Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why Does The GOP Love Mitt Romney?

I've been trying to figure out why the Republican party nominated Mitt Romney as their candidate for president. They spent 2004 castigating John Kerry as a "flip-flopper," but now they want to elect someone who has literally reversed himself on every single issue.

But then it hit me. There's no way that they couldn't love Mittens. He's one of them.

The right wing has spent years trying to claim how much they dislike the "liberal elite," so it's somewhat ironic that their 2012 presidential candidate is a Harvard lawyer and multi-millionaire with four houses and a freaking elevator for his cars. But it's understandable, because, just like Mitt, the GOP has managed to reverse themselves on almost every policy they ever supported.

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves; admittedly, he left the Republican party (like any reasonable person would), but he did it. In fact, the party was founded six years before the Civil War by anti-slavery activists and "modernists." Despite having that history to act as guide and beacon for their moral compass, the GOP has opened their arms and embraced every bigoted pinhead out there.

Those of us who wander the dark side of the Internet are treated to a daily flood of images of Obama as a monkey or an African witchdoctor, watermelons grown on the White House lawn, variations on "can we still call it the White House?" and every other racist stereotype they can dredge up.

Do you want to see how ugly it can get out there? Turn Safesearch off and google "Obama nigger." (But trust me, that's not a nice place to spend any amount of time.)

Have you heard the Republican position on unions lately? With all their assaults on collective bargain and worker's rights, it's sometimes hard to recall that the GOP once embraced unionization as an important step towards strengthening the middle class.

Back in the day when the Republican party still supported the ideals of the "common man" over the aspirations of the super-rich, they knew that only by organizing and acting in groups, could the poor gain any influence in negotiations with the wealthy.

Admittedly, they still know that: they just don't think it's a good idea any more.

As Reagan put it, "where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost." What, you don't believe me? Honest, he said it!

Despite their current efforts to do away with environmental protection and their mantra of "Drill, baby, drill!", the Republican Party used to consist of ardent conservationists like President Teddy Roosevelt, whose policies led to the creation of the National Park Service. And though they don't like to talk about him, Richard Nixon was a Republican, and he created the Environmental Protection Agency.

They've always been a little bit prudish. On October 28, 1919, a Republican-controlled Congress overrode the veto of President Woodrow Wilson (of the Progressive Party), and passed the Volstead Act, banning alcohol and bringing us Prohibition. Also, it was Edwin Meese, Attorney General for Ronald Reagan who created the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography, which succeeded in getting magazines such as Playboy and Penthouse removed from convenience store shelves.

Yet despite this continuing drumbeat of "family values," it's the traditionally "red" states that consume the most pornography; at their national conventions, strippers prefer Republicans, who outspend Democrats three to one. Republican Congressmen hold a solid lead over Democrats in number of sex scandals, as well.

The GOP likes to claim that they support the concept of smaller government, but if that's so, why does every Republican president increase the number of government employees, while every Democratic president reduces them?

This is not the Republican Party of your father. (Nor of mine, although he's most likely going to vote for them.) But overall, on issue after issue, the GOP shows why they support a hypocritical, lying gasbag who can't keep a consistent position as their candidate. He's what they aspire to be.


  1. Why does the GOP love Mittmoroni? Because he's notnotwhite.

  2. " a hypocritical, lying gasbag "

    You flatter them, but I don't think I have the words to describe these cork soakers without resorting to obscenities or to ancient and simple minded religious maledictions.

    Nothing that could happen to any of them could be bad enough -- but not just because they will steer this country straight to hell, but just because they are the kind of vermin they are.

    I keep saying it and I keep feeling that way - I'm embarrassed to be an
    American. We have nothing to do with freedom or justice, we're all about money and more money and if they have to make us all into serfs, why that's just fine.

  3. If Governor Olympics dad were alive today he would be ashamed of this act.

    Also the Baggers would probably have thrown him out of the party.

  4. I, as a fiscal conservative and social libertarian have wojdered at this for quite some time. Mittens Romney, the Human Flipper.

  5. A Wry Memorial

    The Swarthy Ones took over;
    And made weapons of four planes.
    The riders had no cover;
    They suffered dreadful pains

    That ended once their deathtraps
    Burst into roaring fires
    Turning instantly to mere scraps––
    Cinders––made of former flyers.

    The burning towers crumpled,
    And fell into the street.
    New York was more than rumpled;
    Briefly, it knew defeat.

    The nation drew together;
    We felt collective grief.
    Anger broke its tether;
    To express it gave relief.

    But only ten years hence
    We're at each other's throats;
    We've built ourselves a fence
    Over which the Devil gloats.

    We've failed to give the orders
    To build a proper wall
    Sealing off our borders
    To the fiends who’d have us fall.

    Instead, we've made division––
    Went to war against ourselves––
    And are mired in derision
    Sparked by partisan elves,

    Who forget this blessed land
    In pursuit of powers lost
    In close elections manned
    By fraud. So, tempest-tossed

    The country is in turmoil.
    The enemy's our own.
    He says it's all for Big Oil,
    And he'll soon usurp the Throne.

    The heap of twisted rubble
    Raising toxic fumes for weeks
    No longer gives us trouble
    Because of media leaks

    Designed to throw us off the scent
    Of whom we need to blame
    And encourage ruinous dissent
    That hopes to break the frame

    That holds us all together
    And preserves our liberty,
    So many now doubt whether
    We really should be free.

    And each rabble rousing louse
    Should 'neath these words be pinned:
    "He who troubleth his own house
    Shall inherit–––the wind"

    ~ FreeThinke

  6. To explain the Republican Party of today, I think you need to go back almost 55 years to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. In 1964, the so-called "Dixiecrats" boycotted the Democratic Convention held in Atlantic CIty that year. Within a decade, the Republican Party started courting them, first by Tricky Dick and later by Ronald Reagan under his so-called "Southern Strategy." Thus, over the years, the ranks of the GOP filled with racists, theo-cons, neo-cons, and polycons of every shape, variety and personality disorder.

    Who says the GOP lacks diversity! Problem is: They are all disturbed as hell.

    1. The Grand Old Party that at one time had principles to be proud of has morphed and become the Neo Facist Party of America.

      Gary Johnson is getting my vote.

  7. It's the Greed and the absolute shamelessness of using Americans to advance one's interests.

    The Smirk and the Giggles by Romney say it all. He knows he's a "Man of Leisure" who profits off of other's hard work or misfortune.

  8. I find the whole GOP/Romney political machine mindboggling. And the Ryan choice really has me shaking my head. The GOP convention was one hot mess of religiousity/hate-mongering/fantasy.
    Eastwood looked crazy - Ryan looked crazier - Romney looked distracted. What the hell is going on????


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