Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bubh a Buh Bye, Speaker Boehner!

Given an inch, Paul Ryan just became new House ruler.  May the Great and Mighty Cthulhu shed His grace on thee and and drown this hood for the common good ... and all that nada dada.  


  1. He could use an inch. Theory is that he's only got one as it is and that explains his attitude. I'm hoping there has to be a limit beyond which the public will wake up and smell the evil and vote the bastards out.

  2. I trust no politician. Period. It's a vote for a lesser of two evils. Either way the people are screwed.

    Someone should run on a "Beer, Pot, and Fun For All" ticket.

  3. My fellow Americans. . . I'm here to declare my candidacy. . . .

  4. His election should mean nothing, since the budget and cap battle should be over until 2017. Especially if he keeps the Benghazi and anti-Science Committees actively witch-hunting. For all his gee let's kumbya talk when accepting the speakership. Shuttering those committees' anti-American activities would be the only way to demonstrate it.


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