Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Houston, the ego has landed

crash landed that is. 

If 2012 was the end of an error, it was Romney's error and the Republicans' error and although it won't be the end of their policy of taking us for idiots in order to take us to the cleaners, at least we won't have to listen to the nasty pastors predicting Antichrists and Apocalypses and the rest of their superstitious idiocies for a few hours.  We will get a rest from scurrilous fake economists telling us how tax cuts make us rich and pay our bills.  We'll have a few minutes peace from being told that Obama is responsible for the disaster that occurred before he was elected, for raising gas prices and all of those brainless and fraudulent claims that even the most idiotic and uninformed partisan has to strain to believe. We won't have to look at Mutt's  Botoxed and whitewashed face or listen to his ever shifting spectrum of lies and distortions and calumnies and complaints.   At least for a while.  They'll be back trying to bring down America within a day or so, or maybe sooner, like hyenas on a gazelle. They'll be back to make up ever more bizarre legends, ever more nonsense stories to fool the ignorant and bigoted and all designed for the benefit of a handful of people.

And we'll see them again in 2016, yapping about flag pins and the size of the flags on campaign jets and how the Democratic candidate eats Christian babies and was born on Mars and is financed by Commies from Kyrgyzstan, but their days do have a number as the population grows more diverse and younger, and angry, Bigoted, Southern white men go to sleep with their ancestors and their grandaughters date dark skinned men and have children more likely to piss on their Confederate ashes than to admire them.

Romney lost and he deserved to lose and the people who financed him and used him as a megaphone for their hate filled propaganda deserved to lose and to quote a favorite chant of  that androgynous and whining witch  Anthrax Coulter 

Liberals Republicans go WAH -- they go WAH, WAH, WAH.


  1. Well Cap,

    You're my only witness. I called it. The truth was not with Romney. That's why we all hate him so fucking much. He's the lyin'est creepy candidate floated in modern history. What a huge mistake for the Rs.

    The ridiculous notion that Romney could try to lead the pack of radical, extreme righties during the primary and then somehow magically change course and become the wonderful centrist uniter was preposterous on the surface, despite the hard-sell the media gave him. Romney basically said, "All of you bad brown people from south of the border, why don't you just hop on a bus and go back to Mexico, Guatemala or wherever it was that you were born?"

    Republican strategists can look back nostalgically about Bush's relatively credible outreach to Latino and Hispanic voters. I don't think even Ricky Martin could bring himself to vote for Romney.

    Things that made me optimistic tonight. All of the youngsters that were too young to vote last time around. Wonderful unity and organizing from our black communities. Women.

    I think that the number of women in congress dropped considerably last time around. I am hoping all of these new female freshperson senators will turn that trend around.

  2. Allen "War Criminal and McCarthy Reincarnate" West - LOST
    Joe "Child Support Deadbeat" Walsh - LOST
    Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin - LOST
    Richard "Rape is God's Will" Mourdock - LOST

    Tammy Baldwin - WON
    Tammy Duckworth - WON
    Elizabeth Warren - WON
    Alan "Die Quickly" Grayson - WON

    and the BIGGEST PRIZE of all

    President Obama - WON

    I couldn't be more pleased (one exception - Michelle "Corn Dog Cunning Linguist" Munchkin survived - barely)

  3. I went to bed at midnight, before the West Murphy contest was over and didn't find out that West lost until this morning. It was very close and in my county West won by a large margin, but then Martin County would vote for a steaming pile of shit if you painted it red. Fortunately the Genius party had redistricted us and they blew it by including an area with a non-Zombie population and West lost by about 1500 votes.

    Yep, you called it FJ. I wasn't quite so sanguine at first but as the night wore on and with Florida neck and neck, I found out that people were still waiting on line to vote in the most heavily Democratic counties and so when they finally were tallied, BHO would be a shoe in. Same obtained in Ohio - so I got out the fireworks -- um, or so it's alleged.

    So that's my report from BLUE STATE Florida and damn if it doesn't feel good to say that! I'll be in full gloat mode for quite a while.

    Of course Lyin' Bill was right on the spot blaming Mutt's loss on people looking for a handout (read minorities) but that's what you expect from Lyin' Bill and the Fox rabble. He won the industrial North because he saved millions of jobs and our automakers are making billion dollar profits in places where we, as capitalists, need to be selling cars. It's also telling that at least in Virginia, Obama got more donations from military personnel than Mutt and don't tell me these people are parasites, Bill. I still have some fireworks left.

    There are unconfirmed reports of a lunatic running around the neighborhood last night setting of fireworks, but I'm neither confirming or denying it.

  4. How apt. From the angle of that downed plane, it appears the prick has gone flaccid.

  5. That's probably true in a literal sense as well. Ain't gonna be no whoopie in Casa Romnita for a while. Bad case of Ego Deflation Syndrome.

    Oh, and Taggie, who you gonna take a swing at now? The UAW, Da Teamsters? Go ahead, I dare ya.

    And speaking of flaccid, I can't wait to hear the Fox version about what happened or what Rush Limpboy has to say. Maybe there's a chance that these vermin will dig their graves with their jawbones, just like the Muttster.


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