Monday, November 18, 2013

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Hysteria...

for a reality check.

As much as the clown-mouths in the punditry claim the roll-out of the A.C.A. is the end of President Obama's Everything, as much as the sand-brained ninnyhammers hope for the total destruction of the Obama Universe and all of his messiah-worshipping minions, we have news for them:

Na Ga Happen.

Was this a blow to the implementation of the A.C.A.?


Could the roll out have been done better?


Is it like Katrina?  The Iraq War?  Watergate? Monicagate?

No.  No.  No.  And NO!

The TeaPublicans have lost their reason as they pray for the End Times of the Obama Administration. As certain as Radical Redneck will steal or morph into another blog identity,  the TeaPublicans will at some point wake up and realize that this is only the end of the first year of President Obama's second term.  The American people have very short memories.  This bungled kick-off will be forgotten.  The A.C.A. will enroll the number of people it needs to enroll.  The TeaPublicans will continue to obstruct, sabotage, and tell their followers that THIS IS IT FOR OBAMA!  And they'll zombie-follow that narrative as though it were true, until reality hits them between their beady little eyes. Because we know those benighted folks tend to live in an alternate reality where merely wishing for fantasies makes them so.

So for those of us who understand how politics works and how the TeaPublicans will always overestimate their predictions of utter failure and collapse for the opposition, just remember what the estimable Douglas Adams said:

Turn off the noise.  Don't listen to what the flying monkeys are howling about on the teevee; and fer gawdsake stay away from the blogs where the best they can come up with is telling the world that the FLOTUS has a large posterior.  That passes for intelligent political discussion on that side.  No. Really.  What are you worrying about if that's the level of discourse there?  

Washington Post editor Bob Woodward has spoken a small bit of reality and on Fox News Sunday, no less. The pundits are all wrong. ObamaCare isn’t Obama’s Katrina or his Iraq, or even his Watergate (notice these are all Republican scandals that Republicans are dying to falsely equivocate onto a Democrat. 


 According to Woodward, Obama is incompetent (of course), but he had good intentions. “What this is, it’s a mess clearly, but what it isn’t, and I think you have to look at the question of motive. And the President’s motive here, even though there were deep problems with the implementation, he wants to do something good for 30 million people and get them health insurance. 

So this isn’t Watergate, this isn’t Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.”

Yes, we can admit this was incompetence.  Now name a two-term president who didn't run into trouble in his second term.  This isn't like President Ronald Reagan's criminal Iran-Contra scandal where actual laws were broken and where dozens of people in his administration were criminally indicted.  This isn't the sort of incompetency that President George W. Bush presided over where thousands of people died; and this isn't a juicy sex scandal ala President Bill Clinton, either.

Mr. Obama will get through this.  His motives are admirable even if his aides failed him, and he took the blame for it.

It's up to those of us who believe that universal health care is a right not a privilege to counter the unrelenting harpies whose only contribution to helping millions of uninsured and underinsured Americans is to hope for President Obama's health care plan to fail.

We're better than that.  

Much better.

Check this out:

Six Things the Media Doesn't Understand About Obamacare


  1. It certainly was naive of the president to think he could launch a huge new program without problems. Anyone jumping on the "critical" bandwagon, is correct, and ridiculous. Obama's mistake was not planning for the inevitable problems.
    To bad we did not fight for single payer. The glitches would still be there, but we would not have to wait another 50 years to get a program that eliminates the profiteering insurance companies.

    1. Thinking we can make life better for Americans when improvement makes the very rich and powerful feel threatened is perhaps a bigger naivete'

      Anything that makes it harder to exploit the hell out of the 99% -- keep them working their asses off for just enough to survive -- keep them working at lousy jobs because they can't afford to quit and often aren't even allowed to ask "please sir, I want some more." That after all, would be COMMUNISM!

      It would have been hopeless, I think, to get single payer health care past the seven headed anti-socialist dog. It's been a hundred years since they conquered America with their goons and thugs and propaganda and if we ever wise up and take Democracy back I'm sure I'll be long gone. My great grandchildren will be dealing with the same bastards my grandparents fought with.

    2. I am ambivalent. It is what it is or what it will become. The hype, the hysteria, and the misleading comments are ALL BS.

      Time will tell.

    3. I too would have preferred the single payer program and thus join the rest of the enlightened countries of the world. But that is impossible living in the dark ages as we do where folks still can't grasp that all men are created equal although they are always spouting off about the Constitution. I suspect it must be a different one from the one the rest of us have read. And where the fight goes on to deny women the right to control their own bodies. I feel grateful to at least have the ability to get insurance, keep it no matter what I have and no threat of denial for pre-existings. Like RN I believe time will tell.


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