Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Georgia Senate Candidate David Perdue Wants To 'Prosecute' Democrats:

What would you do to end partisan gridlock and dysfunction in Washington?” asked Georgia Senate candidate Michelle Nunn (D) of her challengers, David Perdue (R) and Amanda Swafford (I). Here is the exchange:
Michelle Nunn: “I think that we do have a very clear contrast in terms of how we see breaking through that dysfunction. I don’t think it’s about prosecuting the other party; I think it’s about problem-solving.”
David Perdue: “I disagree […] When you have a failed presidency, you have to prosecute it.
Why stop there! Let’s prosecute every former president for every official act – good, bad, or indifferent. Let’s prosecute former President Jimmy Carter for the Iran hostage crisis; then charge Ronald Reagan, in his grave, for sending arms to Saddam Hussein. Let’s impeach former President Bill Clinton for one more blowjob; then indict George Bush for a mismanaged war and a broken economy.

Let’s regulate free speech and reign in human rights that have been allowed to run rampant for far too long. Let’s shelve the U.S. Constitution and trade in our dusty old democracy for a used Trabant.

According to the latest polls, David Perdue holds a two-point lead over Michelle Nunn. Do you trust the voters of Georgia to do the right thing? I have reservations – for a permanent residency hotel in Belize.


  1. " Do you trust the voters of Georgia to do the right thing?"


    The Cringe Fringe's solution to gridlock is to criminalize the opposition party? That's something a deeply disturbed mind would propose, and that deeply disturbed mind got the nomination from the GOP in Georgia. George is a GOP red state. Unless some of those GOPers come to their senses, Purdue will win.

    Does anyone think that's going to happen?

    Meanwhile, in a sane state, Massachusetts, the GOP candidate for governor is probably going to win. The very liberal Boston Globe gave Charlie Baker its endorsement. "Liberal" Massachusetts knows how to work with GOPers, this state, this very blue state, has had more GOP governors than it has had Democratic governors. But this is one of those sane states where we know how to work with the opposition, not prosecute it because we don't like it.

  2. By "prosecute" they mean something other than using the legal system to address actual wrongs. Their presumption is that anything Obama does is illegal by virtue of the fact that he's a Democrat and black.

    We've already caught them in an admission that if he succeeds it was too little and illegal and if he fails it's because it was too little and illegal. That the recession is over, employment is higher than it has been since Clinton, deficit spending is down and the markets are up simply don't matter to anyone but honest people. This being American politics, it's hard to find honest people.

  3. It just occurred to me that Allen West, the man who would be my State Senator advocated deporting Democrats, so maybe things aren't as bad as they could have been.

  4. And MSNBC's Steve Benin points out that Boner's June 24th announcement that he's going to sue Obama has come to nothing. Nothing has been filed. Nothing is likely to be filed. Of course the American public only remembers the accusation, there's no need to take a non-existent case to the courts. The "where' there's smoke, there's fire" fallacy certainly works, particularly with the Obama hating crowd.

  5. The politics of deminization, the American way.

    1. demonization... my new smart phone is just too damned smart!

  6. Smoke gets in your eyes. That's a fact. It can render you blind.

  7. I don't know whether it's smoke or something darker from having one's head in an anatomically difficult place. That this is a "failed' presidency" is a meme that started before he actually sat down in the Oval Office and although unemployment is now better than Romney optimistically promised, deficit spending reduced, markets recovered, Oil independence closer than it was 6 years ago, medical costs down along with fuel costs, it seems like all their predictions are criminally stupid. I call it a failed prediction and a failed attempt to disable the government more dangerous than anything Democrats have been accused of. Why don't we prosecute these lying, anti-American bastards? Anyone who tries to cripple Democracy, disable an elected government and lie and buy their way into power is a damned traitor in my book.

  8. I did not vote for Obama either time. My reasons were based solely on philosophical differences. I must say my perceptions as to how he would execute
    the office he holds were as much off the mark as on.

    I still do not believe he will go done in history as an exceptional president but given the mess he walked into and the opposition he has faced he has done a
    reasonably decent job.

    Our democratic republic will function by far better and as intended when the extreme wing of thè republican party and Tea Party wither and fall out of favor.

    We can hope.


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