Thursday, November 5, 2015

Uncle Sam's Lobotomy by Clay Bennett


  1. Lobotomy doesn't leave a scar - it's done through the eye socket, but Doctor Ben sure talks as though he is either heavily medicated or has had brain damage. I'm probably stretching my impressions past the point of objectivity, but what I sense is an attempt to hide the absence of conscience. His fabricated story for instance about being held up at gun point and telling the attacker to go after the man behind the counter. Jesus - why is no one faulting him for that? I wouldn't trust that creep enough to let him into my house much less into the Presidential Mansion.

  2. Dr. Ben was s respected and accomplished brain surgeon, he should have retired from surgery and turned to teaching aspiring brain surgeons.

    It is unfortunate that Dr. Ben turned his sights to politics that eventually lead him to enter the race for the GOP nomination. He soon figured out that pandering to the Tea Party mentality and extreme right wing dogmatism would move his candidacy forward and give him the best shot at securing the GOP nomination.

    What concerns me the most is his willingness to lie at will and his ease at which he does so. All politicians engage in mixture of truth, partial truth, and an occasional untruth, but Dr. Ben has found a home in the area of partial truth, untruth, and pants on fire. For this every thinking individual should be very concerned.

    To be fair The Donald is at least as big of a liar and Huckabee is right behind with Christie working to catch up. Sad is the modern present day GOP/Tea Party.

  3. He is the last brain surgeon I would seek even for his expertise. I'd worry he'd be interrupted by his Id while performing the surgery.

  4. Perhaps. Fortunately you'll never have to worry about finding out.

  5. This just in: Dr. Carson admits to thoughts of teen violence … such as an attempted stabbing and wanting to hit his own mother with a hammer. Yup, sure would make a great president.

    Next candidate …

    If You Think Donald Trump Sounds Like a 4th Grader, It’s Because He Does, by Carey Wedler. Here’s the quote that caught my attention:

    “If you think about the tweet, the tweet is short,” he explained. “The candidate who shows they can punch as much as they can in that short time form gets their message out.” His assessment is supported by a recent study that found the average human attention span is now eight seconds — one less than that of a goldfish [my bold].”

    You can download the research report on attention-deficit goldfish here.

    Yup, let’s close both borders. Did you really expect more from a Newfie!

  6. Why did he retire from brain surgery at age 50? Wouldn't he want to be productive just a little longer?

  7. Stressful job? Shouldn't that tell everyone something?

  8. I'm sure surgery is stressful, not at all like being president of the US. Of course, after he loses he might just claim he actually won. That fits into his other descriptions of his past

  9. My first cousin, Victor, is a former neuro-sturgeon. Retired early. Now a raving, stark mad Tea Party fanatic. Must be an occupational hazard.


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