"Youโve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"
asked Joseph Welch of "tailgunner Joe" McCarthy, for decades the prototype for the vicious, unscrupulous and dishonest Republican Jihadist. The unstated but nearly universally understood answer was "hell no."
McCarthy has been somewhat de-demonized after years of propaganda and revision, but compared to what we had in 1954, at the height of the Communist witch hunt, the wealthy Corporate Political monsters now stomping on America like something from a 50's Japanese monster movie makes those little demons as pathetic as the rubber suited Godzilla compared to the thousand foot tall computer generated version.
But is it surprising that the one thing Foxzilla has to say about the ultra radical (too radical for the al Qaeda leaders) ISIS, now rendering all those dead and wounded and all those spent billions nugatory, is that not only is this not Bush's fault, but Bush foresaw that this would happen if we had some weak, Muslim-smelling, black Communist incompetent like Barack Obama in the White House.
This is how America ends, not with anything but Fox. Of course as any non-Republican -- and by Republican I mean malicious, truth-hating saboteur -- Bush signed off on the pledge to remove troops by 2012 and of course the troops wouldn't have been there but for him and his malicious lies and greed for conquest in the first place. We might not have had the Great Recession either if he didn't lust after the title of "warpresident" he invented for himself but just like that recession that followed his war and deregulation policies, Iraq's inevitable collapse, long predicted by Bush's opponents now becomes Obama's fault and a Republican prediction.
At this point there's little left but gallows humor and bleak despair because we're all idiots, all deranged and all preoccupied with our own petty grievances: missing airplanes, private racist comments by old men. Preoccupied by irrational fear and hog-tied by our own propaganda we just don't care enough to recall the things of only a few years ago and while we natter about like nitwits, we take step after step toward fascism and jingoism and a government of dollars, not men.
I do love reading your posts, Capt. Fogg, but when I'm done, I want to throw myself out my window. (I'm on the first floor, 8 feet above the sidewalk, so all that would result is a broken bone or two, not worth it. However, there is a roof deck.)
ReplyDeleteWingnuttia is claiming the capture of one of the perps of Benghazi is nothing more than a distraction from Benghazi. Or maybe they meant Bergdahl? Lois Lerner? The Birth Certificate?
Maybe the roof deck.
Monica has always been a distraction and even now that nobody cares. The Republicans are all about distraction now that the facts damn them.
ReplyDeleteThat fierce, obsessive, overwhelming desire to believe there's some scandal associated with everything the hated Obama does or doesn't do is so powerful the idiots don't care how self-contradictory it is, but it's our fault that we can't win anyone in the middle over much less the one's on the right. We're all about distraction, obsession and denial when we should should be arguing reality against delusion.
Is Hillary going to make a difference? We can't let the gun-loving minority "terrorize" us she says in an attempt to terrorize us with an obnoxious stereotype and so we have to, she says, reinstitute a ban that had no effect on anything because there were no assault weapons to ban, only things made to look like them. Sure, the true believers will call me a liar, because they're too smugly partisan to listen and they will continue to believe that there are more guns than ever and that shootings are increasing constantly and all because we're as reactionary, as partisan, as unwilling to think as anyone.
Kinda funny shooting yourself in the foot when you're phobic about guns, but dishonesty is dishonesty, funny or not. Obama won in considerable part because, despite the hysteria, he said nothing about guns. Hillary won't put this on the back burner even with all our immediate and massive problems and we we will never win another election as long as we're all about lying for and about gun control and damned little else.
I think optimism is only delusion at this point.