Well, Senator Lindsey Graham (belle of the ball and well-known Scarlett O'Hara impersonator) believes we should take away the rights of American citizens, skip having a trial entirely, and pull out the whips and cattle-prods.

Wonkette published a list of people who they suggested should eat a bag of dicks on the subject. But I'm pretty sure Lindsey has dreams like that, and I'm not in the business of making him happy.
Over on the openly-insane side of the argument, we have Alex Jones of the conspiracy-theory site infowars.com saying that the Obama administration staged the whole thing in order to establish martial law and take away our rights. (On the other hand, a blogger at Forward Progressives makes an equally persuasive argument that Alex Jones’ desire for farm animals fuels his distrust for the government.)
Jones wasn't the only conspiracy theorist to go completely bugnuts over this whole thing. There was just too much misinformation out there for their tiny little brains to process. For one thing, the media certainly failed to do anything except look like incompetent idiots (here's a visual representation of who said what and when, if you're curious.) The most egregious lies, of course, came from publications owned by Rupert Murdoch: the New York Post, Wall Street Journal and Fox "News" Channel.
Easily the worst of those three was the tabloid NY Post, who decided to devote their front page to two bystanders who the Post implied were the bombers. Because, hey, they had dark skin, right?

One of them, a high-school track star, turned himself in to the police because he didn't want to get attacked by people who still believe that the NY Post covers the news.

Social media wasn't much help - Twitter and police scanners allowed the innocent people to end up smeared as "suspects," or sometimes, to create people who didn't exist.
Meanwhile, at 2:14am Eastern, an official on the police scanner said, "Last name: Mulugeta, M-U-L-U-G-E-T-A, M as in Mike, Mulugeta." And thus was born the newest suspect in the case: Mike Mulugeta. It doesn't appear that Mulugeta, whoever he or she is, has a first name of Mike. And yet that name, "Mike Mulugeta," was about to become notorious.One of the things that spurred many a paranoid rant, of course, was the fact that a Saudi man was (or wasn't) taken into custody (or to a hospital, or escaped) after being seen planting a bomb (or running from the scene, or acting suspticiously), and then was released (or disappeared, or was taken up by the alien mothership).
Yes, "facts" became remarkably fluid over the course of last week.
What basically happened was a simple combination of paranoia and racism.
A twenty-year-old man who had been watching the Boston Marathon had his body torn into by the force of a bomb. He wasn't alone; a hundred and seventy-six people were injured and three were killed. But he was the only one who, while in the hospital being treated for his wounds, had his apartment searched in "a startling show of force," as his fellow-tenants described it to the Boston Herald, with a "phalanx" of officers and agents and two K9 units...He was cleared by the authorities. But not by social media. And he has now become another puzzle piece for the paranoid to obsess about.
Why the search, the interrogation, the dogs, the bomb squad, and the injured man's name tweeted out, attached to the word "suspect"? After the bombs went off, people were running in every direction—so was the young man. Many, like him, were wounded; many of them were saved by the unflinching kindness of strangers, who carried them or stopped the bleeding with their own hands and improvised tourniquets....
In the midst of that, according to a CBS News report, a bystander saw the young man running, badly hurt, rushed to him, and then “tackled him,” bringing him down. People thought he looked suspicious.
What made them suspect him? He was running — so was everyone. The police reportedly thought he smelled like explosives; his wounds might have suggested why. He said something about thinking there would be a second bomb — as there was, and often is, to target responders. If that was the reason he gave for running, it was a sensible one. He asked if anyone was dead — a question people were screaming. And he was from Saudi Arabia, which is around where the logic stops.
And our right-wing media continues to fan the fear. We have columnists ranting in national outlets that this attack (which, as I mentioned above, killed 3 people and injured 170) was literally worse than 9/11, or the Oklahoma City bombing, or any attack ever, all the way back to the Great Flood!
Huh. If you think about it, the Biblical Flood was just another mass killing. What does that make God?... It is the Old Testament, so it could be argued that He was Middle Eastern...
Sorry. Seem to have gone off on a tangent, there...
So, what should we take away from this experience? Well, while there were more injured, there were less people killed than there were at Sandy Hook. We should probably react to this tragedy just the same way we did to that one. Just as much should get done because of this, as will get done because of that.
And maybe, just maybe, the media can get its head out of its ass, and go back to reporting facts, instead of rushing to get something (anything!) out there to the public, and to be first!
Somehow, I doubt that any of this will be the case. But we can hope.
Yes, I'm always amazed at the capacity of "the news media" (whose job you'd think it would be to get this sort of thing more or less right) to get practically EVERYTHING about such events wrong, right from the get-go. They would probably have better luck if they simply made things up as a matter of principle, without any reference to the facts at all. There would be something almost Wildean about that. I could respect it.
ReplyDeleteIt's not about news it's about ratings.
DeleteYou haven't plumbed the full idiocy of this yet. Over at the Astute Bloggers, they are insisting that this poor Saudi guy is actually the mastermind of the whole thing, and the two Chechen brothers (who he never met) were nothing but his tools:
and therefore we should impeach Obama.
If you can read Ass-Toot bloggers, you're a brave man. The idea that there are more than ten people who support this insanity makes me want to blow my brains out.
DeleteI'm gonna go out on a limb here (one that I feel is stout, healthy and kevlar/carbon fiber reinforced) and say that if you drill down into the brains of people like Lindsay Graham you will find that he has an absolutist belief in the "Free Market", the 2nd Amendment and JESUSSSSSSSSSSS! The fourth amendment, due process for brown people and the like, not so much. I would hazard a guess that a lot of the commenters brains are similarly arranged. One word of caution; when drilling into the brains of neo-clowns one should expect to hit a lot of "dry holes".
ReplyDeleteI sometimes suspect that any real beliefs, honest or otherwise such people may once have had, have long choked to death on greed and lust for power.
DeletePossible Law Case with Georgetown University for Sexism and Racism Discrimination in Enrollment Process
ReplyDeleteBrief: A female advisor in the admissions department at Georgetown University has been caught openly admitting that she committed the CRIME of discrimination based on people's race and gender in the application process.
This has the potential to create a large scale lawsuit against Georgetown University, and with the momentum building at the rate it is building, seems very likely that will be the outcome.
Below are the main links to all of the information regarding this news story and case.
There ought to be a term for taking an incident, or perhaps creating a story about an incident and extrapolating it into some trend, some plot, some revolutionary agenda that substantiates one's own political objective.
DeletePerhaps there is a term, but I'm not convinced at all that this isn't a bit of political theater you've been posting all over the place - I've seen it in two places already this morning - without regard to the content of what you're pinning it on.
Whether you're sincere, a paid operative or a garden variety troll, I don't trust you and posting anonymously doesn't help and I suspect you have some racist motivations you're trying to blame others for.
As (now) an occasional contributor here, I would like to suggest that it sets a very bad precedent to allow trolls to post comments that are unrelated to the post. I had a similar comment from Anonymous at a post of mine, and I deleted it. I think the same should happen here. If Anonymous wishes to pursue this (ridiculous) issue, let him start his own blog.
DeleteNo matter how you prepare an anonymous troll for dinner - and I I've tried everything from salting them in brine to ample doses of cayenne pepper - they always leave a bad taste no matter what you do. My best advice: Grind them in the In-Sink-Erator and flush them down the drain with liberal amounts of water. A squeeze of fresh lemon controls the bad odor.
DeleteThis post somehow got here and to my blog from the Georgetown
DeleteUniversity Facebook page. I don't think we'll be treated to any followups.
Ummm, Anonymous@8:11.
ReplyDeleteYou sound like an MRA. Some people think that MRA stands for "Male Rights Activists". I've met some of you folks, what it stands for is "Ridiculous Male Assholes".
Aside from the fact that your comment has fuckall to do with the OP, concern trolling is somewhere above the "last resort of hypocrites and liars"; not that far, though.
Ridiculous is too kind a term. It was ridiculous only in a special sense when Hitler told Germany that they were victims of the Jews. Aren't we all fed up with the Klan, the Aryan Nation and the like posing as victims?
ReplyDeleteI think the story is fiction, but even if it weren't, one graduate student does not a worldwide plot make.
This guy is posting all over the place and I doubt we'll hear from him again. I'd agree about being an asshole only in a figurative sense. Real assholes are a necessary thing. This one is useless if not harmful.
Why is your favorite commenter (RN) a Jew hater, and why do you post his hate filled opinions?
ReplyDeleteRatNat has hated on no Jews (that I've seen) while he's been here. Nor did I come across any such on the (brief) occasions when I've perused his site. He makes cogent comments here (for the most part), and is on his best behavior. We support open discussion of issues, and as long as all this holds true, I have no problem with him.
DeleteThere are issues where I am less liberal than others. Do we all have to walk in lock-step?
You seem to be confusing us with some sort of Jihadist site. Please do not stink up the place with your personal obsessions.