Thursday, August 16, 2012

You've got to be kidding, part III

When is a joke not a joke?  When it's about Allen West the convicted war criminal winning the Republican primary for Florida's House District 18 Tuesday. He has been running as a war hero of course, Florida being a kind of Bizarro World where things are their own opposites.

It's considered a swing district and is a snake pit of  Tea Party sentiment. So much so that his opponent  has been ostracized from the Republican party for even suggesting himself as an alternative to West, that Fascist son of a bitch. That was enough to christen him and all his supporters as Communists in the minds of the local Teabastards.  Crowder, a formerly popular county sheriff lost abysmally of course,  having only a few thousand bucks, decades of intimate familiarity with the district and good job performance to advertise as opposed to West, who never has lived in the district but had the bottomless pockets of the terrorist Right to fund him.

It remains to be seen who will prevail, but the completely unknown 29 year old Democratic candidate is unlikely ever to win in this Republican cesspool although there once was a one term Democrat in that office after  traditional values Mark Foley made a fool of himself with teenage boys.  

I'd call it another unfunny joke that  former State Representative William Snyder also carried away the nomination to Replace the pariah Sheriff Crowder. Snyder, as our State Rep strongly supported an Arizona Style "show me your papers" law, which of course made him very popular in this overwhelmingly pretend-Christian area where there are more Churches than dentists and Fluoride is banned in the water supply because it's a Communist plot but only "Liberals" worry about the Arsenic and pesticides and Mercury.

Of course our future as a nation is a pretty unfunny joke too, isn't it?


  1. Allen West. Where do I begin?

    The man is an embarrassment. He opens his mouth, spouts ignorant, bigoted, and plain irrational rhetoric and wonder of wonders, his district loves him for it! Go figure, Barack Obama is a thoughtful intelligent African-American, the antithesis of Allen West, but the same folks who support West, despise Obama.

    Captain, you're absolutely right. Allen West is a joke but he is not at all funny.

  2. Well, there are a couple of ways to look at this phenomenon -- on the one hand, nominating teahoos for the Senate may cost the idiots any chance at taking over that body, which is vital, but of course things are different in the House of Representin', where you really can get a raving madman or a crazy lady elected without much ado -- some of the nuttiest reps seem quite popular in their district and are not likely to lose anytime soon.

    Mr. West is the most ominous of the 'Baggery I've seen yet -- he isn't just blowing smoke or pandering to the black-hole-ignorant "base": I think he really believes what he says, and what he says is often deranged. Anybody who votes for that man is as hostile and obstreperous as he is.

  3. Do you know how many times I have been called a racist because I don't support Allen West? Do you know how many of my right-wing 'friends' tout him as proof that they are not?

    Is he Joe McCarthy recincarnated? Is there anyone else he could be? He makes stupid, sweeping announcements about the "COMMUNISTS" in Congress and people just yell, "YEAH." What? At least Joe waved papers around like he actually KNEW something. Not West.

  4. There are endless historical examples of such Tomfoolery (pun intended) but I'm noticing that I get funny looks when I mention the McCarthy episode. Just like Roosevelt is to blame for the Depression, McCarthy is a hero for chasing away all those Comminists. West gets a lot of mileage out of being "one of the good ones."

    I keep telling myself that since there was only a 40% turnout in a Republicans only primary, it was 60% of 40% that elected him. Of course it was also money that elected him and his opponent was largely unknown in much of the district. His ads made him look really good to the low information (read ignorant and uncaring) voters. It remains to be seen how the well funded and much saner Democrat will fare against that amoral war criminal Tea bastard.


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