So North Korea now has two mobile IRBM's standing proudly erect and America's eyes in the sky are watching. Little Kim, the only fat man in North Korea may be erect too but nobody's watching and nobody cares, the whole thing being so disgustingly Freudian.
The likelihood that the PRNK is conducting a prank, waving it's mechanical member at us, is pretty high in my opinion as the notion that they have a nuclear weapon that can be fitted to one of these things is pretty low. Can we be sure that it will function and be accurate enough even for nukes?
Speaking of dicks, the old war criminal himself has made it a point to express his nervousness about the smallest of the Korean Matriushka dolls, the son of the Glorious General who descended from Heaven and totally awesome Commander Kid and his WMD. Interesting to note as this time there may actually be a WMD even if it's only a clumsy prototype. I'm glad he no longer has the launch codes even as much as I'd like to see the Great Sun of the 21st century vaporized, his little dick and all.
But the opinion of the other Dick, notwithstanding, I'm not really worried about being attacked. I'm more worried about the Republicans dredging that old Three O'Clock phone call meme to go after Obama The Unprepared from another angle. It's Junk Un who has to be sitting up nights worrying about military coups or the Chinese flyswatter or a war that would be over before he could empty his bladder in his pants. Even if he's firing blanks, he may draw fire on himself and if he just puts it back in his pants, he'll look like the 8 year old in the Superman suit he really is. Nobody will criticize him at home, not until someone gets up the nerve to assassinate him, but my guess is, that he's already lost this opening gambit and that he can't afford another.
But hey, for those of us tired of the 24/7 wailing, weeping and mourning and trembling in our Nike's that someone will shoot us as we watch a movie, or maybe sneak through our Smart Meters to steal our guns and raise our taxes Sharia Law style, it's almost a relief to contemplate nuclear war, Gangnam style.
Sounds to me like cnn.com opinion needs to look out for some more serious talent than Mr. Navarette. The entire premise doesn't even make sense. Nothing could really make Cheney any happier than an all-out war with China and North Korea. "September 11th was good in that it got our nation on a firm war footing." Since when does Cheney care about people dying American or otherwise? What the hell does he care about nuclear safety? His energy interests sold nuclear technology and fissile materials to India and China. As you suggest, the world is still safe only because Cheney and his heartless, maniacal PNAC-neocon buddies are decidedly out-of-power in the U.S. government as well as the Pentagon and the Department of State.
ReplyDeleteDicks like Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz make us all glad that China and Russia at least have relatively sane and reliable leadership. Leaders that actually care whether or not their people live or die. Men that would not start armed conflict unnecessarily.
I have every expectation that the Bush gang will be written into history as heroic good guys and very little hope that bellicose jingoism and authoritarianism will not be our response to a fading position in the world. Whether things improve or not, they will convince themselves and anyone who will listen that we're going down the tubes solely because of Obama and his "policies" of giving everything to the "takers" who don't pay taxes and therefore shouldn't be able to vote. I listen to wealthy people who you'd think had some kind of education talk about bloody uprisings against those who are "taking everyone's money" and how the second amendment is there to allow (white, property owning male) Americans to overthrow the government. And no, they're not rednecks.
ReplyDeleteYou don't inform or educate people out of such opinions. You have to wait for them to die and resist the temptation to help them in the process.
But no, hope just makes you miserable and I won't have any of it and to me the future is a race between a total surveillance safety state and global war -- not that they're mutually exclusive.
That idea of resisting tyranny with firearms is incredibly persistent. I think most of the too-much-time-on-their-hands gun bloggers understand the ultimate futility and immorality of resisting the FBI, police, magistrates, et al, but would no more likely deny the notion than S'il Vous Plait in Fellini's Amarcord could give up her beloved Benito.
ReplyDeleteAs persistent as ignorance. You'd think the example of rebellions put down would give some hint that there is no constitutional support for rebellions. It's a slap in the face to Democracy if the will of the electorate is overthrown by violence, but since the freaks and creeps and idiots who cry for rebellion aren't nearly a majority and can't do it by voting, they dream of uprisings they aren't smart enough, young enough, brave enough to start or justified in attempting. There's always been an undercurrent of rebelliousness in America and parts of our country have been settled by misfits whose culture has persisted for generations as has the secessionist, anti-Northern sentiment. I had to listen to a guy yesterday tell me all about how the original intent of this country was to be run by property owners and so we should disenfranchise the renters and takers.
ReplyDeleteI'm just too disgusted to give a shit any more.
But we're not talking about educated people or even about honest ones.
I'm not a big fan of military intervention, but all things considered, the best course of action might be:
ReplyDelete1. Send envoys to China. "Anything you can do? No? Well, would you mind if we took care of it?"
2. At T minus 2 hours, you call ahead and tell them to get everybody out of the nuclear facility (-ties?) and out of the area of the missiles within the next hour and a half.
3. At T minus 1 hour, you make a leaflet run, in Korean, saying "Get away from here."
4. At T minus zero, you begin a program of dropping munitions on all related sites until there's nothing left but flat sheets of slightly glassy rock. At those sites only.
5. Go home and crack open a beer.
Then what? Repeat above T minus count down with Iran situation?
ReplyDeleteBigger fish bigger thirst. Then go home and pull a plug from a good whiskey bottle.
ReplyDeleteWhat you're failing to consider is that Iran has not threatened America. Ahmadinejad has made some inflammatory statements about Israel (but, incidentally, this - not that Khameini is a big Israel backer either. I'm just saying...), but at no point have the Iranians threatened America.
Further, consider the effect this relatively simple act might have on Iranian policy.
Just a thought.
Certainly good points, and of course you are right, Iran has not threatened the USA. Not yet anyway.
DeletePersonally I don't believe Little Kim has any intention of attacking the USA or South Korea. IMO he is using bluster in the hopes of securing a place at the nuclear table. Of course I could be wrong and he might be crazy enough to act in a manner that would insure his own, as well as his countries partial destruction
One thing is certain, whatever we do Iran will be watching..
By threatening Israel with annihilation, Iran is threatening to engage us militarily as we, I believe, have a treaty obligation to retaliate just as we would if pudgy boy drops one on Japan or South Korea. Of course Israel has the warheads to send Iran up to paradise in short order also by itself even if only a few get through. They can't be that crazy.
ReplyDeleteA country like either of these hellholes can hope to engage us in a limited war of attrition, but either or both could be destroyed in minutes if we had the excuse to use even some small nukes. So much easier to wave phallic symbols for the benefit of their own citizens and claim victory. Young Kimchee is playing a dangerous game by making nuclear threats, but he comes from a line of loonies and the shit doesn't fall far from the bat.
"but he comes from a line of loonies and the shit doesn't fall far from the bat."
ReplyDeleteAs I said a while back in reference to someone else.
"He says he descended from a long line of patriotic warriors; I'd say he descended from a dog's anus."