I don't want to seem like I'm picking on Catholics, after all a good portion of this fine Southern Community are convinced and would argue a little too heatedly that the entire universe was established in 4004 BC, or at least our infinitesimal mote.
Funny how organizations that use history as a justification, have to tailor it to fit -- with an occasional taking in or letting out of the seams. Somewhere along the line Constantine and perhaps Athanasius of Alexandria were patched over or removed as you might eliminate a pocket or a buttonhole, but who's going to argue with the old lady Lexus driver. It's Florida and she's probably armed.
Why not! In our humble little forum, we offer living proof that dinosaurs still coexist with human beings, sacrificial clams, and other sundry talking critters. Which brings me to this ...
ReplyDeleteRene Descartes was sitting at a bar. The bartender came over and asked if he would like another drink. Descartes replied, "I think not" and then vanished.
Heisenberg was also sitting at the bar. After Descartes vanished in a puff, the bartender walked over to Heisenberg and asked, "Did you see that?" To which Heisenberg replied, "I can't be certain."
The bartender then noticed Einstein was there. So he asked Einstein if he could believe what had happened. Einstein replied, "It's all relative."
Then the bartender noticed Carl Sagan at the bar. He walked over to him and asked, "Can you believe all these famous people are HERE in THIS bar?" Sagan replied, "No. Why there must be BILLIONS and BILLIONS of bars out there."
And from the corner Bogey pipes up with "with all the billions of bars in all the galaxies. . ."
DeleteI did make it to Mass last week. The priest drug it out so much it seemed like it started in 33AD.
ReplyDeleteI need to get my high minded intellectual elitist daughter who's degree cost me 3o grand to visit hear Octo. She would appreciate your high minded humor. Not that I don't appreciate it. I just don't get into many jokes unless Jesse Jackson, a Rabbi or excrement is in it somewhere. I'm The Swash Zone token bumpkin.
So Jesse and a Rabbi walk into this shitty bar. . .
ReplyDeleteTwo bacteria walk into a bar.
Delete"Scram," says the bartender, "We don't serve your kind here."
"But we work here," the bacteria replied, "We're staph!"