lost entirely? Here's another - do you speak Latin? Think about it.

And Gingrich? He's got no more chance of getting elected than a radioactive skunk, but he's staying in, because he feels like he deserves to be elected king president.

I've got to admit it: I may have gotten frustrated in 2008 watching Hillary Clinton snipe at Obama. But I've got to say, it's much more entertaining watching the GOP do it to each other from the other side of the fence.

That's why the GOP is panicking and trying to prevent people from voting. Tea parties across the country are pushing for measures like "voter ID laws" despite the fact that there is exactly zero voter fraud. Is it a good idea to require Americans to show ID in order to vote?
More than 74,000 people who skipped voting in past elections might have been excluded from data used to estimate how many voters lack state-issued identification... Earlier this week, the Election Commission said nearly 217,000 registered voters in the state lack a state driver’s license or photo ID. That already was nearly 40,000 more than the election agency had previously estimated.
Studies show that these measures mostly affect young, minority and low-income voters, as well as voters with handicaps: in other words, strongly Democratic groups and people who think Obamacare is a good idea. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

The Justice Department already had to stop Texas from taking the vote away from more than 300,000 Texans, because they'd be likely to be voting for Obama.

And there is one very specific reason they want to do this. One conservative lawmaker even admitted it - they couldn't let out-of-state college kids vote where they were going to school, because they'd be "voting as a liberal. That’s what kids do — they don’t have life experience, and they just vote their feelings."

Legal American citizens have already been prevented from voting, and it’s only going to get worse. Because the GOP knows that the only way that there isn't going to be a black man in the White House in 2013 is if they steal the election.


  1. Well, I hope the "End of an era" thing comes true for them in a different way than they'd hoped for and that's what the Mayans meant, but I'm not getting my hopes up. These are mean, vicious and unscrupulous people.

  2. NC - Difficult to disagree with much of what you say in this post. So I won't.

    Not all conservatives however Capt are mean, vicious, unscrupulous people. Forgive me if I have misread the implication.

    1. I don't think I've seen a conservative hanging around the GOP for a long time -- certainly not since the teabaggers took over. The word has really lost it's meaning anyway. what we have left is, once again, a bunch of mean, vicious and unscrupulous people who hate every good and decent thing that's happened in the US since the Civil War and/or are trying to sell the country for some private gain. Bigots, perverts, medievalists and barbarians who hate education, intelligence and an informed population.

      I don't know what happened to the conservatives. Either Rush Limbaugh ate them all or they're still here being called Communists by the lunatic right.

    2. You're right, conservatism has lost its meaning. The republican party is rapidly losing its relevance.

  3. Nice dissection of Rethug chaos politics, but wait, can you say "J E B B I E"?

    Riding to the rescue?

    Because viewed in the light of this crowd, he looks like the knight in white armor choice!

    heh heh (yeah, white!)

    Get ready for the rest of the year's nonsense.

    Love ya,


    1. Brokered convention this summer.

    2. If Jeb runs, Barack wins hands down. A Romney presidency is more likely. And believe it or not, a helluva lot scarier. RNC is not going to diss Romney by choosing a candidate, as the democrats were forced to do in 1968. Such talk is only so much prattle. (I will add that they might have laid the foundation for a better candidate some time ago. Certainly no later than February.) Likely outcome of all of this bullshit? Obama wins. That's what we want. Rove and Jeb can no longer suppress the vote the way that they need to. High school juniors and sophomores can vote this time around. I just read the expose of the Miami Herald trying desperately to quell Univision with the supposed blackmail and extortion attempt by same to make a deal to sublimate old news of Marco Rubio's drug-dealing brother-in-law. (I mean fairly big time. We're talking "Miami Vice.") That's right, his older sister's husband. Univision is the number one provider of news to the Latino population in the U.S. Death knell for republicans this time around. Find it yourself in January's New Yorker.

    3. FJ - You may be right. I am not yet convinced of it however.

  4. Sigh. You have it right. As to reading my palm, if you were to try, you would find the phrase 'unrepentent' liberal in bold capital letters. :)


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