Saturday, November 30, 2013

U.S. Embassy Moving Outside Vatican City Walls.*** Rightwing Blogsphere and Pundits Go Berserk

***Where it always was.

So the U.S. is closing its Vatican embassy and relocating it outside Vatican City, where it always was, and guess what?

The right wing blosphere and punditry went viral with its misinformation, lies, and outrage.  

See, this is how they operate.  Half-assedly learn something the Obama Administration is going to do, take that half-assed information and apply a nefarious motive to it because OBUMMER!  Spread the misinformation and lies to every corner of the rightwing blogsphere.  Get all paliny over it.  

Rinse.  Repeat.

It's wearying.  It really is.  The U.S. Embassy's Vatican move?  There is no there there.  But apparently it's the default reaction to anything the Obama Administration does.  So the best thing to do is let them have their tantrum, close the door, and quietly walk away.

From Time Magazine website:

"...[F]irst you find all the FACTS, things like: Who, What Where When and Why. Then you report those facts. 

 WHAT: The US embassy to the Vatican is moving. 

WHERE: It is moving from what was a private residence to better secured building that is adjacent to the US Embassy to Italy, - the two will maintain separate entrances on separate streets. Oh, and the new embassy is a tenth of a mile CLOSER to the Vatican than the old one was. (and please note that no country has an embassy inside the Vatican City walls - there isn't room.) 

WHY: Because the new location offers more in place security and we will save 1.4 million a year in lease and operating costs. 

WHEN: the move will occur in 2015. The buildings were purchased several years ago during a different administration. 

WHO: Well, since the buildings were purchased under the Bush 2 administration - you should be able to figure out when the plan to move began and whose State Department initiated it. 

What you don't do is try to blame the current president for closing an embassy that isn't closing or imply that the current embassy is inside the Vatican walls when NO country has an embassy inside those walls.



  1. Smart Bush wants his reward for handing Presidency to Brother!

    On the plus side, perhaps American Catholics will realize that conservatives hate them but enjoy using their votes as a cudgel to enforce their inhuman ideology of Oppression of the Poor, Subjugation of the Working Class, and Adulation of the Rich.

    1. I think you hit all the salient points Gene.

    2. Yes, but there are some people we have to hit as well, or lying SOBs as it were. I'm not as disgusted with the paid political liars as I am with the large number of intellectually lazy people who suck this stuff up and regurgitate it "to break the ice at parties" as the Monte Python people used to say. It's a way to call the hated Kenyan fascist/communist/Muslim/tyrant the N word without having to use it. It's the same kind of human garbage (Glenn Beck) who cook up stories about how Obama murdered the ambassador in Benghazi to hide his funding of the Muslim Brotherhood.

      I share Gene's hope that Catholics will realize that they're being used to divide and conquer - sort of like everyone else.

  2. If it was always outside the Vatican, how can they be closing an Embassy, that is inside the Vatican?

    1. Anon,

      Read the original text:

      "WHERE: It is moving from what was a private residence to better secured building that is adjacent to the US Embassy to Italy, - the two will maintain separate entrances on separate streets. Oh, and the new embassy is a tenth of a mile CLOSER to the Vatican than the old one was. (and please note that no country has an embassy inside the Vatican City walls - there isn't room.)"

      Now, where does it say the old embassy was INSIDE the Vatican? It says the new embassy is A TENTH OF A MILE CLOSER compared with the old one. You have a reading comprehension problem.

  3. Oh, details, details. If Obama is president, every thing that happens is evil. I don't know why you can't understand this.


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