Sunday, November 9, 2014

Back in the USA

Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller are back in the USA, and perhaps a bit of surprise is in order.  James Clapper, Director of  National Intelligence flew in secret to Pyongyang to bring them home, but of course you'll have a hard time finding mention of that fact on Fox News, who gives sole credit to Dennis Rodman, who claims he begged Kim to release the American Prisoners.  I'm sure he did,  but I'm sure there was a bit more involved in getting them home.  Bae made a public statement thanking all who helped and worked so hard to get him out of  the north Korean prison farm including 

" President Obama and all the people at the State Departments; they working tirelessly hard to get me released as well. "

Fox Sports  mentions only that Clapper, who "reportedly" traveled with the president's "approval" as though he might have done so on his own or at the direction of Dennis Rodman.  That's about as likely as the possibility that any arm of Newscorp would acknowledge anything productive having come out of the executive branch. Better to imply that it was all about Rodman and a presidential adviser acting on his own initiative.


  1. FAUX NOOZ is to news reporting as Sarah "The Drunken Brawler" Palin is to rational thought.

    The entire purpose of FAUX NOOZ is to keep their viewers stirred up like meercats on meth and to remind them that "one of those" is in their White House.

  2. The entire purpose of Hannity, Levin, Trump, O'Reilly, The Five, Fox and Friends etc all. The opinion corps. Having said this I add there some news spots.

  3. Of course the Fox may have shot itself in the paw since they can't complain that the weakling/tyrant Obama "negotiated with terrorists" if he had nothing to do with it. Not that they won't get around to it after the 48 hour memory lapse their followers exhibit.

    Remember when they insisted Obama had to be physically restrained to allow the military to shoot the Maersk Alabama pirates and somebody else had to give the order to shoot Osama? They really don't care whether the story is consistent or even insane. They're preaching to people who crave these stories.


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