Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Not all Donalds are Ducks

Some are just Schmucks.

The antics of Donald Trump make for good TV. That has been true for much longer than we've had to see him posing as a presidential candidate. It's hard for the tired and cynical public to get away from him but of course it's hard for the GOP to get away from him too.  It's amusing to watch the Machine try to put a gilt frame around him, because while stirring up the muck and the creatures that live in it is what they excel at, those creatures can none the less be quite offensive to some of the people the GOP would like to court:  Like Mexicans and voters who don't fear immigrants quite enough.

One of the memes that seem to bear the SKU of  Rove and Co. is that "the Left" is overly concerned and perhaps running scared of Donald.  It seems to be popping up on blogs all over the place as planted memes, buzzwords and Tea Party tropes do.  I find it puzzling since I don't know anyone who thinks Trump is a serious contender. I admit watching the coverage the Chump gets, produces a certain existential angst, a concern that such a character from a cheap, sophomoric farce could be happening in the real world,

The only thing I fear is that by distracting us from the real problems here on Planet Earth that need to be addressed, the entire campaign can continue to be a cheap, sophomoric farce concerned only with the fears of Xenophobes, Homophobes, Crusaders for God , Guns and extremists of all sorts. To be sure, I sense a sort of Newtonian opposite force as well, but it's harder to find a single Democratic clown who embodies all the neurotic and extremist views of the always embattled Left. Please pardon me Mr. Shakespeare for saying this again, but methinks the Republican Lady doth protest too much. Trump is only worrisome in as much as he distracts from the horrible recent history of the Republicans, their "leaders" and the damnation they dearly deserve.

The facts alone provide damnation enough for GOP economic policies,  They gave us massive unemployment and negative job growth for 8 years, exploding debt and deficit spending and of course their deceitful propaganda campaign, their gross lies and appeals to Chauvinism gave us the longest and most expensive war in American history and a war we quite dramatically lost and all with no attempt to pay for it.  They allowed the profiteers for the most part to avoid taxation while providing the madmen who rushed into the power vacuum sufficient cash, weapons and equipment to destabilize a sizable part of the world and continue the gruesome slaughter of innocents.

Donald Trump is there to prevent such thoughts from getting in the way of  the attempt to begin act two of Armageddon, but making him seem like a hero to those who hate Liberals isn't enough.  He needs to be his own opposite so that all bases can be covered and pay no heed to the contradiction. Republicans as it appears,  are totally blind to contradiction when it provides them with the rage-fix they crave; when it provides them the juice that makes them feel smart, superior and powerful -- when it feeds the Denialism and love of conspiracy theories.

Donald Trump, you see, is a  Democratic plant.   Perhaps it's true that he creates such loathing in non-Republicans that it would draw the notoriously non-voting single purpose Democrats to the polls, but once he fades away, and he most assuredly will, he will pass and be forgotten like the rest.  Someone like Jeb will be waiting, made more credible and trustworthy in comparison to the circus clown in the ratty wig -- someone ready to give us a more economically divided America, another economic collapse and another opportunity to revel in contempt for science, objectivity, and prosperity for those whose names don't end in INC.  Perhaps yet another opportunity to support our troops in yet another hopeless military enterprise?


  1. Trump and Cruz are meeting in NYC today @ Trump Towers. Mum is the word and as of now nobody is talking about the purpose for the meeting. It's anyone's guess but I sure do have my wheels spinning. As I said though, mums the word.

    1. Well in the absencec of evidencec we can be certain they're up to no good. Who knows who else is in on the meeting? Could be anybody, therefore it IS the Iranians and the Illuminati -- maybe even the Rotarians, who knows?. Since I have no evidence whatever I can be certain they're planning a coup ( or maybe a Sedan)

      I need to finish my bunker. The apocalypse is upon us!

  2. According to a recent Gallup poll, national voter registrations currently stand at 43% Dem and 39% GOP. According to a CNN survey, the Dumpster leads the GOP rat pack with 17%.

    What is 17% of 39%, you ask? Exactly 6.63%! Ordinarily 6.63% amounts to nothing, little more than statistical error, the incidence rate of raving psychotics roaming our streets. Why this outsized influence of a teensy weensy minority, you ask? I used to blame mainstream media for reporting every outrageous remark as a major news event, for engaging in sensationalism, and fitting microscopic intellects into giant clown shoes.

    I stopped blaming candidates and stopped blaming the news media. This year, I blame the goddamn stupid electorate for electing losers and fixating on clowns.

    What else did I learn from Gallup polls? Flat earth believers still number over 24%, 40% still think the sun orbits the earth, and 48% still believe the world is less than 6,000 years old. What else did you expect from a tribe of language-enabled troglodytes?

  3. I'm convinced the public is stupid, ignorant, lazy and irrational and like it that way. Who can blame Fox or CNN or anyone else from getting rich giving them what they want. We all know that most of these "candidates" are idiots and probably neurotic but why wade through Strindberg when you can see a Punch and Judy show?

    I heard someone say they didn't quite believe the Apollo 11 pictures, because, after all, who was taking them?
    Stupid, stupid stupid and no candidate, no idea and no argument is too stupid to be believed - and fanatically.
    America has always depended on the wisdom of the simple minded and it won't end with a whimper but with a "duhhh"

  4. "Donald Trump, you see, is a Democratic plant."

    That's curious because I always thought he was a Republican plant.

  5. Oh, I forgot to tell you that it's also YOOOOOGE!

  6. Cenk Uygur responded to Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo's “The Democrats planted Trump to be ‘dumb’ and racist’ thereby attracting the ‘dumb’ and ‘racist’ of the Republican party.” by asking “If they didn’t have ‘dumb’ and ‘racist’ voters, wouldn’t this plan fail?”

    Another "Duh" moment for Florida Republicans? It's getting so you don't hardly notice the stupidity any more, but Florida Republicans are so goddamn blindly partisan, even if they recognized the self negating arguments they would still vote for the bastards who are screwing us blind. It's an admission that the GOP is the party of racists.

    I hope this sort of thing is a sign that the remaing Republicans with more than two digit IQ's are starting to wake up and smell the bullshit.

    1. If Trump is a plant, I think it is far more likely that he is a republican plant to make the other republican extremists look moderate.

    2. A plant for sure, but I'm thinking turnip here

    3. Or maybe more likely a skunk cabbage..


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