Thursday, November 13, 2014

EBOLA! "Hysteria is impossible without an audience."

Cartoon via Jobsanger

The Stupids on the fringes of the GOP, their pols, pundits, and bloggers (and in some cases, mainstream GOPers) were in a bleeding-eyed frenzy a few weeks ago, declaring that WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE OF EBOLA!

That didn't happen of course.  One unfortunate visitor to the U.S. from Liberia did die, and two nurses in the Texas hospital where he was treated, did contract the disease, and, thankfully, were later declared ebola free.  

At this point, there are no ebola cases in the U.S.  So far, so good.

But, the unending coverage by conservative media and internet outlets that served only to make all unthinking people terrified, plus FAUX NOOZ's Cacaphony of Doom increased exponentially as the midterm elections approached.  

One of FAUX NOOZ's resident idiots, Keith Ablow, a disgraced psychiatrist, claimed that President Obama deliberately brought the ebola virus to the U.S. to kill us all because "his affinities are with Africa."  Yes. That perfidious goblin actually said that on the most watched cable news station in America!  

Ebola won't kill us, but the sort of psychotic flapdoodle from Ablow that mentally challenged people listen to and believe will.

“ 'The U.S. is now free of known Ebola cases.'

That’s not to say the threat is over or that the number of domestic cases will remain at zero indefinitely, but Americans can nevertheless feel good about where things stand. 

 A grand total of two people were infected on U.S. soil and they’re now both healthy and out of the hospital. Dr. Spencer was the only remaining patient – he contracted the virus while treating patients in West Africa – and he’s reportedly being discharged from the hospital today (11/11/2014). 

All of this was accomplished without a congressionally imposed travel ban, new border security measures with Mexico, or a series of tents in New Jersey. Indeed, it’s amazing to pause for a moment to contrast the partisan hyperventilating we heard very recently about Ebola becoming “Obama’s Katrina” and an example of governmental “incompetence.” 

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), true to form, started pushing conspiracy theories. 

Rep Peter King (R-N.Y.) suggested the public should no longer trust public-health officials. 

 It was just over a week ago that Sen.-elect Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) went so far as to argue that President Obama “hasn’t demonstrated” that he even cares whether or not Americans get Ebola." 

I don’t seriously expect Republicans to collectively say, “Sorry we tried to scare the bejusus[sic] out of Americans without cause,” but some acknowledgement of the Obama administration’s effective handling of the crisis and the right’s misguided hysteria would be nice. --Steve Benen

Since September 11, 2001, the default reaction to anything that happens in this country is PANIC! Certain elements on the right, with a huge assist from FAUX NOOZ, react to everything with mind-thrashing stupidity.

“Hysteria is impossible without an audience."  ― Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters


  1. A Chicken in every pot, a car in every garage. Herbert Hoover

    We has nothing to fear bur fear irself. FDR.

    A bogeyman under every bed and a scandal every week. Present Tea Party Enthusiasts.

  2. Indeed, the timing was unfortunate. Before the election, sensationalized Faux Nooz accounts of Ebola gave every crapola from Osceola to Pensacola what they needed most: A payola of paranoia to smear and jeer the President this year.

    The election may be over, but not the newest plague of dimwits and dunderheads who will run amok for the next two years. Let freedumb ring!

    If you split the estimated voter turnout of 38%, the latest Republican victory represents a very small minority - less than 20% - of all registered voters. This is no mandate! Furthermore, if you look at the results of Election year 2012, a million more votes were cast nationwide for House Democrats; yet the GOP won a House majority. Why? Redistricting and gerrymandering!

    What we now have is tyranny by apathy, tyranny by chicanery and corruption of our election process, a tyranny of dark money, and a tyranny of incompetence by the opposition party.

    Democracy: R.I.P.

  3. Incompentancy seems to be the norm these days. The system is broken and apparently by design.

  4. Octopus: “… a tyranny of incompetence by the opposition party.

    Here, my purpose is to embellish this earlier comment. How can you expect voters to support a candidate who acts ashamed of his or her own party! This year, all too many Democrats distanced themselves from President Obama. If I were an undecided voter, I would have a hard time finding good reasons to vote for any person who claimed to be running as a Democrat yet didn’t support the president or his policies. These milquetoast toadies even went out of their way to avoid campaign appearances with the president.

    The biggest culprit and hypocrite of all was Alison Grimes who embarrassed herself by tap dancing around this question: Did you vote for the top of the ticket in 2012?

    By all accounts, KYNECT, the Kentucky Healthcare Exchange, has been one of the most successful rollouts of ObamaCare in the nation and popular among voters in Kentucky; yet Grimes missed a golden opportunity to remind voters that KYNECT is ObamaCare. Even her opponent, Mitch “Blobfish” McConnell, extolled the virtues of KYNECT while vowing to repeal ObamaCare; yet Grimes missed this opportunity to make her opponent appear foolish.

    Speaking of political malpractice, no Democratic candidate took any Republican to task for budget cutbacks at the NIH or the CDC that delayed development of an Ebola vaccine. Nor did any Democratic candidate cite new economic data that showed record improvements in GDP and employment.

    Not just political malpractice, but criminal cowardice! When you run and hide from the very same principles and policies you are supposed to represent, you deserve to lose – BIG TIME!

  5. Overheard dinner conversation the other night: " and now we know Obama lied about that Healthcare bill. . ." and another: "why he's left of, of OBAHma!" ( Eisenhower probably was too.)

    And now we know nothing. Virtually everything people think they know is fake and hardly any ever attempt to verify. The "lefties" are chasing their own tail over a thousand issues Obama hasn't solved (and no one every will) and so they won't vote and the Tea Tooters will support a corpse before voting outside the cult.

    And all the while we have Russian bombers with nuclear weapons swarming our coasts, Submarines practicing launching cruise missiles at us, Russia moving heavy weapons into Ukraine and the best financed and strongest terrorist group is poised to take over a big chunk of the Middle East while those fucking Fox Traitors spend all day, every day trying to tell our enemies how weak we are.

    We wouldn't know our enemies if they were right in front of us and they are right in front of us

    Frankly I'm so disgusted with this country I can't bring myself to give a shit this morning. How do you care about a country that spends all its time and money destroying itself?


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