Sunday, April 29, 2012

Here's Another Item That Will Enrage FAUX NOOZ and Conservatives

I can hear it now: 

"Obama...blah....blah....blah...indoctrination...blah...blah...blah...only doing it to get elected...blah...blah...blah...doesn't really care...blah...blah...blah...whine...whine...whine...destroying the Constitution...blah...blah...blah...pandering...blah..."

President and Mrs. Obama have received the highest praise and honor for the work they've done to address the problem of homeless veterans from the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV).

I can't wait to hear how FAUX NOOZ and Karl Rove will spin this into a negative to prove that Mr. Obama and his wife are America-hating, Ivy League elitist, election stealers.  And then I'll wait to read all of the negative anti-Obama talking points on the rightwing blogs.

Meanwhile I'm happy to spread the good news about their worthy efforts to solve this problem and to bring it to America's attention.  Kudos to both of them for the encouraging results.

"President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will receive the highest honor given to homeless advocates.

The Obamas were chosen to get this year’s Jerald Washington Memorial Founders' Award, according to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV), and Barack Obama is the first person -- in history -- to receive the award more than once.

Barack Obama is tackling the issue with his 'Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness,' an initiative that aims to end chronic and veteran homelessness by 2015. He's working to meet this goal by mainstreaming housing, health, education and human service programs.

On any given night last January, 67,495 homeless veterans were sleeping on the streets, a 56 percent decline since the president took office, according to the Annual Homelessness Assessment Report to Congress.

'Under the leadership of President Obama, we are witnessing unprecedented national unity in the campaign to end and prevent veteran homelessness,' Patrick Ryan, Chairman of the NCHV Board of Directors, said in a press release. "The progress we have seen from the federal agencies, the Congress, the community partners NCHV represents, and the American people in just the last three years give rise to the expectation that this campaign will succeed."

Michelle Obama has been doing her part to address the range of issues veteran face, including homelessness, with the one-year-old initiative, Joining Forces, which she founded with Jill Biden."

This, of course, will cause no end of cognitive dissonance to those on the right who detest President and Mrs. Obama, because they won't be able to reconcile the fact that he and his wife can't possibly be America haters and at the same time work so earnestly to restore dignity to our veterans.  This will disturb their narrative and make them extremely uncomfortable--truths can do that to people who practice avoiding them.  But don't worry.  They'll come up with some way to prove to themselves that this is NOT reality, that the  National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, in honoring President and Mrs. Obama, was bribed or forced into acknowledging the "fake" support the president and his wife have given them, and somehow this is all election year nonsense.

It's all so predictable and all such a farce--something we'd see on a SNL skit and laugh at.  This is what many wingers have become in their knee-jerk reaction to anything related to Mr. and Mrs. Obama--buffoons.  The only intelligent reaction to such buffonery is to shake one's head and donate to Mr. Obama's re-election campaign.  Each time I read or hear a nasty swipe at PBO, I donate to his campaign, and I encourage my family and friends to do the same.

Think of it this way, every time you or I counter a contemptible and scurrilous accusation thrown at POTUS and FLOTUS, a little right-wing devil loses its horns.


  1. That's because to conservatives, Homless Veterans aren't important. Bill O'Reilly talked a big game about aiding homeless Veterans but never followed through and continually blamed their plight on "addiction and mental illness" and stated Veterans wouldn't be poor or homeless if they "worked hard and kept it honest" like Bill O.

  2. I like the idea of a bunch of hornless little right wing devils! I agree Shaw that donating to aid the President's re-election is the best revenge. That and sharing a good laugh at the Republican buffoonery. Thank you for giving me a good laugh.


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