Tuesday, August 11, 2015

This Is the Best News Heard Today!...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth


Mr. Bluster, aka The Donald has slipped from  27% support among likely GOP primary voters in late July to 17% support at present according to the most recent Rasmussen poll of likely republican voters.

While still leading, trump's lead is being threatened by Carly Fiorina who performed well during last Thursday second tier republican debate. Her post debate appearances and comments have been viewed very positively as well and have her at  9% support tied with Governor Walker. Senator Rubio and Governor Bush are tied in second place at 10% support.

Donald Trump remains the leader in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, but his support has fallen by a third over the past week-and-a-half. Carly Fiorina is now near the front of the pack.  
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds Trump with 17% support among Likely Republican Primary Voters, down from 26% in late July before the first GOP debate.  Senator Marco Rubio and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush are in second place with 10% support each, in a near tie with Fiorina and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker who both earn nine percent (9%) of the likely primary vote. 
Next with eight percent (8%) come retired neurologist Dr. Ben Carson and Senator Ted Cruz at seven percent (7%). (To see survey question wording, click here.)
 Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and the candidate generally viewed as the winner of the B-level debate last Thursday evening, has jumped eight points from one percent (1%) support in the previous survey. [Because there are 17 candidates in the Republican contest, Fox News broke them in to two groups: the top 10 pollwise who appeared in a 9 p.m. Eastern debate and the remaining seven who debated earlier that evening.]  
Rubio has doubled his level of support from five percent (5%) in late July. Carson has gained slightly. Walker has fallen back five points, while support for Bush and Cruz has held steady.  
The national telephone survey of 651 Likely Republican Primary Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports on August 9-10, 2015. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 4 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Fieldwork for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.  
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, who ran for the GOP nomination unsuccessfully in 2012, also lost ground among likely primary voters, falling from seven percent (7%) support to three percent (3%) now.  
Interestingly, slightly more voters are now unsure about their vote. Seven percent (7%) were undecided a week-and-a-half ago. Now after the debates and the resulting news coverage, 11% feel that way.
While holding out hope the GOP returns to a reasonable level of sanity, and offers a rational alternative coming out of their convention to counter the likelihood  of an HRC candidacy in the general it is still too early to predict.

Full Rasmussen poll BELOW THE FOLD.


  1. It's nice to see favorable republicans get a little traction. I think most reasonable people can be on board with a little bump for Rubio and Fiorina. It's also nice to see JEB take a little hit, because he's not necessarily a good guy. As governor, he signed "Stand Your Ground." He also wishes to eliminate or replace Medicare. Huckabee is like a Twilight Zone episode. His face is starting to look like the ugly mask that he wears as a social conservative. Walker looks doofy on camera, a little bit like an Alfred E. Neuman with close-set, stupid eyes. But his silly smile doesn't belie his Koch brothers agenda.

    No one can win without the female vote, so there isn't too much to worry about with the playground bully. He threw it all away in one breath. Thank Goddess! All of you comedians who keep saying "Run, Donnie, run!" will have to come up with a different strategy for a democratic victory.

    The funny thing is the only thing that really matters as far as saving the world is to prevent a republican president from working with a republican-controlled congress. So let's hope that the democrats can inspire some good turnout or we are all finished.

  2. The only good thing about Trump the Rump running is it highlights quite vividly the conservative and right libertarian nuts that have turned the GOP into a circus tent.

    Your characterization of Huckabee, and Walker is amusing. J. Bush would make three and dynasty just doesn't cut it in America.

    Divided government is my preference and given
    the current political environment it is hard to argue your closing statement. So I hope Jim
    Webb or Martin O'Malley gets some real traction because HRC is not someone this dude would consider.

    It would not be a bad thing if the congress were split and a moderate rational republican held the oval office.

    Who knows maybe Sanders will be the next George McGovern.

    1. Let's hope Sanders is NOT the next McGovern. McGovern got his ass handed to him in the election.

    2. It is a possibility Jerry as we've noted elsewhere. It remains unlikely America is ready for a democratic socialist at this time in its history. Four years (or eight) of a trump, Walker, Carson, or Cruz and it very well could be ripe for one.

    3. If there's enough left of the country to save. It may be two countries or the Corporate Republic of Kochistan by then. I'm with you in hoping for a credible, trustworthy intelligent, patriotic Republican candidate not more interested in pleasing Big Business and Big religion than anything else.

      I'm going to hold my breath now until that happens.

  3. Replies
    1. Like that self defense bill, it's opposed in inverse proportion to how far it's bee read. Restoring seized bank accounts will not hasten nuclear development and it's based on inspection, not trust. Impede inspections and sanctions come back. The entire world sees this but republican eyes can't see past the Obamahate. Does anyone not know for a fact that they'd declare this evening if Obama said Good Morning?

      Inspections of course are a sore subject with the Stupid Old Party since in the case of Iraq, the inspectors were right and Bush & Blair knew it and admitted they knew it. Freedom Fries, my ass.

  4. Samore's reasoning for a flip to supporting the deal with Iran is sound. The purchase of time, snd the fact the deal gives us the moral high ground should break the pact is worth a great deal.

    At least Sanders is an honest person. There is no doubt where he stands. His democratic socialist beliefs are also less radical (off the wall) than some of the big spending social conservatives that populate the GOP wingnut brigade tthat I running for s chance to occupy the Big Chair in the White House.

  5. Jeb Bush. One of the only things he did that I approve of was to sign that much lied about SYG bill. I haven't heard one opponent describe it correctly. But other than that, as Florida Governor, he bloated the budget 27%, banned use of public funds for stem cell research, ordered feeding tube reinserted into Terry Schiavo and harassed her family, defunded abortion counselling, saying "No need to teach about abortion if we have moral absolutes" defining moral absolutes as what the preachers say.

    He backes letting businesses discriminate for religious reasons becuase protections for gays is "elevating sodomy" Made a lot of money personally from Enron (like his accursed brother) while the state lost 300 million.

    He's supported th eelectric chair, more private prisons, harsher sentences, fewer appeals from the death sentence. He opposesany deal with Iran Obama ever makes and wants to strengthen embargoes on Cuba -- and all this is a tiny selection. Sure, he's not 100% against every thing I support but he's close enough to seem like a whore with his lips around the same appendages engaged in raping truth and justice in America.

    1. All is true of the Jebster as you say. I never really bothered to focus on all that for myself because dynasty just doesn't work for me regardless. I pretty much agree with Washington and succeeding presidents, up until TR and FDR.

    2. I think I'm hearing that from others inclined to vote Republican. Three Bush's kind of smells a bit third world -- like the three Kims from North Korea


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