Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Wal-Mart will take your guns

And Obama will whistle at the white girls if we don't act now.

Conspiracies certainly occur.  The assassination of Lincoln involved a conspiracy as did the American Revolution, the Russian Revolution and the Babington Plot amongst countless others.  The selling of something as a conspiracy however has been refined to a formula and indeed the absence of evidence seems to make it all simpler.  An observation out of context, a partially true statement or a totally untrue statement loudly asserted is all one really needs to get the theory rolling and momentum creates enthusiasm which creates more observations and assertions the preposterousness of which are enthusiastically overlooked.  The Internet can produce more than enough "experts" to verify or deny anything and hide facts behind a labyrinth of web links.  I remember a certain white coated "doctor" touting a diet pill that proved not only useless but ineffective and dangerous.  How many people bothered to use the Information Superhighway to discover that the man in the medical costume was a Doctor of Marketing from some college you never heard of?

Of course certain observations can assist the necessary triage.  Might the theory have merit or not? Should we bother to investigate or can we reject it out of hand -- or is it obviously true?  One helpful process is of course, to consider the source.  Karl Rove, Glenn Beck, Fox News, Ted Cruz?  No, that sound isn't a truck backing up, it's the bullshit alarm. So far not one of the dire predictions have come true, from the "death panels" to the "double Dip' recession to the Communist Agenda.  Is doesn't seem to matter. "Change you can step in" read the bumper sticker I saw yesterday.  Never mind the recovery, the market highs, the unemployment lows, Obams is a "disaster." He went over there and apologized to them and if you can't see that, you're part of the conspiracy.

Consider the "Jade Helm 15" conspiracy theory.  Do we need to read all the web posts, the YouTube clips to reject it?  Do we need to follow the "arguments," look at the pictures, examine the witnesses? Do seriously think Obama is going to use the military to invade the South?  Is he conspiring with Wal-Mart to grab our guns, swarming up out of underground tunnels pushing Wal-Mart shopping carts?  Ted Cruz seems to doubt it, but as the government is "untrustworthy," we have to give it some credence. Of course when Bush suspended Posse Comitatus and made it legal to use the Army to invade the US, we didn't hear a peep or a whimper, but that's different.  It's OBAMA who is untrustworthy and we know that because Ted Cruz tells us, because the Texas Governor tells us the invasion is imminent The wolf is coming, never mind those ten thousand mistaken cries and when this passes away and nothing comes of it and when the whole thing is denied, there will be no shame and you will believe the next one.

One might consider that since this latest is so similar to the propaganda that reached a crescendo during the Clinton years and has yet to diminish, it has no more merit than the Vince Foster Murder or Clinton's plan to turn the armed forces over  to the UN and furnish them with nuclear weapons stored in tunnels and bunkers under Philadelphia.  I can't list them all but suffice it to say it was all hokum.  Too bad we don't remember and like an old man with advanced dementia, every morning in America is a new day.  You can be wrong every day for 25 years but we will believe you again and again.  Every Democrat is all about inviting the foreigners to take over, to bankrupt us by supporting the "takers" and grabbing our god given guns.  Have we been wading through the bullshit so long we can't smell it any more or is it just so much fun to suspend disbelief?


  1. Frankly, Captain, I don’t know what to say about the “crazy brigade” at this point. No, they are not stupid people; many of them received educations from top schools but pitch their appeals to the lowest common denominator … and no single hypothesis accounts for this madness.

    In part, I blame mainstream media and the Internet. Sensationalized headlines grab public attention; and the lunatic underground is no longer underground when factitious conspiracies turn into newsworthy events. I blame our news media for cowardly succumbing to the idea of “partisan balance” with talking-head manikins spouting bullshit – without fact-checking the veracity of all claims. The result is an “error of the mean” with an emphasis on meanness.

    The Internet serves as recruitment tool for ideologues, zealots, and ISIS terrorists in equal measure. And the classic propaganda technique of repetition serves a nefarious purpose when advertising jingles and partisan jingoism turn lies into truth -- and inflame the passions of angry bumpkins. This, I believe, is the goal of the crazy brigade.

    Thus, we live in an age surrounded by abject dishonesty where truth in advertising is no longer a virtue and the biggest whopper always earns the biggest dividends – time and time again! Whoever wins the repetition war wins the biggest prize: Outlasting and exhausting the competition.

    The “crazy brigade” is good at this game, frankly better at it than honest and reasonable folk. I believe this comment summarizes a new kind of Neo-fascism, and the stakes couldn't be higher.

  2. Those who sharpen the tooth of the dog, meaning
    Death. . .

    You're right, and if you're angry and pessimistic, I think you're right there too. From the beginning, our species has almost immediately turned every new tool and technology into a weapon of some sort, the pointed stick, the cutting edge, fire, the written word. . . The Media, the Internet, are they different? Has giving everyman a voice of his own changed anything ? I think of the dog Nipper, hearing "his master's voice" from the same machine that gave us all Mozart and Bach.

    Things that have potential to save us are turned into objects of fear and loathing, even love itself, even compassion and altruism are demonized, while any lie that is useful to power becomes the truth, becomes morality, the law, the will of God, the deadly sin.

    Optimists ( or is it Octomists?) have been wrong in predicting that all sorts of new things would improve the human condition, but if there's a way to use things to gain power and money it will be done and done fast and we will applaud it.

    There was an eruption of confidence and optimism in 1858 when the first transatlantic cable was finished. It was going to end the misunderstandings that caused wars, but it ushered in a new era of more and bigger wars. The internet, the great grandchild of telegraphy, is doing the same thing: obscuring truth, creating lies, fomenting rage and misunderstanding and manipulating us with superstition and hoax and fraud, setting us against each other for the profit of a few. Soothing us and diverting us with entertainment when they want us to look the other way, addicting us to the very thing that leads us down the road to hell. I've long said there is no
    God but God in man and if that's true it's just as much so of the Devil.

    For a chance at money and power, we destroy the world. Serving safety, we perish, seeking certainty we lie.

    Those who glitter with the glory of the hummingbird, meaning
    Those who sit in the sty of contentment, meaning
    Those who suffer the ecstasy of the animals, meaning
    Death. .


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