Saturday, February 8, 2014

National embarrassment and publicity hog,

George Zimmerman, has had his pathetic dream of making money off of the death of his victim, teenagerTreyvon Martin, cancelled.

So there's reason to believe there is some hope for this celebrity-crazed culture, and perhaps Zimmerman will finally descend into the ignominy he so richly deserves.

"A victory was earned today for the memory of Trayvon Martin, as promoter Damon Feldman announced today that due to public outrage, the George Zimmerman celebrity boxing match has been canceled."

 Feldman tweeted:

"Featuring George Zimmerman in the ring fighting an African American opponent was an attempt to exploit racial tensions for profit. It was also the height of disrespect to Trayvon Martin. 

Turning a young man’s murder into a cash grab was wrong. Zimmerman said that he would donate his cut of the purse to charity, but he still stood to profit off of the fight. 

It is obvious that Zimmerman is looking for ways to cash in on killing Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman wants to advance his celebrity, and the media attention that he would have gained from this fight would have done exactly that. 

 Only a group of heartless sociopaths could cook up a scheme like this, but hundreds of thousands of people stood up for decency. You said no. You put the pressure on, and you were successful. 

 It looks like George Zimmerman is going to have to get a regular job to pay his bills, because millions of Americans aren’t going to let him make money off of the fact that he shot and killed Trayvon Martin."

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