Thursday, March 28, 2013


I've been waiting a long time for Fox to sic their gibbering, barking, slobbering and leg humping dogs on Easter and they finally have.  Yep, there's a war on Easter although it's hard to tell who the combatants are and even what Fox New's position is.  Seems some school in Alabama, speaking (according to Foxlogic of course) for all schools in all of the United States, cancelled all Easter and other Christian themed events because they thought it inappropriate. It is.  One classroom could represent as many as six religions. 

Consideration for others and respect for the right to teach one's own children one's own religious traditions. That's the sort of things Fox and Fiends like to call "politically correct" since to attack what might otherwise be called tolerance or good will or common decency requires a meaningless epithet that can mean anything you need it to mean. PC.

All this means of course, that someone, somewhere is waging war on Easter even though there's no evidence anywhere that the celebration of the holiday is being suppressed.  It isn't; neither the mythology of  death and resurrection nor the syncretion  of  Jesus with the European fertility Goddess for whom the holiday is named. It's long been a Goddess holiday and students of semitic languages will notice that the Ish in Ishtar, for instance sounds like the Isha -- the woman created for the Ish, Adam.

Yes, one principal in one school in Alabama doth a war make because he decided that his school is not a Sunday School, but a secular school, supported by taxes, whose business is not to give parties, either with eggs and bunnies or ridiculous stories about resurrected first century Jewish revolutionaries as recounted by people who weren't there.

Of course having no factual knowledge or rational basis for argument, having no interest in educating or informing the public, the Fox Coven launched this morning into a typically fatuous farrago of fallacy and peremptorily non-sequitur assertions such as Gretchen the Witch's:
 “Have we just gotten so deep into this political correctness that we now just can’t take the religion as it is, celebrate it and move on?”
 Pardon me?  Are we so stupid that we didn't notice you haven't made a case at all - neither logical or mystical or truthful?  You've just snickered and sneered and flung dung and declared war. Decency is PC so let's do what we will? 

The real question of the propriety of making kids perform rituals, ridiculous or otherwise, was not addressed, not discussed, not acknowledged, as the 'discussion' devolved into a bouillabaisse of bullshit.  Easter celebrations can't be offensive because bunnies aren't in the Bible?  Are you the same morons who want to get rid of Halloween because it's pagan?  What's next, they cackle -- can't we say Nor'easter?  Can we still teach about Easter Island in Geography? It's a pagan holiday anyway, or maybe it isn't and why can't we just gyre and gimble in the wabe with The Christrabbit and eat Mithras buns with the Mome raths
?  Right or wrong, we're right because it's just so much fun to mock -- anyone can do it!  Brillig, man, just brillig.


  1. Easter has been canceled. They found the body.

  2. ya, and if Jesus sees his shadow Sunday morning......whoops, six more weeks of winter.

  3. Capt. you have a profound way to express the obvious.

    Octo, have they determined the cause of demise?

    1. This news item without attribution:

      "In a paper published this week in the Journal of Archaeological Science, the scan found a lesion in the left subclavian artery. That’s the big blood vessel underneath the clavicle, or collarbone. The lesion was apparently caused by an arrowhead lodged in His back. A large hemotoma extends into the surrounding tissue. Modern records of such injuries indicate that He survived for only a short time after suffering His injury. There’s no statute of limitation on murder, and His killers are still at large."

      Perhaps someday, global warming will offer us an Answer.

  4. Nothing more sickening. These haters, who always claim the heritage of Christianity, have nothing better to do on this highest of holy days than snicker and snark some meaningless bullshit about what schools are or are not allowed to celebrate on Easter? Egg hunts are for children. Why the hell are adults discussing the deeper implications?

    Short answer. Because God never intended FOX News to be born or exist.

    Any other answer?

    I didn't think so.

    Politically correct? This is some type of deprecation?

    Politically correct means either agreeing with myself or Southern Beale.

    There is no other safe or middle ground.

  5. Anyway...

    Happy Easter or a beautiful and meaningful Passover. Here's hoping that you and yours are well. Happy Spring to all of you Druids and pagans. God has smiled upon us all. And will keep us right and tight. Hoping the flowers are blooming in your locale.

    1. The flowers bloom all year long here, but thanks. My favorite holiday is called morning, when I wake up and notice that I'm alive.

  6. Fuck KKKristianity.

    If Jesus existed, a matter that is firmly unevidenced, and he was anything like he was purported to be, he would be weeping at seeing these asshats use him as pinata.

    1. I do not doubt Christ existed, as a man with a philosophy of life and a belief on a hereafter. Like others both before and after him.

      What we obseve as Modern Christianity is more the religion of man than anything professed by the faith to be of God.

      And yes, you are quite likely correct would indeed be weeping at the very least. I've alway found it almost comical that this is lost on "the faithful."

    2. That loosely connected family of traditions ceased having much to do with Jesus a long, long time ago, at least in my opinion. Pretty sad to see a man who died because he opposed Roman rule used to justify Roman rule and indeed turned into a Roman god in the process, but then I'm only informed by history and not by faith.

      Faith is a wonderful thing. It allows people to murder each other and to commit hideous genocides in the name of some "prince of peace."

      Unfortunately all we know about Jesus comes from the writings of subsequent generations as selected by Romans with motives not quite in line with either Jesus or his lifetime followers, whose original writings are consistently missing, but I still remember the bumper sticker: JESUS IS COMING BACK AND HE SURE IS PISSED with a smile.

  7. By trivializing these religious holidays in order to extract some shred of short term political advantage from them, it is actually the right that is warring on religion, convincing more and more people every day that religion is nothing but a malicious farce.

    My children are in their twenties. For them and their friends, almost without exception, religion is an object of ridicule. This is not what we taught them; it is what they have figured out themselves by watching the behavior of those who claim to speak in the name of God. It is the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, and the lunatic Evangelical "Christians" in this country who are attacking and destroying religion, not the liberals, who by and large don't really care about it at all.

    1. Nodding my head in agreement... Well said Green Eagle.


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