Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Peninsula

In the room, the women come and go
Talking of Michaelangelo

Now is the winter of my discontent made grievously disgusting by the endless moral indignation running from the open tap I call my television. As Richard lamented,  without an enemy to unite against, peace will defeat us, make it impossible for us to live with ourselves, impossible to be part of any good and glorious thing. In fear of  winning, we cultivate and perpetuate outrage.

I flip on CNN just to check the stock market without having to go upstairs where the computer lives, but all I get from the usual sources is a rice storm.  Yes, yes, Ray Rice (I'd never heard of him until he sucker-punched his fiance) is a jerk who should have been punished and probably would sooner have been if his wife had pressed charges instead of marrying him, but apparently his misdeed is symbolic and therefore not to be let go with his having lost a lucrative career in the only thing he knows how to do. He's a symbol of all the men who ever abused a women and carries all their sins.

 Let the witch hunt begin, let the media shitstorm never end (until the next big thing happens) and let's ignore all the things that "alter and illuminate our times" as Walter Cronkite used to say on his long forgotten show You Are There.  No matter what 24/7 news outlet you frequented yesterday you were only where they wanted you to be and for only one purpose:  pump up the outrage, pump up the outrage, pump up the outrage, to paraphrase the song.  The CNN blond bombshell of the day looked apoplectic, slamming her fist on the desk because the NFL hadn't replied to her question the way she wanted, that question being "why didn't you ask for the video from the Royal Casino Hotel?"  The answer that they fully cooperated with authorities in their ongoing investigation isn't an answer because TMZ asked and got material the police didn't release -- or so she says, avoiding the question I would have asked her: why didn't YOU ask for it?  I would have asked her about why we don't hear about the number of  more horrific crimes against women (and men and children) perpetrated at the same time?

Of course we can't ask her nor can we get her to inform us about any of the truly momentous and earth shaking stories that alter and illuminate our times. Things that will go into the history books. We can only go to MSNBC or Headline News or God forbid Fox to hear the same relentless coverage of the same appeals to righteous indignation about the same thing.  The Fox, of course is typically under fire for being typically   dismissive of the charges since the victim married the man rather than sending him to jail, (therefore the is no crime you see) but nothing about the atrocities in Iraq and Syria, the world menace of  militant Islamic extremists, the invasion of Ukraine by a nuke rattling Russia, the danger to Europe the dangers to the world  from anti-science religious and Republican Americans, the impending breakup of the UK,  and all the other events that alter and illuminate our times.

No, all that's important and exclusively so, is that a very rich and apparently violent man punched a woman and dragged her unconscious from an elevator and wasn't punished quickly enough in a world that is spiraling toward mayhem and barbarism and where we're falling further and further behind.

But wait, there's another option right there on my screen -- Al Jazeera.  No, it isn't pro-Muslim, it isn't noticeably biased and it isn't a group of gigglers and snarkers batting their opinions around like Badminton birds -- it's just the news and a hell of  a lot more of it than I'm used to getting.  Yesterday the only news program not chewing on Rice, the only one discussing the relative dangers of ISIS and the Sovereign Citizen movement, even interviewing a proponent of the latter rather than making gross generalizations and offering selected facts and attempting to blame it on Obama.

That, of course,  and the Arabic name as well is enough to make it unwise to cite Al Jazeera in an essay or to bolster an argument in our polarized world of pre-packaged opinion and store-bought personality, but this morning's article about Bullets and Burgers and the American attitude toward guns on their website is the best and most accurate and least biased thing I've yet read on the subject.  

Don't get me wrong, I'm still offering no hope for a bright American future. We will continue to fight like cats in a pillowcase until we're helpless in a world that has no further use for or tolerance of  our stench. Bang? Whimper?  Not really. More likely a lot of screeching about how a thousand dearly beloved causes are being ignored, this faith or that is being offended, this party or the other is ruining the country and trashing its principles and the latest new gollygeewhiz offering from Apple as we fade into self-absorbed irrelevance and oblivion.


  1. I like Rice, when it is the kind one can ingest enjoying a nice spicy hot Indian cuisine.

    Cable news, and not just Fox, has become more entertainment for the wannabe gladiators than presenting factual unbiased reporting. Which is what news is supposed to be.

    My perspective on America's future may not be as dismal as yours. But it is close.

    What bothers me the most is there seems to be a dearth of independent thinkers these days.

    1. Yes, people have been making comparisons with sheep and even lemmings, but I'm beginning to think they're insulting the sheep and lemmings by saying it.

    2. Sheeples do seem to be multiplying in large numbers...

  2. There are so many issues that deserve our attention, our rage our protest. But get off our collective asses set our brains on fire and actually do something? Hell no! Sit in the recliner and yell and rant about that rich football player getting away with...hitting a woman who would later marry him, have a child and defend him in public. What happened that night? Were they both drunk, high or a little of both causing a one off that while disturbing and violent has perhaps never happened again? Is it our business? My question is if the casino had this tape and one of their staff showed up on scene why didn't they just call the cops and let them sort it out? I mean a guest was assaulted and injured. Should he be allowed to go on making millions kicking a ball around? Personally I think it is obscene the amount of money athletes make whether devils or angels. Meanwhile women being abused on a daily basis and constantly in grave danger don't register a blip on the screen.
    I too do not see a bright future for this country and I am open to all offers to move to a deserted island, form a new country with like-minded people, living in a very remote jungle location.

  3. This is the peak of the hurricane season and down here the first thing I do in the morning is look for a weather report. Tuning in to the local Fox outlet, which has about the only local news on the networks, all I had was half an hour of football scandals, baseball and a long piece on the new Iphone and the need to order one today. One of these day's I'm going to get rid of that damn thing.

    Last night CNN had the banner across the bottom of the screen for the longest time asking if ISIS was the result of "Obama's Policies" which as I'm sure you've noticed is the new code word meaning I hate Obama but I don't want to say why.

    ISIS IS THE RESULT OF BUSH'S WAR !!!!!!! Did I say that loud enough? Is anybody listining? Hello.

    Seriously the purpose of the TV is to sell stuff, not to inform. The purpose of Capitalism is to sell stuff. The purpose of the United States is to sell stuff for the maximum profit. There is no other purpose allowed.


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