Sunday, June 30, 2013

Somebody's trying to sound butch!

You have to feel sorry for David Dewhurst. It has to be rough to be the lieutenant governor under Rick Perry - I mean, Dewhurst is no Rhodes scholar himself, but when you're second fiddle to a brain-damaged chimp, you must spend a lot of nights curled around a bottle of cheap whiskey, rocking yourself and sobbing uncontrollably.

I mean, he was in charge of the Texas Senate as they tried to ban abortion, and he failed. Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, filibustered for over 12 hours, until they were able to take her off the stage with three challenges: two of them, that she didn't stay on topic, involved her talking about Planned Parenthood and invasive sonograms - both of which are directly involved with abortion. So, bullshit right there.

Then, forgetting that the world was watching, they held a vote after the Senate was required to close down, and tried to fake the record. But the public wouldn't let them get away with that, either, and the vote was declared null and void.

So Dewhurst, being a good'ol'boy from Texas, felt he had to talk tough to hide the fact that he was beaten up by a girl wearing pink sneakers. The sad part is, he isn't very good at it.

Apparently, having witnesses when you try to cheat and break the rules is now called "Obama-style, mob-rule politics" - which I suppose you can understand, considering the back-room nature of traditional Texas politics.

But I think the best part of Dewhurst's sad little rant is what he chose as a battle cry.
Come and Take It!
Why does that sound like a bottom, kneeling in bed and calling to his top? Somebody needs to give Dewhurst some lessons in looking macho before he embarrasses himself further.

Maybe Wendy Davis is available.


  1. Dewhurts: "The message sent by the angry throng gathered from across the country was clear: they will stop at nothing to undermine conservative Texas values."

    That Texas conservative value includes wiping out a woman's individual freedom to make decisions about her body and having the state force girls and women to carry any pregnancy, not matter how it affects their lives.

    Dewhurst: "When abortion activists attack the sanctity of life..."

    When I see Texas' miserable record for providing health care to its most vulnerable citizens, I have to laugh at what Dewhurst is yawping about on this one. It's all Texas-style bullpuckey.

    Dewhurst: "...when the Supreme Court erodes the nuclear family and the Obama administration..."

    Allowing more people to marry and add to "the nuclear family" erodes marriage in what way? Idjit!

    Dewhurst: "...imposes radical environmentalism on our economy, I have four words for them: COME AND TAKE IT!"

    I've got news for Dewy, that's exactly what people like Wendy Davis intend to do.

    Dewhurst: "I hope you will join me in my ongoing efforts to stand up for what's right, to push back on the liberal left and preserve the conservative values that made Texas great."

    Voting rights for all citizens was NOT a conservative value; equal protection under the law so that minorities can marry whom they love is NOT a conservative value; keeping government out of women's reproductive organs is NOT a conservative value; providing affordable health care for all citizens is NOT a conservative value.

    Come and take it? Thank you very much, that's what the increasing number of liberals and progressives in Texas will most assuredly do. It's just a matter of time.

    1. Shaw said... "Dewhurst: "When abortion activists attack the sanctity of life..."

      RN asks... What is unreasonable about 1) giving as a threshold 20 weeks (four months and three weeks) as the threshold. Or put another way when the developing baby has reached viability? 2) When does personal inexpressibility become a factor? You know, as in condoms, IUD's, a diaphragm and gel, or the poll...

      As to the extreme view that life begins the second sperm meets egg, well that is just as ridiculous as the progressive extreme of partial birth or live birth abortions.

      The insanity of this ought to be driving reasonable and reasoned individuals stark raving mad.

    2. Oh, good god, RN - forgot your meds again? And you've been doing so well, too.

      "giving as a threshold 20 weeks" - can't you just look these things up for yourself? Nobody with a high school education and two brain cells to rub together has ever claimed that a fetus is viable at 20 weeks. Because it isn't. Because that is a lie, propagated by the radical right.

      Damned few 20-weekers survive, and the ones that do will have an amazing number of health problems due to lack of development. Basic biology.

      And on that, could you please point me at one person who isn't functionally sociopathic who is in favor of "partial birth or live birth abortions"? That's another Fox "News" strawman that they keep pulling out and waving at people as if it actually existed.

      I'll assume your #2 is about "why can't they use birth control?" Well, if the right wasn't trying to outlaw that, too, maybe they could. And even if they don't, what the hell business is it of yours? You aren't going to adopt their baby, so you don't get a say in it.

      (Go google "ban birth control" - learn something)

      I've been doing this for a while, dude. I'm getting tired of going over the same ground. You want the religious argument or the only slightly-religious one?

    3. Or maybe I'll just let the Great One speak for me.

  2. "RN asks... What is unreasonable about 1)..."

    When you've carried a baby to term (or even have the capability to do so) then you get to argue about the rights/duties of pregnant women.

    "As to the extreme view that life begins the second sperm meets egg,"

    If it's a "human life" at 23 weeks, it's a human life at the moment of fertilization. If it's not a human life at the moment of fertilization the argument is sophistry in its lowest form.

    1. Whatever you like denocommie, carry on with whatever your position and proclivities may be.

      As to mine, just disregard. They are much too sensible for you.

      And no, I don't mind at all if you wish to persist with continuing commentary along the far out progressive viewpoint. In the end others will decide. It will be most interesting, if I live another 25 years to know how far towards reasonableness Americans have come, or, how much more deeply entrenched in the extremes they are.

      Have a good day now ya hear?

    2. By the way DC, are you arguing Ayn Rand's perspective? Which essentially was that life begins at cognition.

      Even Ayn was occasionally wrong...

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Americans love to tell people how to live their lives (all sides) that's not a recipe for a free, open, equal society. Since hypocrisy reigns in our politics best we leave these "personal" issues out of politics. Government should have no say in abortion, same sex marriage, etc., etc. Live and let live. Being a "good" American means protecting the free choice of others, even if you have spent a lifetime raging against the choice they make. Sanctity of life is a political decision when left to legislators. Terry Schivo, unwilling to pass laws to curtail 30,000 gun shot deaths per year, slashing programs and increasing starvation and early death due to cutting medical programs, etc.. Where is our guiding "sanctity of life" conviction in those and other political decisions? It's not my business to tell my neighbor what to do with his sperm, or her eggs. Certainly not my governments business.

  4. Simplification and idealization is distortion and applying generalized and idealized "principles" to complex problems is casuistry. There is a large difference between preventing an undifferentiated blob of cells containing a human genome from attaching to a uterine wall and a third trimester abortion of a viable pregnancy -- between a foetus without cognitive or perceptual capability and a "baby" -- and making statements like "it's nobody's business" isn't useful.

    It's akin to claiming that some "crime bill" would have saved thousands of lives without an examination of that bill and the history of other similar bills passed into law or otherwise, isn't useful either. It's a political credo like your "live and let live" statement, with which although I don't disagree in general, I don't think is nearly adequate to solve our problems. Utopian fiction and nostalgia for Neverland and perhaps the reliance upon the ignorant and often incoherent assertions of ancient politicians is not what we need in an ever increasingly complex world where every freedom has to be weighed against the needs and wants of others.

    But yes, I think we should leave each other alone in matters that are none of our business and all we need is some miraculous means of agreement about what those matters are. Jesus may show up soon, arm in arm with Godot and the hidden Imam, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for the reasonableness and altruism of humans.

    1. As her ideas only work in the context of fiction, how do we know fictional truth from actual truth? Same goes for Marxist dialectic. You have to assume what isn't true to make these truisms visible.

      Marx made so much sense on paper and when I was 5 I really thought I could fly if I believed hard enough.

    2. It's the vastness and complexity of government that is the problem. K.I.S.S.

  5. and when it was simpler we had far worse government, sorry to tell you that. I'm old enough to remember and past generations had to put up with what we wouldn't think of enduring or permitting. A facile quip about making things simpler and government more feeble is just that and a desire to evade thought or responsibility and all the while the world is becoming exponentially more vast and complex and less willing to put up with the chaos that comes from fanciful lovers of fancifully simple government.

    New occasions teach new duties and time makes ancient good uncouth. The good old days were a nightmare for most and thank God we can't go back.

    1. If you won't post my reply that proves you are not serious and just a shill for your party talking points. I must have hit a nerve blaming Boomers, which of course you are one. Enjoy your delusion.

    2. There should be a comma after 'reply' and that would be 'party's' talking points. The "which of course you are one" is sufficient to establish you as the product of late century "keep it simple" educational standards -- and as to my math skills and business acumen? You don't want to go there peasant. I didn't release your turd taco here from comment moderation until this morning because I was at the yacht club on my boat and the wifi is unreliable.

      Which of course I am one, dude. I'm older than you think and a damn sight more prosperous. I retired at 55 making 7 figures a year, so think about that on your way to your cubicle today and keep telling yourself it's the "Boomers" and the stupid people like me behind all our troubles, real and imagined -- but of course you learned everything you need to know about history and math and science to be a tea-solon managing that shoe store in Hoboken even if you did have trouble in Elementary school English.

      What a pretentious buffoon. But yes, I'm speaking for a party because you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about? I was quoting Lowell, who the fuck were your quoting? Talking points? What party makes it a point of politely describing casuistry to someone who thinks you can solve everything from the complexities of global capitalism to Fermat's theorem by "keeping it simple?" Kiss my ass, you supercillious nobody. Is that simple enough? That's my talking point, and any more of your cut and paste maledictions will be deleted.

  6. Neither can we get anything done with the complex, corrupt system we have built. It's not working and all evidence proves that. Add leaders that don't lead and we have the train wreck we have. Thanks to the Boomer generation we will leave future Americans broke and limited to the choices they can make for the direction of their government. The fatally flawed selfish cut taxes, but not spending Boomers have voted for, for 30 years, shows a lack of basic intelligence (Math) not a partisan ideology. Congratulations.

    1. That was the mantra in the 1930s. The mantra of the Communists that is, but if you're going to filter your dim vision through a soggy tea bag and simplify your version of everything to the point where shit looks like shoe polish, you'd be better appreciated somewhere else; maybe some low end motel bar that smells like cheese, where tired shoe store managers park their Accuras and Lexuses and down a few before going home to their tacky suburban lives.

      Fuck off and after this you're deleted.

    2. Captain,
      As a birth certificate-carrying member of the Boomer generation, I confess: I forgot to take out the trash last night. I meant to bag the anonymous troll and take it to the dumpster but got way laid last night.

    3. Maybe this Anon is a cousin to the excrement dropping Anon I have to take to the trash barrel multiple times every day.

      Sometimes comic relief breaks up boredom of uneventful days. Other times all you can do is feel sorry for a bloke.

    4. oh, he's still posting, calling me names and hammering on this "boomer" shit which I am not, having been born too early, and for refusing to discuss his talking points -- which of course I have in detail including a grammatical critique. It's a Fox talking point and it's all he has so he keeps repeating the argument he has memorized and raging like a mad dog because he's the only one who thinks he has any argument at all.

      As if "keep it simple" were some brilliant solution to all our problems. And of course if the "Boomers" screwed it all up, maybe it's because we don't have segregation and institutionalized bigotry and oppression of minorities and women the way it was in the good old days. Maybe he wishes we hadn't put an end to the Vietnam conflict. Maybe he wishes to have the 90% tax bracket we had when the generation born in the 1880s and 90's were in power.

      Maybe he's just a pathetic loser parroting some crap he got from Fox and looking for a scapegoat. Shit, he had life handed to him on a platter and it's not good enough. He wants to live in the woods like an animal where everything is simple and you can do what you want until another animal rips your throat out and eats you.

      You can't fix stupid -- you gotta delete 'em.

    5. KISS would be a good theory... if we didn't have 50 states and several protectorates with wildly divergent viewpoints and goals, and an overstuffed military that everybody says needs to be downsized, but nobody is willing to cut. And a crumbling infrastructure that nobody is going to fix for free. And citizens who will die in the streets and spread plague if we don't keep them vaguely healthy. (Can't seem to get more than "vaguely") And oversized conglomerates who feel they can do what they want (and far too often, they're right).

      If we were just the size of Rhode Island, "simple" might work. As it is, nope...

  7. So am I old enough to remember...

  8. Be glad you're young enough that you can remember.


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