Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Benghazi Desperation Ploy

Benghazi, Benghazi!  Is this the new Rebel Yell, or the cry of some demented parrot?  Or maybe it's the desperate attempt to find some new tail to pin on the Donkey, now that the Birther Bullshit and so many of the previous attempts have failed or backfired for all but the most ardent of the crooks and liars called Republicans.

Benghazi, Benghazi! it may continue to hound Hillary Clinton if she makes the attempt to be the 2016 Democratic presidential Candidate says Democratic pollster and author Doug Schoen. " “Look, the hearing today [Wed, May 8] raises more questions about what happened, why a force was not sent in to try to rescue the ambassador and his colleagues.”

Could it be that Republicans can be considered complicit since they voted against beefing up security, voted to cut security?  Hey, can we blame the Republicans for anything, what with their long term sterling record of success in all things?   Hell no because the appeal to ignorance, forgetfulness and neurotic hatred of all things not GOP always works. Failure is success. Truth is in the definition.

“We still have unanswered questions about what the president knew, when he knew it, what he was doing,” says Schoen. “So, we are really still in the middle of a drama that’s playing itself out.”
Is farce a kind of drama? Are these "unanswered questions"  scripted by the same creative minds that gave us unanswered questions about Obama's birth certificate, about whether he murdered his grandmother, about his terrorist affiliations?  Nothing was said by the GOP or their Friends at Fox about what the president knew and all that when we went to war with Iraq or what he knew before Sept 11, 2001.

The Benghazi gambit hasn't really affected the real world that I can see, Obama was handily re-elected despite Fox News' round the clock Banghazithon before the last election, despite Fox &  Friends host Eric Bolling's claim that  Obama “went gambling in Las Vegas when he could have been saving our people in Benghazi.”  Even Geraldo Rivera, that paragon of journalistic integrity, seems to have choked on that steaming turd and called Bolling a liar before his audio was cut off in the interest of fairness and balance.
Benghazi, Benghazi, we haven't heard the last of it and we won't any time soon as the national memory fades and the fake history is implanted. The hypocrisy won't be noticed by those who have forgotten about Reagan, the Marines and Lebanon or by those who still desperately need to hide the real Obama behind a claim of weakness, made of straw.


Seems that Dick Cheney thinks Congress should subpoena Hillary Clinton all over again to get "more answers."   You know, sometimes words fail me. Hey, let's bring up Whitewater again.  You never know -- we might get more answers in time for 2016. Will we ever get answers about Cheney's  crimes - you know the kind of thing he used "executive privilege" to hide behind? 

"Fine and dandy. Let us first subpoena Mr. Cheney to testify about 9/11, Iraq, torture and the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame."

Says Paul Abrams, but of course we won't, the public having long lost interest in such ancient history or is so entrenched in Denialism and caught up in fake controversies about a non-existent crime wave and other media obsessions. Besides it's not criminal when they do it.  Never has been, never will be.



  1. Shaw posted on Benghazi a few days ago. It gave me an opportunity to go absolutely batshit ballistic; so if my comment seems milksop now, it is only because I unleashed a tirade earlier. What the GOP does every-WTF-time:

    The GOP brand of gutter politics is fundamentally dishonest and immoral - predicated on distortions, outright lies, defamation, demonizing, and demagoguery;

    Manufactured controversy has only one purpose - to discredit any worthy opponent and murder his or her reputation;

    The GOP recruits the mega amygdalate super-dumb who reflexively self-identify and lockstep along partisan lines;

    Remember the infinite fault loop of “distort, demonize and demagogue” and repeat, repeat, repeat until the shit stinks and sticks everywhere.

    Was this angry enough for you? Or did I miss anything?

  2. "Manufactured controversy has only one purpose - to discredit any worthy opponent and murder his or her reputation;"

    I think it's more than just setting Hillary for a fall long before there's any move to make her the candidate. Creating a crisis, or the appearance of a crisis is such a common ploy of those who wish to take over that I'd be insulting people to reference history. All the financial bloviators are still screaming about an utter and apocalyptic collapse of the economy, the gun gollums are still screeching about their precious weapons and every wind that blows or raindrop that falls is a Sign. Distract 'em with doom, cry about protecting the children, demonize any old enemy and predict the wrath of God and they'll give you the reins - the special emergency powers, anything you need. How many demagogues began this way?

    I'm not shy about accusing Liberals of doing a bit of histrionic theater now and then, but it's like comparing apples to asteroids; Limbaugh to Lao-Tze. Only comparable if you're drunk, demented or Cheney.

    Besides we've long been outrage junkies. There aren't enough celebrity scandals and overdoses to fill the hours without inventions, distortions, defamations, demonizations and days of mourning and rage. We're such easy marks, eyes wide shut as we hurry toward the egress.

    As I said, I'm sick of being angry and I'd give anything not to give a shit.

  3. The word "Desperation" in your title says it all. The GOP has demographics going against it, public opinion on gay marriage and background checks going against it, their Apocalyptic Austerity budget shown to be a scam and a sham, and no party platform to bolster their forever-sinking disapproval ratings. The public resents their blustering filibusters and hostage-taking, and a strong Hillary candidacy will ruin their sagging fortunes through 2024 at the earliest. With Desperation, can Shrill be far behind?

    Old Buddhist question: What is the sound of one hand giving you the clap?

    1. As a fiscal consevatives and social libertarian I must say (O)CT(0)PUS for me it is becoming difficult to find much to support in the rEpublican agenda. Crying wolf at every turn has had the effect of causing the party to lose credibility.

      ... the sound of one hand giving you the clap indeed.

      Is there any such thing as political integrity any more?

  4. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Which is another way of saying it ain't over 'til it's over. It's a long way until 2016 and the bastards have a lot of opportunity to sabotage us. Us meaning America.

    What is the sound of one hand grabbing us by the balls?

    You're right RN, they are losing credibility, but the diehards are all the more fanatic and they have a loud voice and deep pockets. Political integrity -- another theory that sounds good on paper but not actually viable in the real world.

  5. "Crying wolf at every turn has had the effect of causing the party to lose credibility."

    "Crying Wolf", a sacrament of the GOP since, well, as fucking long as I've lived. No new ideas from the GOP since at least 1960. Demonize the oppositions, repackage the bullshit, gin up the fear and hatred; rinse and repeat. The democrats, as spineless and venal as they sometimes are have not made it party policy to fuck the country in service of winning elections for their tribe.

    1. That may be so democommie. But, all politics is about winning and thereby retaining control and power.

      Barry Goldwater, the man demonized by the Johnson campaign. Perhaps the last true conservative.

      And here we are...

    2. Not only no new ideas but ever more radical versions of shit that doesn't work and depends on closing your eyes to history to believe. Ike had, what was it, a 90 something percent marginal bracket -- and with high employment and steady growth, but they're still wanting to cut it further and further, except for those "takers" who work for a living of course.

      Goldwater was a gentleman and a fellow ham and I liked much about him but being against the Civil Rights movement precluded my voting for him as did his suggestion that we nuke Vietnam - the ally of another nuclear power -- sweet Jesus!

  6. The party didn't lose credibility after bankrupting America and killing thousands unnecessarily?

  7. Oh, no, you see that was Obama -- you know, the guy who followed Clinton. Some say there was somebody in between, but that's just a Liberal lie. Clinton caused the recession and the 9/11 attack and then Obama caused it all over again by giving trillions to the "takers."

    1. After the "guy in between" I oft find myself with fond memories of Bubba.

      Further, the guy following the guy in between ain't exactly as anticipated or as some still make him out to be. Not a great President, but not a bad chap either.

    2. "Further, the guy following the guy in between ain't exactly as anticipated or as some still make him out to be. Not a great President, but not a bad chap either."

      I'm assuming that you're referring to Mr. Obama. Comparing him to either of the Bush's is like comparing Lincoln to Buchanan or Filmore.

      He's worked with a hostile congress (that "super majority" of democrats bullshit notwithstanding) and has managed to achieve much, in spite of the GOP's commitment to being "wreckers" in the most vile sense of that old communist pejorative.


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