Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Some very Special Photos

I really encourage you to go here to see some photos of Klan members going about their daily lives.  Here's a sample- a guy using a shotgun to get a cockroach in his own house:

It really displays what a bunch of degenerate subhumans they are.  Good for a laugh or two.


  1. Hot Damn! There's no accounting for taste...or inbreeding.

  2. My concern goes to the children growing up amongst these people - and their exposure to almost every kind of abuse imaginable.

  3. La cucaracha, la cucaracha
    Ya no puede caminar

    Actually, I'm sure that's an air rifle, although I don't recognize the make. There is a kind that fires tiny shot cartridges, suitable for tiny 'game' like mice and roaches and it's easier than cleaning up the place or hiring an exterminator I guess. After the first few beers, you can even pretend you're on Safari, hunting cape buffalo with your .458 Win Magnum.

    I don't know where this fine example of American manhood and family values lives but we do have a species of roach down here big enough to don white sheets and go to rallies all by themselves. You might could hitch a team of 'em to your plow if'n yer mule's gone lame. Make the gators nervous too.

    Along with the "palmetto bugs" as they're called down here, being a species that thrives outdoors and can't live long indoors, we have far too many people of this sort of 'culture' and they seem to thrive on this level of shirtless squalor, unwashed ignorance and toothless malnutrition. Far too many. It's not the poverty alone. I know people, I have friends - white black and otherwise that make do with almost nothing for a variety of reasons and they're good people, people I can talk to.

    The rural South. I see advertisements for "homes" starting at $500: ancient dilapidated shacks, corroded and septic trailers, half buried in litter and the noisome detritus of impecunious existence. Rebel flags, full body tattoos with Aryan Nation slogans, Klan iconography, lotsa guns, swastikas, fake medieval weaponry -- Did I mention guns? These things they surround themselves with perhaps to make it seem that being a loser, a misfit devoid of prospects is a choice: something worth identifying with, a deliberate, principled opposition to something in our civilization that needs to be opposed.

    And of course, the Klan adds another level to it, but it has a similar function to Southern pride. When you have nothing to shore up any pretense to dignity, you can always make some virtue out of your skin color, some laudable attribute out of your hate. I may be the scion of ten generations of loserhood, but, by God, I'm white!

    Abuse, abandonment, confused family relationships, Methamphetamines, Budweiser, Vee twins and Vicodin -- gross lack of dental hygiene, crime, drunkenness and Republican politics. Look away, Dixieland.

    The degree to which this metastatic subculture has invaded the allegedly wealthiest, most 'advanced' culture on earth is depressing and I can't blame it all on our increasingly stratified socioeconomic spectrum. I think we've inherited it from an era not long gone enough. You find it in the North, but it's much more visible in the south. Old times there are not forgotten, after all.

  4. I wonder what's up with the guy with the crucifix? Don't tell me they're letting Catholics in today!

  5. I doubt it, but it's a very good question, unless the Grand High Bozo in question simply doesn't know what he's wearing. Seeing as the guy he wearing is a Jewish patriot as well, I suspect he doesn't know shit about anything and isn't smart enough to know how stupid he is.

    1. That's funny because when I saw the photo of the initiates with the "knights" they made me think of Catholic bishops.

  6. Seemed more like some Brueghel painting of a medieval nuthouse


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