Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bye, Bye Bachmann

Pack up all your cares and woe.  There she goes.  Singin' low.
The twittering twit quit last night.
No one ever loved or understood her.
She made her bed.  Now turn out the light. 
Bye, bye Bachmann.


  1. Be nice... Perhaps her most rational decision yet.

  2. AAAAAGGHH! What the HELL is that? Michelle without her mask?

  3. of course, Michelle the Bat is still under investigation for ethics and campaign violations. From US News"\:

    //A plethora of agencies are currently looking into possible misconduct by Bachmann's 2012 presidential campaign, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Election Commission, Office of Congressional Ethics and the Iowa Senate Ethics Committee.//

    hhhmmmmmm now, that says Scandal

  4. Yes, isn't it terrible the way the gummint picks on Republicans?


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