Thursday, November 8, 2012


The people voted, we have spoken and the message is “enough with the partisan bickering and obstructionism. Get off your dead asses and be about the people’s business for which you were elected!”
Looking at some of the news feeds, the White House sure gets it. No time to celebrate and hang out until January waiting for inauguration.  The President is still the President and he has wasted no time building on the voter mandate. He and Biden have been talking to GOP leaders in the House and Senate about what the election results mean to each of them and that they must all pull together and be about the People’s business for which they were elected.

Of course, Boehner is couching his comments on compromise, “Republicans are willing to consider some form of higher tax revenue as part of the solution — but only "under the right conditions." See article

David Axelrod warned Republican leaders to take lessons from Tuesday's vote. "Hopefully people will read those results and read them as a vote for cooperation and will come to the table," Axelrod said. "And obviously everyone's going to have to come with an open mind to these discussions. But if the attitude is that nothing happened on Tuesday, that would be unfortunate."
But let us not forget that the People’s business is our business.  Yes, we kept the White House for four more years but now is NOT the time to rest on our laurels, stick out our tongues and blow raspberries at the opposition.  There has been far enough of that kind of rather childish and ultimately unconstructive behavior over the last six years.

The divisions in the country run deep, mistrust and malice fueled by the shadowy entities at each end of the wingnut spectrum has been allowed to grow and fester to epic proportions. We, the People, must now stand up, hold our lights up high and declare an end to the hostilities.

We are Americans; this land is my land, this land is your land. We don’t agree politically, so what? Those on the right will not get to steer the direction government takes but they will get some of the things they want.  The same will happen on the left and even in the middle. It’s called compromise and I cannot imagine a country this size where the people can do anything else but compromise.

I hope others will join me in putting aside all the vitriol and empty rhetoric and set our minds to the ways we can convey our desires and demands. Write or call your representatives at the state and federal level. Blog, talk, reach out but above all else stay above the fray, keep pushing an intelligent message and remember that this is what caused the People to vote the way they did.
Yes, we won the race to keep the White House but our country is far from healthy and we all  still have a lot of work to do.


  1. "I hope others will join me in putting aside all the vitriol and empty rhetoric and set our minds to the ways we can convey our desires and demands"

    Aw, do I have to? At least not until the losing contender in my Congressional district, Allen West, drops his lawsuits and tantrums and demands a hand recount the law does not entitle him to -- a recount ONLY OF PRECINCTS THAT VOTED FOR HIS OPPONENT

    Sadly I don't think the blustering billionaire vampires are going to let up for a microsecond and we are going to have 4 more years of "he's a muslim" "He's a socialist" and "he hates white people and eats babies."

    One thing my former martial arts teacher told me back in the day -- in the ring, when your opponent is down, it's over. In a real fight it's not over until he's dead. True or not, that's what they believe.

  2. In the case of Allen West, I think we can make an exception. :) But on a national level I think we really need to push hard to get things done so that even if the blusterers keep blustering, they will look increasingly ridiculous when the economy picks up, there are more jobs and inflation isn't running rampant and efforts are being made to reduce the deficit. These things along with keeping the healthcare act intact should be what takes up our energy and focus.

  3. I am not holding my [[ transfer of O2 in a manner humanoids call "breath" ]]. Already the bullshit has begun:

    1 - McConnell and Boehner did not take President Obama's telephone call on the night of election. They were both "asleep" is what the President was told. How rude and disrespectful !!!

    2 - Karl Rove has accused the President of "voter suppression." (Projection, projection, projection !!!)

    3 - The (R)money campaign is attributing their election loss to Superstorm Sandy. An anomaly, they insist, not a mandate.

    Thus, the GOP are hell-bent on discrediting and de-legitimaizing Obama's election victory. The GOP is fundamentally dishonest and predatory and has no intention of engaging in any show of bipartisanship.

    I can only hope President Obama learned a lesson from the first debate. Although it is not Obama's style, he must use the bully pulpit as President if he expects to accomplish anything at all.

  4. And the Republican websites are crawling with craziness like a rotten corpse with maggots: 'the Black Panthers stole the election,' and the like.

    I don't think you can ignore such things. I think you have to continue to block, thwart and in particular expose each and every instance, every lie, every slander, every insane theory. I look for an increase of hatred. I expect further attacks on Obama and I hope none of them are physical, but we've slapped down the beast twice now and it's not the sort of beast that will just sigh and accept defeat.

    If we can just keep it at bay for a generation, then maybe we'll see things change, but even then, not every change is all for the good. If the crazy right fades away, then perhaps I'll have to start picking on the crazy left!

  5. I know the GOP will keep up their rotten, stinking diatribes if for no other reason than to retain the level of hate and discontent for mid-terms. I don't think we can ignore them either but I do think we need to focus on true reform rather than just devolve into a spitting match with these lowly slugs. If we can help the President push forward to improve economic conditions, job creation, alternative energy, etc then the GOP will look increasingly out of touch and dillusional - which they are. If we can get this country back on track and into a meaningful recovery, we all win. Not the GOP per se but every American wins.


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