“If President Obama gets his way, the special voting rights of some of
America’s finest will be eliminated,” host Shannon Bream said Friday night. “The
campaign is suing to keep members of the military from having extra time
to cast their ballots in one key battleground state.”
No it isn't. The suit does not seek to impair voting rights for anyone but seeks to reinstate rights taken from the general population by the Republican controlled Ohio Legislature and if there were a God anything like the fire and brimstone scourge of iniquity people dream about, the earth would open up and swallow Ms. Bream, and Roger Ayres and Rupert Murdoch would become pillars of shit.
The Suit by the Ohio Democratic Party and the Obama Campaign argues that Ohio's new law creates an unconstitutional tiered voting system, where early voting is only allowed for military personnel. As Jonathan Terbush writes at Raw Story:
"The suit would not prevent military members from, “having extra time” to
vote, as the Fox report insinuated. Rather, it asks that the court, by
blocking enactment of the new law, reinstate the extra time all voters
used to enjoy for casting their ballots."
You may suspect that I've lost faith in this truth forsaken land and its lunatic tribes and you'd be close to the truth. Our once powerful and always dishonest country won't be powerful forever nor will its self-righteousness last forever. The worms, the maggots chewing on the gangrenous flesh of America are employees of Fox and Shannon Bream is a liar -- if not damned by God, then at least damned by decency. God damn Fox News. God damn them all to hell
It's pretty hard to summon up the right terms for the ridiculous hypocrisy of the Right and its media outlets, but I think you've covered it well. A great instance of this hypocrisy is the current "Mitt's taxes" flap. Fools may buy the line that it's a privacy matter, but of course they forget that Republicans impeached a Democratic president more or less for lying about his sex life. So a chap's intimate erotic affairs should be public, but his Swiss bank accounts, multimillion-dollar IRA's, and Cayman Islands whatever-it-izzes should be held close to the candidate's chest.
ReplyDeleteBut then, I guess that makes sense because what really gives bigshot corporate Republicans a full-on stiffie is MONEY.
I'm no longer surprised at the double standard -- or the complete lack of any other standard but tribalism. Any criticism they make is a ruse or a lie and anything they do is just fine and commendable and all in the cause of "Freedom."
ReplyDeleteIf there's any logic, it's the logic of the avaricious, making smug excuses for all they do in their own interest. Men who feel the same privilege of economic station as some feudal lord. It's about enlightened self interest where enlightenment is described as self interest. It's about comrades in crime with a peasant army of angry, puling lackwits with a serf's loyalty toward the exploiter. It's about saying anything and doing anything you simply can say it and do it get away with it because moral is another word for profitable.
Do they forget that they're guilty of everything they accuse the other tribe of? I doubt it. They're too methodical and consistent, but again, their flock wants to believe that the shepherd is about letting them safely graze rather then being fleeced and slaughtered.
It's not about wealth and being jealous of it as they glibly repeat amongst themselves, under the assumption that Democrats or at least Liberals are low paid, shiftless and lazy. At least for my part, that's ludicrous, but it doesn't matter. Nothing matters but being as outrageous and dishonest with the preemptive accusations and doing it over and over and over until it becomes true.
And we let them get away with it as we mumble about freedom and personal responsibility and less-is-more government, paving the road to oblivion with platitudes.
This morning, FINALLY !!!, CNN challenged the veracity of the Rmoney claim. Perhaps CNN should read the Swash Zone with more regularity. CNN is certainly slow on the uptake ... too slow to dissuade the fatuous fatheads from believing these mendacities.
ReplyDeleteRmoney and his cabal are dicks.
Romnoids probably aren't watching CNN since the thrill is in watching a Faux News channel that confirms that yes, we the Tea are not stupid, ignorant and looking for a scapegoat to blame for our personal inadequacies.
ReplyDeleteThe truth simply doesn't matter any more.
But yes, he's a Richard for sure.
Well said all around. The good captain is still our best raving ranter. You know... the lies, the propaganda, the turning elections, the stupidity of the viewers and listeners might not be so bad if it was just old-fashioned, bare knuckled, anything goes politicking. But what really kills me is the enmity that it sets up between the factions. Even the most compassionate among us cannot help but to hold the rabid conservative FOX viewer in some disdain, if not outright contempt. It's only natural.
ReplyDeleteBut the most grievously infected among the other side literally hate us. They hold us to ridicule. They are conditioned to blame us for society's ills. They've just lost all of their loving. They love to figure out if you're with them or not. Even the nicest ones throw out little cues and buzzwords to size you up.
ReplyDeleteThis dino thinks you speak true. Sure, it's possible and even right to have compassion for people who are badly misinformed or uninformed, but if the American Right are misinformed/uninformed, they are so in a way that distorts their minds with hate and shuts out all immediate possibility of reflection on what they believe and why they believe it. I don't know how to fix that kind of ignorance. The "picture" of President Obama that's being pumped into millions of people's heads has absolutely no relation to the human being it's supposed to represent; it's pure fiction, and evil fiction at that.
"Roger Ayres and Rupert Murdoch would become pillars of shit."
ReplyDeleteIOW, no change.
I've quit commenting on a couple of blogs because my profanity and invective have been deemed, "unseemly". At the same time, the bloggers at those two sites have decided that unbacked assertions and baldfaced lies constitute one side of an argument. I do not argue with liars, I simply call them liars and, occassionally poke holes in their ridiculous "arguments".
What many people fail to realize is that the reiKKKwing has no interest in winning debates, their interest lies in shutting them down.
It's funny, but I'm not a particularly vulgar person and I'm often annoyed at the banal obscenities that have crept into everyday language -- but
ReplyDeletedamn! they sure bring it out in me. I'm not even a particularly emotional person, but you'd never know that when they start their snickering about Obama.
Fuck 'em all - what else can I say?