Wednesday, May 9, 2012

President Obama and Marriage Equality

I haven't written a main post in a good long while, but I think today calls for one. Just got home from teaching and heard from the news that President Obama has endorsed marriage equality. Good for him! I think many people had long since become a bit tired of the president's "I'm evolving" rationale for not making this decision, but that annoyance should be put aside now.

The fact is, making a decision of this sort before an election took courage. It takes honor to announce a sound decision that could cost you some votes, and that's what the president did today. Sure, a number of people may be put off by it, but at the same time, it's the sort of thing you'd never expect Mitt Romney to do. People like leaders who have some you-be-damnedness in them. This decision enhances the contrast between Romney and Obama, and in that respect, it's damn good politics. He'll probably gain at least as many votes as he loses on this issue, and after all, the trend is towards consigning this controversy to the ash-heap of history where it belongs. But more importantly, President Obama can look into a mirror and see a man who had the decency not to punt forever on an issue that ought to matter to us all.

As we move towards the election, I'd ask fence sitters, why not ask yourself this question? Does Barack Obama look or sound like a one-termer to you? I don't see or hear a loser when I watch this man – he's got confidence, guts, and integrity.


  1. Dino, we are so on the same wavelength! I also viewed the president's declaration as taking courage.

  2. Confidence, guts and integrity. In response to a news report yesterday, I would add CHARACTER! It seems Mittens was quite a bully in the exclusive preparatory school that he attended. Three separate accounts by three former schoolmates, which Mittens - conveniently - no longer recalls. According to one account, the over-privileged young Mittens held down and immobilized another kid to inflict an involuntary haircut upon the tormented victim.

    Under ordinary circumstances, I would never admonish an adult for spilt milk when he or she was 5 years old; but Mittens is also notorious for running dirty, filthy campaigns. Thus, I think his adolescent behavior presages his adult behavior.

    In short, Mittens has exhibited throughout his entire life a callous and reckless disregard for other human beings - a character issue that should be a focus of this election.


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