Saturday, May 2, 2015

To Every Thing there is a Season

Well maybe not to everything, but to some things there is a season.  The Flu comes around in the Autumn, at least in South Florida when the tourists arrive with their runny noses. Hurricanes come around in the Summer.  For other things, like bigotry and propaganda however; like ignorance and intellectual laziness it's constant.  Other things come and go but the bullshit never stops.

Got an e-mail today with a massive address list.  It began HOORAY and told the recipients that we had narrowly escaped a fatal attack on the sacred second amendment when the Senate voted down a UN treaty that would demand confiscation of guns.  Of course the Evil Black Man was behind it but we should remember all those Democratic Senators who voted against our divine right to run guns to terrorists and vote them out of office.

Strange to say, that vote was in May of 2013 and unfortunately many of those Senators now have to work for a living.  Did this fabricated charge  help the GOP hijacking of the Senate?  And of course the treaty in question would have no effect on domestic gun laws or rights whatever. It was aimed at restricting international arms trade -- and remember the US is a major player -- to prevent sales to terrorists, insurgents and to countries violating human rights treaties. HOORAY!  Hooray for the liars and Hooray for the damned fools who support them at their own expense because there is nothing too stupid, too dishonest, too ridiculous for the moon motivated morons of America to believe. No conspiracy too unlikely, no slander too foul to attribute to the gun-grabbing, big spending and N**** loving Democrats

You have to wonder who supports arming ISIS or Boko Haram or any such groups, but of course the answer is right in front of us:  the NRA and the GOP and all the ignorant, hate-filled and demented Americans who spread this crap like special sauce on a shitburger in the hope of poisoning Democracy and ousting the Dreaded Black Man in the White House.

Remember when Clinton secretly turned over the command of our armed forces to the UN?  Of course not, because, like all the other lies, slander and libel it wasn't true and so far all the predictions, accusations and "revelations" about Obama have not and likely will not materialize, but when this country finally fails, and the Bible-quoting, weapon-waving big buck barbarians pick over the corpse of American liberty and prosperity who will remember that they supported it?


  1. I agree with Michelle Bachmann on the End Time. Famine, pestilence and war are the three Malthusian forces that will bring on the Apocalypse – all being sound policy platforms of today’s GOP. So I say get rid of health insurance to give pestilence a head start, stop all food production, and start wars wherever you can.

    Speaking of kind, humanoids are a doomed a species, and my kind will be farm-raising your kind in less than a thousand years. There will be no redemption based on Good Works; you will earn a place in Aqua Culture Heaven only if you taste good.

    1. 8 legs good, 2 legs bad -- I think that's how it goes, but I think it refers to tastiness. I have it on good authority that Republicans taste like rubber boots even if you cook them slowly and marinate them overnight.

      No, humans don't merit survival. Elephants might never forget but humans never remember. All the crap about Clinton turning over the armed forces to the UN, about those FEMA death camps being built in the desert, the NAFTA highway between Canada and Mexico, the underground bunkers beneath Philadelphia hiding nukes to be used against us by the UN -- the bullshit never stops. None of the dire predictions about Obama has come true: the double dip recession, the impending bankruptcy, the Death Panels, the massive tax increases, the escalation deficit spending, the adoption of Sharia law. None of it is true but all of it is true in a world disconnected to reality. It hardly matters what you say, true or false or simply demented, it goes on and on and on.

  2. I'll be eating Polvo until my dying day when I go to that final resting place known as the great oyster bed.

  3. O Oysters, come and walk with us!' The Walrus did beseech. A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk,. Along the briny beach


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