Monday, August 13, 2012

You've got to be kidding!

Paul Ryan -- yes, I know it's already old news, but Jesus. . . . Paul Ryan

What is it with the GOP that they didn't learn from the Palin experience; that they didn't learn that you don't balance out a weak wishy-washy, candidate (which in Gopspeak means there might be hidden traces of sanity lurking within) by pairing him with some radical anarchist wackadoodle?   Ok, ok, it worked with Dan Quayle, but Dan was just an oaf and an ignoramus and after all George I had to protect himself against impeachment. . . .  but Jesus. . . . Paul Ryan?


  1. But you gotta admit it's the perfect choice to get the Teahadists off his tail.

    And they're a rowdy bunch at election time.

    Just what the Mitters ordered.

    Love ya,


  2. I've been asking the same question for the past 48+ hours. Unfortunately, I don't think that Ryan is near as nuts as the pit bull who wore lipstick. Or if he is, he is crazy like a fox. He is admired in Congress (according to this morning's news on NPR) as someone who works tirelessly. Still he is incredibly polarizing. And I think that Mittens believes maybe we will stop asking about his tax returns if we can ask Paul Ryan about his.

  3. A year ago, in Texas, Romney said...“I have spent most of my life outside of politics, dealing with real problems in the real economy,” Mr. Romney said. “Career politicians got us into this mess, and they simply don’t know how to get us out.” he picks a Career Politician to be his running mate.

  4. What okjimm said, in spades.

    "He is admired in Congress (according to this morning's news on NPR) as someone who works tirelessly."

    In all my 62+ years I have never heard ONE politician in the U.S. Congress say, of another sitting congresscritter, "He's a fucking asshole and a moron.". Not one. And yet, congress is filled fucking assholes and morons--never more than it has been for the last 10-12 years.

  5. Now that you mention it, I don't think I've heard that in my 67+ years either. Professional courtesy? Honor among thieves? Anyway, working tirelessly isn't meaningful. What nefarious idiocies he's working on is.

    Funny that we say career politicians with a sneer, but are amateurs any better and is there any evidence, for that matter, that successful businessmen make better legislators?

    Anyway, looking at the polls so far, many states show a boost for Obama since the announcement. Maybe Rombo is learning the price of being a Teawhore.

  6. Ryan was chosen to create some excitement after Romney's boring image. He is a good speaker and the crowds like him. But in the end, his budget will do Romney in as more people learn about it.

  7. Capt. Fogg,

    Just responding here to your fine comments in my post about the Ryan pick. The more I look at the coverage, the more I think Romney only picked Paul Ryan as a desperate hedge against suffering a major humiliation at the GOP Convention coming right up -- they might not have booted him out altogether, but choosing a tea-friendly running mate might at least keep them from making a big scene. You can tell easily from what Republican bigwigs and operatives had been saying even before the Ryan pick that almost nobody thinks Romney has a good chance to win -- all the disrespectful sniping is the sort of thing these guys only do when they realize that there isn't going to be any retribution down the road; no denial of journalistic access or ability to influence the president, etc. Romney chose Ryan for the sake of the convention -- that's my thinking, anyway. It'll cost him votes in November because he can kiss goodbye the votes of seniors and women generally, but he probably knows his goose is overdone by now anyway.

  8. You're probably right, but I was really hoping for just that big scene at the convention just to illustrate to all what a collection of cuckoos the Republican zoo has trying to pass off as a party with some kind of coherent position somehow relating to reality.

    Instead we'll likely have a bit of Beckett.

    Of course waiting for a Republican to be embarrassed would send Vladimir and Estragon screaming out into the night.

  9. Paul Ryan a Sarah Pain he is not. He is articulate and though contrary to the rather biased views of the liberal base he is intelligent.

    There is indeed is a lot of diversion from the real problems facing us as a nation. It seems we are all guilty of it from time to time. I know I am.

  10. I remember Dan Quayle, and was disturbed by his religious beliefs at the time, but boy was I in a minority. Christian conservatives were not much on the nation's radar at that time, so Quayle managed to cruise through the campaign with very little attention paid to either his lack of intellect or to his very right wing religious beliefs. During his time as vice president, he couldn't hide away his stupidity and ignorance, but very little attention was paid to his wacko religion.

  11. Well, no, he speaks something like English and doesn't advocate hunting from helicopters and hasn't walked away from public office because it didn't pay enough, but maybe I set the threshold for intelligence higher than others do. Of course the highly intelligent can be idiots too. Maybe they're better at it sometimes. Bias on the other hand, like all relativistic things, is in the eye of the beholder. One couldn't really think without some bias, but all in all, accusations of bias are usually only distractions that relieve you from having to make sense, or from having to discus the likely results of one's policies -- or most importantly having to discus the facts instead of bellowing lies.

    Dan and his wife as well, seemed to believe in an actual Devil at work in the world. Takes one to know one, as people say.


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