Sunday, July 12, 2015

Whatever happened to Trump University?

The Republican party has been trying to reach out to the Hispanic community to garner votes, and it's been a struggle for them. A struggle that Donald Trump made worse two weeks ago, saying that all illegal immigrants were drug dealers, rapists and criminals. ("And some, I assume, are good people," he grudgingly added.)

The Hispanic community was understandably outraged. And Trump, as he does, refused to back down from those statements.

Obvious anagram Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, had to call Trump to tell him to tone down the rhetoric, because it was hurting the Republican brand. That's not likely to work - whether it was negative or positive attention, he got attention for his remarks, and that's what Trump lives for.

(On a side note, who was the first person to call him "Obvious anagram Reince Priebus"? Because I'd like to shake that guy's hand.)

Donald Trump has been called "the id of the Republican party," which is accurate enough. He is the embodiment of the basic, instinctual drives of a person, the reptilian forebrain slipped into human skin. But more than that, he is also the Ego of the Republican party. By any definition. He is a self-serving, self-centered evangelical preacher of the Word of Trump. He, himself, is the center of his entire universe, and nothing is more important to him than building himself up, so that others can marvel at how important he is.

Trump feels the need to keep reminding people that he's "really, really rich." Well, of course he is: his father was a multi-millionaire real estate developer. The children of rich people tend to be rich, too.

The man who's filed for bankruptcy four times wants us to trust him with America's economy. That seems like an obviously stupid idea to anybody who thinks about it, but Trump is trusting most of America to be as stubbornly ignorant on as many subjects as he is. (And sadly, that may be a good bet.)

The man has had to close or sell off almost as many casinos as he's opened. And it's really hard to lose money with a casino. But it's easy to set up a scam, isn't it?

People, it's only been two years. Has everybody forgotten that Donald Trump got sued by the State of New York for a scam called Trump University?
The lawsuit, which seeks restitution of at least $40 million, accused Mr. Trump, the Trump Organization and others involved with the school of running it as an unlicensed educational institution from 2005 to 2011 and making false claims about its classes in what was described as “an elaborate bait-and-switch.”

In a statement, Eric T. Schneiderman, the attorney general, said Mr. Trump appeared in advertisements for the school making “false promises” to persuade more than 5,000 people around the country — including 600 New Yorkers — “to spend tens of thousands of dollars they couldn’t afford for lessons they never got.”

The advertisements claimed, for instance, that Mr. Trump had handpicked instructors to teach students “a systematic method for investing in real estate.” But according to the lawsuit, Mr. Trump had not chosen even a single instructor at the school and had not created the curriculums for any of its courses.


The inquiry into Trump University came to light in May 2011 after dozens of people had complained to the authorities in New York, Texas, Florida and Illinois about the institution, which attracted prospective students with the promise of a free 90-minute seminar about real estate investing that, according to the lawsuit, “served as a sales pitch for a three-day seminar costing $1,495.” This three-day seminar was itself “an upsell,” the lawsuit said, for increasingly costly “Trump Elite” packages that included so-called personal mentorship programs at $35,000 a course.
The details of this story kept getting more and more bizarre as press conferences were held and details were leaked.
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman says many of the 5,000 students who paid up to $35,000 thought they would at least meet Trump but instead all they got was their picture taken in front of a life-size picture of "The Apprentice" TV star.


The lawsuit says many of the wannabe moguls were unable to land even one real estate deal and were left far worse off than before the lessons, facing thousands of dollars in debt for the seminar program once billed as a top quality university with Trump's "hand-picked" instructors.
(More details can be found here and here.)

There is very little in Donald Trump's business dealings that aren't self-serving, shady, or both. This might make him the perfect Republican, but it would make him a very, very bad president.


  1. Trump knows "The Stupid" are easy to dupe. That's why he is a GOP candidate.

  2. Trump is a bombastic self serving blowhard without a doubt. As well as an acidic and corrosive presence. But I am going to replay the full remarks as I don't recall him saying ALL illegals.

  3. The word "bizarre" is bound to come up when discussing Trump and it begins with his appearance. Mr. Business genius has gone bankrupt how many times? 4, I think.

    All he has to offer, I should think, is to be able to make GWB look like the second worst president instead of the worst. Of course reason, honesty and decency having already taken the last stage out of Dodge, America is ready for Trump. Perhaps Trump U will drag him down again, maybe if we're lucky put him in jail sparing this self-destructive land from the consequences of its idiocy.

  4. Here's Trump's exact quote:

    "When Mexico sends its people," Trump said during his presidential announcement, "they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."

    "...and some, I assume, are good people..." He's not even sure. He's just assuming some are good people. That's what he said. He did not say SOME are bringing drugs, crime, and they're rapists. He was wrong, but Trump doesn't care about truth, just getting attention. And he certainly got that.

    I would be very suspicious of his "I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting" statement. Remember this is the clown who, in the last presidential election cycle, told America that the people he sent to Hawaii were finding amazing things about President Obama's birth certificate. Trump never shared those "amazing things" with the country because he was full of bullpuckey then and is full of bullpuckey now.

    I believe "obvious anagram, Reince Priebus," was coined by Charlie Pierce of Esquire.

  5. I, unlike the Trumpster, won't presume what he meant by his phraseology. I accept his clarifications that followed.

    As for the birth certificate thingy... dead issue. Just as is Trumps claims about the same died.

    The left's fixation on this zipwad belies a certain trepidation methinks.

  6. Trepidation? TREPIDATION?!? Try delight!

    I'm HAPPY Trump's in the race! Christ, the comedic possibilities are endless! I want him to stay in until the debates, just to see him and Chris Christie shouting at each other while the others are trying to look dignified and figure out how to jump in at the same time.

    Donald Trump is a bloated gasbag, but he strikes a chord deep in the hearts of the worst of the uneducated teabaggers. If he stays in and fails the primary, he's GOING to run as an independent, just based on his early successes. At which point, he'll Nader us a victory.

    And if the Right loses its collective mind and nominates him... hell, Hillary will tear him apart.

    Either way, Trump in the race is great for the Democratic Party.

    1. He's right behind count Jebula, but I fear he does serve to make Bush III see, almost a reasonable choice. He makes my dog seem to be a reasonable choice.

    2. You got your wish, Nameless. So far the Trump parade is proceeding just as you predicted.

  7. There are far more problems with Trump's defiant statement than I have seen discussed here or elsewhere.

    The first and most glaring is its complete and willful ignorance. Not everyone has access to the most important information in the northern hemisphere. But it is out there if you are smart enough to look for it.

    Mexico is not "sending" anybody. A growing proportion of immigrants from Central America are children and youth who wish more than anything in the world to be reunited with their parent or parents who have gone on before them. Pay attention!

    There are so many other more obvious examples of Trump's criminal stupidity. I won't waste anybody's time here on something so trivial.

    1. Mexico is not "sending" anybody.

      Point taken. The people who come here are self-sent as economic refugees escaping poverty and privation. The children who come here, in addition to those trying to reunite with families, are sent by their parents to escape street crime and gang violence.

      Then, of course, there are the “Dreamers” who were brought here as children, know no other country, and are no longer conversant in their native language. To repatriate these “adult children” would be tantamount to making them stateless.

      Not all immigrants from Mexico are people. How about the countless Chihuahuas who never raped anything larger than a Cocker Spaniel!

      And let’s not forget automobiles assembled in Mexico and shipped back to the US of A. Did you ever read anything about a Ford raping a Buick? Of course not!

    2. "Did you ever read anything about a Ford raping a Buick? Of course not!"

      No, but my Chevrolet has blown off plenty of Fords at the drag strip

  8. Rather than the nation having a rational, coherent, positive, and productive discussion over how to SOLVE the very real immigration problem {which is not new} we ralking about Donald Trump and hot gas.

    Go figure.

    1. Hot gas serves a useful purpose. Remember the von Hindenburg? Kabbom! No more balloon buffoon!

    2. It will be fun watching Von Trumpston sell destruct {kaboom}.

      While waiting real solution should dominate. Right now however Von Trumpton is controlling debate and growing support.

    3. Oh, I'm sorry. You want a SERIOUS discussion? We're just talking shit about Trump over here.

      Solving the "immigrant problem"? That one's easy. Enforce the current laws that are being ignored, and increase the fines. For every undocumented worker found at a business, the business owner is fined $100,000 dollars. And send INS around on inspections once a month to any business that has ever been caught.

      Sure, deport the ones you catch, but don't make them your primary target - business owners are. Make it economically unfeasible to pay undocumented workers under the table. Soon enough, there will be no jobs for them, and they will stop coming. That's a basic fact.

      Of course, you have to accept the fact that either your fruit will cost five to ten times as much or you'll be watching your harvest rot on the trees (like Georgia in 2011, when they "solved" the immigrant "problem"). Actions have consequences.

      There isn't an "illegal alien" problem, there's a gray-market job problem. They aren't coming to "get free stuff" like the GOP likes to say. They're coming to make a better life for themselves.

      There. Problem solved. Happy now?

    4. Can we put Trump and Serious together in teh same sentence without some sort of nuclear reaction? Good point about Georgia. I was just reading about Australia where they're desperate for immigrants because they've found that immigrants boost the economy.

  9. Trump University is not the only scam on the résumé of Donald Dumpster.

    The Dumpster is known for licensing his name, and investors fall sucker to this ploy. It happened in 2005 when 180 investors forked over cash on a real estate deal in Fort Lauderdale, Flori-duh. This is what the advertisement said: Trump International Hotel and Tower. Except for the fact that the Dumpster had no ownership role, no planning role, and no management role in the project: Only his name.

    The man behind the project was Felix Sater, a convicted felon who had just pleaded guilty in a $40 million securities fraud swindle involving the Mafia. The Dumpster withdrew his name from the project only after he stopped getting paid.

    This was not the only business venture between the Dumpster and Felix Sater. Two others had also gone sour.

  10. George Bush would love Trump to become president. Then he would only be the second worst president in the history of the U.S.

  11. There have been as bad. Buchanan, Pierce, Grant... have me time I could likely think of more.

    1. I do hope this will remain a moot question. I don't want to find out the hard way what a disaster he would be. Of course there's always New Zealand

    2. Of course there’s always New Zealand" (Captain Fogg).

      There’s also Pluto. Last night while trying to fall sound asleep, a voice came to me and said:

      "There's other intelligent life in the Universe."
      "Why haven't they contacted us," I asked?
      "Because they're intelligent," said the voice.

      Thus, on good authority, I learned of extra-terrestrial beings whose abilities far surpass those of humanoids (listed in alphabetazoid disorder):

      Amoeboid Zingatularians
      Brontitallians (evolved into birds to render shoe shops obsolete)
      Dolphins (above humans but below mice in intelligence)
      Hingefreel (invented spaceships powered by bad news - the only thing that travels faster than light)
      Hrarf-Hrarfy (only known race to actually to enjoy hangovers)
      Silastic Armourfiends of Striterax
      Strangulous Stilettans of Jajazikstak
      … as examples.

      Since it takes over 4 hours for the New Horizons signal to reach Earth, I can now report on the newly discovered mutterings of the Mattress People who complain about dirty humanoids barging into their bedroom space:

      You humanoids are nothing more than havens for dander and body lice and nocturnal emissions. And let’s not forget the mess they made of their own planet – full of plastics, PCBs, space junk and other craperoo left behind wherever they go. Be gone, you filthy critters of planet dEarth!

      Suddenly the normally docile and dimwitted Zem piped in and globbered:

      Vogonci. Ne bi ni prstom makli ak ni da spase vlastitu baku od pro_rdljive bubozdrobne zvijeri s Traaala bez nare enja u tri primjerka, preporu_eno poslanih s povratnicom, poslanih natrag, tra_enih, izgubljenih, prona_enih, podnesenih na javnu raspravu, ponovno izgubljenih i kona no pokopanih u mekom mo varnom tlu i recikliranih kao upalja!

      As you can see, meeting aliens in space is a lot like talking to Republicans on Earth, and it always boils down to a matter of us versus Zem.

      There’s only one way to deal with Mattress People and Republicans. You gotta be FIRM (and teach them to hold their Temper-Pedic)!

    3. Vogon poetry, even in Croatian it's terrible. I wouldn't lift a finger to save it from the fire either and fire, you know is the best way to get rid of bedbugs.

      Burning, burning, burning
      O Lord thou grossest me out.

  12. I think what Trump exposes in the Libertarian segment of the Rubican party is the lack of rationality driving the movement. Every such movement embodies change, either driven by the forces of enthalpy or entropy. When fixated mental states are better or more widely accepted than naturally creative ones, it is a sign of a failure of base principles, and a substitution of material self benefit over such immaterial broader based concepts. The one thing they do to get the tweeners, is to obfuscate the broader arguments, saying one thing and doing another....afterall, there's an election to win.


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